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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


So the next MGS on the 360 is no big deal? If the next Gears is on the PS3 will these same people say it is not a big deal as well?


Neo Member
Cosmozone said:
I'm interested if there's depth recognition, that would put it actually on top of M+, but I think there isn't..

You could see there was in the video… People were pushing forward to do things.

Thats why it has two cameras and is not just an EyeToy.


JimtotheHum said:
it was alright.

I love the fact that they started the press conference with an overpriced skateboard peripheral and then ended it with a video of a kid showing you that you dont need it at all-

This :lol :lol


chubigans said:
Man Gary, I just dont understand how you can say this. It was a great conference, but nothing truely surprising, and more than half of it not coming out this year.

Meanwhile Sony has new hardware and potentially a price cut with some of their top tier franchises. They could potentially do really awesome tomorrow.

Why would PS3 owners be excited about a price cut?


Not for nothing but where are the fanboys that say "wait till E3 and MS will unleash all their new games! Sony is retarded for leaking everything early!"

Most games that we saw today, we knew about and MGS announcement was expected. Only thing new was the new Social stuff and the camera tech. Im not saying those things weren't impressive but where are the games? Like I said b4, MS had a solid showing and believe Sony/Nintendo cant top it since all the E3 talk will be the new camera tech MS showed.


Easily their best done conference they done in the gaming segment. They did it with some solid quality for sure. They showed people footage from the games they knew were coming out, which is cool because who doesn't want to see footage of games you're excited for?

Nothing really shocking/surprising, outside that they didn't get MGS4, (timed?) exclusive maps for MW2, and the L4D2 stuff. Like others have stated, Bungie, my gosh, unbelievable. So much for wanting to do new things. Forza 3 didn't really look at that impressive, they still can't quit get that look. Probably due to the livery features, which is a plus for some, but it's probably what holds them back. Like the Super Troopers type "meow game" of how many times can they sneak in the word "definitive" describing the game. Some of my friends are hyped for Crackdown 2, which people guessed was coming, and the sales hopefully justified a bigger budget to flesh out the game quite a bit more. Alan Wake looked pretty neat, has a "Silent Hill" look to it, the flares looked awesome heh.

That camera looks pretty damn cool. If it's not too much money, I'll pick it up for just browsing netflix on my 360. It's not surprising to see it being as fluid and thorough as it is, and that's what having more power under the hood can net you game wise. And the nice comment "not prescripted waggle movements", taking a jab at the Wii. Couldn't possibly care less about the "social network" stuff, it's a waste to me, but maybe others will use it.

Now that they have the words Metal Gear Solid though, there's nothing else for them to mimic or acquire from the Playstation namesake. Other than beefing up their first parties to be more competitive. Nothing really surprising there, like zomg surprising to say the least, but they didn't really need that. I think they have enough games to satisfy their gamers.

Yes Boss!

X26 said:
What's nitnendo going to do? part games and grpahs, and maybe a new mario and zelda

Nintendo just need to show up...they always bring interesting forward-looking things. The Mario and Zelda games are not what is exciting about Nintendo, anyways. They'd be nice if they came but if they don't it won't matter. Sony has new hardware and the overall game line-up looks more interesting for the next year.

Only thing that got me really excited for MS was ODST and Allen Wake. MGS game will be multi-platform. Jury is still out on the camera. Could go places...and will definitely be great for menu/dashboard navigation. Spielberg and Molyneux seemed a bit to hyperbolic.
chubigans said:

Man Gary, I just dont understand how you can say this. It was a great conference, but nothing truely surprising, and more than half of it not coming out this year.

Most of it is coming out this year.

Forza 3
Splinter cell

Master Z

Gary Whitta said:
I'm now *really* interested to see what Sony has to offer in response to this tomorrow. They'd better start getting busy, but I suspect that after seeing that presentation they're currently locked in a dark room rocking back and forth while sucking their thumbs.

Fuck "responding" just show us great games. I don't care who "wins" a conference or even a generation just provide me with great games. Fuck the fanboy shit.


jmdajr said:
wow so what do you like? :)

SONY of course :lol

This conference is good, but can't top last year for me. I'm a big RPG gamer and sadly they didn't show any new RPG to look forward to.
VibratingDonkey said:
I was intrigued by Molyneux's implementation of it though. But even more so by whatever the hell kind of AI they've been designing over at Lionhead. If that wasn't scripted I'm seriously impressed.

If there's one thing I know about Peter Molyneux, it's that he's a straight shooter. If he promises something, mark it down, because you'll definitely see it.

Azure J

I gotta say, I really enjoyed Microsoft's presentations just for the sheer promise of a lot of the things they showed off. I can't comment on a lot of their games since they don't completely jive with me, but a lot of the things I saw looked stellar (Modern Warfare 2, Alan Wake, Forza Motorsport 3 especially). As for Project Natal/Xbox Fluid, I think that it has amazing promise. The choice of demos they used really didn't convey that, but with enough time, I think Fluid could show itself to be a great move.

As for the last demo for Natal, Milo... I'm weirded out by that application for a game. Instead of a pet, you now interact with what's supposed to be a realistic human child. Something like that is going to create a heavy disconnect for a lot of people who will approach natal. Then again, it might just be a demo in the end so you never know. On the other hand though, this could totally revolutionize the concepts of a RPG if people work things out right. Being in a world and using all of this tech (voice recognition, face recognition, etc.) could seriously blow open the doors for different ideas in the genre.

All in all, I say MS came out strong, with a few shaky elements. It gets a B+/A- from me. Here's to more awesome soon. :D


Chubigans unimpressed by the Microsoft offerings and thinking Sony's going to knock it out of the park? It's an E3 miracle!


I don't have an xbox360 but i tuned in for some 3rd party game anouncements. I really liked the splinter cell and alan wake segments. I wish i could play them somehow. I'm also a mgs fan but they didn't showed shit about it. I hope we can see more about it in this e3. I also liked how microsoft chose to not showing charts and sales and shit. I really wish sony does the same thing (altho last years lbp chart thingy was somewhat cool).


Very solid conference, although it doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Crackdown and Forza fan. Glad I rebought a 360 this year.


chubigans said:
Man Gary, I just dont understand how you can say this. It was a great conference, but nothing truely surprising, and more than half of it not coming out this year.

Meanwhile Sony has new hardware and potentially a price cut with some of their top tier franchises. They could potentially do really awesome tomorrow.

Im' really looking forward to the PSPGO! info. We already know they will be showing at least 5 AAA presumably download ready games for it; but if they have one or two more quality PSP download games we haven't heard about, and the system has a reasonable price; it could be pretty damn amazing.
Well, conference wasn't bad(some parts I guess).
I'm looking for the Halo's, Splinter Cell, FF and Alan Wake looks interesting. Hell, I'll probably try everything.


quite a bit of 'concept video' going on in the conference ... but over all really enjoyable pressconference i thought.

the onstage demo's did really well, stuff all uncomfortable moments, kojima even spoke english FFS.

over all one of the best paced and executed press conferences ive seen at an E3

facebook,twitter and NAtal are all pretty big news.

games wise i'm a bit less impressed but really the days of the 3rd party exclsuive are over, i see COD5 gets a map pack before ps3...days? weeks? pretty meh.

one thing that bugged me was the forza guy ...hele even the guy introing the segment ..could have sworn he was snarling as he said forza ...and whats with all the 'definitave racer of THIS generation' eh? and best graphics of anyracer ..hmmm ..


Outside of the FF13 part, the new MGS game and Alan Wake this conference didn't do much for me. That doesn't make it bad, good actually (the lack of sales-age is greatly appreciated!) but "best conference ever"? "Sony and Nintendo can never top this"? Seriously?


Splinter Cell looked awesome - that should be a great exclusive for Microsoft. MW2 looked great. The exclusive Beatles song annoys me, because I will get the game on PS3. Forza 3 looked really sweet.

The camera and this "Mylo" demo didn't convince me at all though - how is this different from what Sony has shown with Eyepet except for the character having a conversation with you?


Conference was meh I was better off just waiting until evening after all of the threads have popped up instead of fighting all of these error 500s. No mistwalker, rare and zune annoucements. The overall conference started off better than last years but then the end left it as a total letdown. Happy to see natal is optional because I doubt I will bother to get one.

Hopefully the rest of E3 will have more suprises. :/
Also 1vs100 tonight yea!
I forgot how crazy E3 hyperbole was. It was good conference, minus some parts. NATAL is indeed interesting and could result in some really cool applications.


Neo Member
dollartaco said:
If there's one thing I know about Peter Molyneux, it's that he's a straight shooter. If he promises something, mark it down, because you'll definitely see it.

Maybe in Milo 2 sure.
I wonder if the industry press is going to have the balls to call Microsoft on this straight-up LIE about "instant 1080p" that's as good as a disc crap.

It's simply an impossible LIE, unless MS has come up with an unprecedented new codec technology.

Other than that, a REALLY good show from MS. I could care less about the motion control/casual stuff, but Alan Wake and Crackdown 2 (Crackdown is still the best game on 360 IMO, and FINALLY we have a sequel in sight,) were show-stoppers for me, an the new Epic game and the new Splinter Cell really surprised me too. I went from minor interest to "I want that" on both of those games in the span of that presentation.

On the third-party, non-exclusive side, I liked RB: Beatles better than I thought I would, and that Modern Warfare 2 demo was hot.

The only big failures for me were the Halo presentation and the Forza presentation. Halo looks old-hat and uninspired compared to the other big shooters on the system, and looks miles removed from Killzone 2, which it's certain to be compared to, fairly or not. It seems they didn't even try to implement a modern animation system in there. Everything outside of cutscenes moved poorly. Modern Warfare and Splinter Cell crushed it. The presentation for Forza was silly. Just saying it's number one doesn't make it so. Saying it's number one 20+ times in the space of five minutes still doesn't make it so. The graphics looked cartoony and the "action" looked silly. I thought this was Forza going after GT, not Forza going after Motorstorm/Burnout.

But I don't want to seem too negative about this conference. They knocked it out of the park, clearly. They did what they need to do. They are aiming at #1 in America, and it shows.


y'all should be ashamed
Revelations said:
Most of it is coming out this year.

Forza 3
Splinter cell
Splinter Cell and L4D2 were surprising, but the others we already knew about. I was wondering going into the MS conference how MS managed to keep out any leaks...but as it turned out, everything already did leak. Kinda sucks.


this was a bit of a departure for MS in that they showed a lot of stuff not coming until 2010. normally they focus on this year, but for 2009, it's mostly sequels and spinoffs.


Opus Angelorum said:
Fair points, however.

It is rather negative to suggest that because fully interactive AI is currently not possible, it should not even be attempted. Indeed what we saw of Milo for forward thinking, but let's not dampen the ambition.

If I still had my texts I'd refer you to a US$50 million project in the early 1980s. (It was a failure.) Ambition is nothing if you don't understand the principles behind the challenges.

Like I said, it all depends on the scope of Molyneux's project.

The BEST way to integrate this into 360 is basically not having a human but something more humanoid, or even cartoony, to represent your 360. Let's say, Toro Kun for PS3. Let the thing talk to you and interact with you as part of the system's OS (but fucking less annoying than MS Clippy). It can remember what you played yesterday, what you usually play, the weather outside etc. You can do stuff like,

"Hey Toro, show me the latest demos on LIVE today."

And it'll skip to that screen, etc.

Toro can also talk to you, maybe text only IMO, "Hey Opus, Epic just announced a new game today. Do you want to see videos of it?"

Like I said, Microsoft has great strategic leadership and vision. I'm sure they'll be able to realize this. DON'T let Molyneux's project run free. Harness it specifically to a more limited scope but a very useful one.. System OS Avatar. It will rock.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
dollartaco said:
If there's one thing I know about Peter Molyneux, it's that he's a straight shooter. If he promises something, mark it down, because you'll definitely see it.

:lol :lol :lol

Well played, sir.


Looks to me like that natal thing has more than one lens or sensor.
it's definitely not like the playstation camera.


Not Wario
chubigans said:

Man Gary, I just dont understand how you can say this. It was a great conference, but nothing truely surprising, and more than half of it not coming out this year.

Meanwhile Sony has new hardware and potentially a price cut with some of their top tier franchises. They could potentially do really awesome tomorrow.

chubigans said:
Splinter Cell and L4D2 were surprising, but the others we already knew about. I was wondering going into the MS conference how MS managed to keep out any leaks...but as it turned out, everything already did leak. Kinda sucks.

I think we'll honestly be saying the same thing tomorrow. Both Sony and MS had some great stuff in the works, by the look of the leaks. It's just too bad most of the stuff slowly trickled out before they could show it all together in one big impressive conference. I think, had stuff like Natal, Forza, L4D2, and Reach not been leaked before, this conference would go down as one of the best of any E3. Similarly, I feel, if Sony does as expected tomorrow, there's will be considered one of the best ever with the caveat that too much was leaked. (GT5, MGS:pO2, PSPGo, PS3 Slim, Trico, etc.)

This is one hell of an E3; it just started earlier than expected.


I feel I should summarize my thoughts on this conference at some point in this thread.

first of all, they really nailed the hardcore crowd. I don't think anyone on GAF should be complaining about feeling left out.

this was a core conference, more than anything. MW2 looked shit hot, Alan Wake was finally demoed and looked creepy and cool

ODST on stage demo was badass and the reveal of Reach was great. I wasn’t expecting the Reach MP beta but that will be a good amount of fun.

Splinter Cell was everything I wanted, to be honest and that's a day one purchase for me.

PLus L4D2, Forza 3 and MUTHAFUCKIN' CRACKDOWN 2 were great reveals.

Plus the Kojima-ton was great. I'm actually glad the next MGS doesn't have snake. should be more inventive.

The Beatles stuff certainly ran a bit too long but, y'know what? I loved it. I especially loved a sauced and confused Ringo and Paul yammering on stage. why? because they're absolutely ridiculous and E3 needs the lulz.

So, after all that, we get improved live video services, facebook and twitter integration (nice moves and they don't need to intrude on hardcore gaming if you don't want them to) and music integration.

The Natal stuff is very odd and could be very cool or very awful.

if the limit of what Natal could do was a virtual racing wheel and paint throwing, then it would be a joke.

But the lionhead stuff gives me hope that we will be seeing very, very unique things on this tech that goes beyond spazzing out on screen. I'm not 100% sold on it like Whitta but I am still interested in the possibilities and this tech is the closest we have come to a real advancement in gaming in a long time.

overall score for the MS conference: A


Borrowing someone's format....

New peripheral for Tony Hawk - totally gay
FF13 for Spring 2010 - I'm getting this for PS3, as that is the console hooked up to my living room TV (Blu-ray player)
MW2 Exclusive Maps - could definitely care less
New Arcade game by EPIC - no idea what to think, but don't download many games
CRACKDOWN 2 - never played the first one, so little interest
L4D 2 - never played the first one
Splinter Cell Conviction - looks great! Best game that MS showed
Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach, beta included with ODST - I loathe Halo but that is no secret
Forza 3 - might be good, though I prefer Gran Turisumo as a franchise
Alan Wake - looks amazing, but not sure how playable it is
Zune Video Store, HD1080P, Streaming - love the Netflix features
Facebook/Twitter - really, really don't give a crap
METAL GEAR RISING - will buy for PS3 (same reasons as FFXIII)
Xbox Fluid Camera - we'll see.. I have my doubts
Milo - insanely creepy.

Overall: I will be getting Splinter Cell, but disappointed by the lack of Rare, and ME2. Let's see what Nintendo and Sony have to show tomorrow, but a good effort from MS - just not my cup of tea


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Master Z said:
Fuck "responding" just show us great games. I don't care who "wins" a conference or even a generation just provide me with great games. Fuck the fanboy shit.

This x 1000000.

Any time a company shows off great games, it's a win. I saw a couple I really liked today (Alan Wake and Shadow Complex).


y'all should be ashamed
Chrange said:
Chubigans unimpressed by the Microsoft offerings and thinking Sony's going to knock it out of the park? It's an E3 miracle!
You fucking know that's now what I said. Whether or not I was unimpressed doesn't change the fact that MS had an excellent conference. Nintendo and Sony won't be nearly as good or action packed. (bring on the chartz!)

I think we'll honestly be saying the same thing tomorrow. Both Sony and MS had some great stuff in the works, by the look of the leaks. It's just too bad most of the stuff slowly trickled out before they could show it all together in one big impressive conference. I think, had stuff like Natal, Forza, L4D2, and Reach not been leaked before, this conference would go down as one of the best of any E3. Similarly, I feel, if Sony does as expected tomorrow, there's will be considered one of the best ever with the caveat that too much was leaked. (GT5, MGS:pO2, PSPGo, PS3 Slim, Trico, etc.)

This is one hell of an E3; it just started earlier than expected.

Could be, sadly. :(
omg rite said:
Uh, RB: Beatles and MW2 are two of the biggest games of the year. MW2 will probably be THE biggest.

Be intelligent, please.
I agree those are big games. But seriously at conference like this, they got way too much spotlight that they should. MS is announcing stuff at other events like Games on Demand. Would make more sense if that was in the show.


New Tony Hawk - not really interested, the TH series died long after THPS3 to me
FF13 - no interest
COD6 - looks great, nice high framerate, animation and shooting mechanics as good as ever.
New Arcade game by ChAIR- cool, but it didn't show very well, I love me more epic arcade games
CRACKDOWN 2 - Awesome, I got hairs on the back of my neck when I heard the audio at the start
L4D 2 - Didn't like the first one, nice to see them trying to make it a franchise though, A lot of my friendslist loved the first one
Splinter Cell Conviction - looked awesome and I hated the other Splinter cell games, I liked that there was a lot more action, very little in the way of a hud and appeared to be a lot more free-form, which is very cool to me.
Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach - ODST looked good, no opinion on Reach
Forza 3 - looked awesome, the cockpit mode looked really good. would be cool if they worked the camera stuff in with the head movement, Gran Turismo is going to be absolutely epic if we get 2 Forzas in before we even see Gran Turismo
Alan Wake - Looked REALLY good. I really liked the 'graphic novel' approach where he was reading what was going on in the game, how he was feeling. very cool. The graphics/lighting is above pretty much everything I've seen to date.
Zune Video Store, HD1080P, radio - won't likely be of much value here in Canada what with all the ownership rights shit so I'm not that excited. If it ment more content here I may have been more jazzed
Facebook/Twitter - I don't spend much time on Facebook but my wife will love it, I'm pretty sure that was their point. This is going to be popular for a lot of people OUTSIDE this forum.
METAL GEAR RISING - No interest at all, chalk it up with FF as one of the most overrated series of all time.
Natal - very cool but as a core gamer I'm skeptical as any core dev studios doing anything interesting with it (outside of first party). I'm interested nonetheless as I'm never buying a Wii and this will likely mean more simplistic games that I can play with my kids which is a good thing in my book.


get some go again
Souldriver said:
It's just that I know you best from the OT I guess, cause I recognize your avatar, and it reminds me of a very nice gaf member. However, if you look at you're posts in this thread you sound like a raging fanboy, and I would've noticed that long before today if you were always like that.

Not meant to insult you, it's just weird to see lawbob, the guy with the pacman avatar, in full fanboy mode.
yeah i know him mostly from OT too and didn't realize he was like this away from OT. thank god i stay away from the gaming side usually.


I think everyone is too caught up in this weird ball game and that sketchy pedo simulator.

Are we not realizing how close we now are to a minority report like UI? BROADEN YOU SCOPES PEOPLE. THE FUTURE IS HERE.


I can see why people liked it, it wasn't really my cup of tea though. All the crazy fans need to relax with best conference ever though. There really wasn't anything in there that I'd buy.
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