Question Bacon
Heres the scenerio (dates are fictional =P. Americans funniest might not have been the original show.. what do i know)
Americas Funniest home videos is on the air in 1985. It has great success. The world has never seen a show like this before! Clips! Bob Saget making funny remarks! Funny voices during the videos! OH MY! The innovation!!
Its 2005. Americas funniest home videos is amazing everyone and still having great success! Then comes Dave Coulier with a wonderful idea. Why doesnt HE just make a show thats pretty much the same.. except put in HIS OWN silly voices during the video! He can call it Americas Funniest PEOPLE.
Do you think that Americas Funniest People is a ripoff?
Edit.. I probably sold AFP short. They added the jackelope and a chick cohost. Question still stands