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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


Durante said:
lawblob never struck me as bat-shit insane before so this is either an eleborate prank or he has found new employment. Or maybe I'm just "beyond myopic" :lol


Mostly im' just in a bad mood; currently studying for Bar Exam, studying 10 hours a day, and have a cold which requires Sudafed every few hours. I needed a little E3 excitement.

Anyways; back to studying...


MirageDwarf said:
MS totally fucked up starting. Beatles, MW2, Tony Hawk.. what a waste of time?

Uh, RB: Beatles and MW2 are two of the biggest games of the year. MW2 will probably be THE biggest.

Be intelligent, please.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
CRD90 said:
I seriously doubt that. The technology looks really cool, but how many things are you going to be able to say, and it would understand? Most games will probably just use it for 'yes', 'no' answers when talking to characters.
Indeed for now, there just isn't the power available to the current gen (or probably next gen) of consoles to pull this off in a gaming set-up.

What excites me is the possibilities in the future, if Milo is a taste of the interactivity we can expect in future generations, then I want the full course.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Jinfash said:
I don't understand. Going by the last few E3's, when did any company announce a NEW game and reveal the release date to be on the same year?

You guys are just ridiculous.

Hmm. People have said over and over that this is how MS rolled..announcing things closer to release date than others, for example, and that's why they'd been so quiet. I'm pretty sure they announced more new 08 games at last year's show than 09 games at this year's.

This was a bit of a switch this year, showing more things further out, more 'next year' games...which I think is good, but I thought they'd have more than one new 09 game.


Uhhhhh, everyone. I've never been a 360 fan, but MS is doing some seriously amazing shit right now with Project Natal.

If it's as easy to program for as it needs to be, and they market it right, we gonna see some more landslide changes in gaming.
Alan Wake was the fucking KING of the conference. Conviction looked mediocre as a game and Netal was interesting but I doubt it'll revolutionize gaming in any way. I wish we had seen more from Crackdown.


I thought this was a solid showing.

Left 4 Dead 2
Final Fantasy XIII not gimped
MGS5 multiplat
Crackdown 2
Splinter Cell Conviction
Alan Wake

Where is MGS4?
Halo Reach? Do we really need this?
No "firm" release date on the motion controller or Milo.


y'all should be ashamed
I'm thinking Sony's press conference will be tons more surprises, but won't be as action packed. MS really structured their conference really, really well. The two hours just kinda flew by.


Holy crap at lawblob and Gary Whitta's meltdowns. :lol :lol

Good conference for MS, some good content and games shown there. I'd probably give them a B+ or A-. Not sold at all on Molyneaux's stuff with Natal as I don't trust his promises. Alan Wake looks great. Halo stuff looks cool. The 2d sidescroller that Epic's putting out looks cool. L4D footage i missed. Seems kinda soon but I won't complain at all about that as long as it's as polished as the first.


~Kinggi~ said:
The conference had everything /QUOTE]

Yeah platformers, rpgs, dungeon crawlers, epic folklore adventures, stg games, 2D killers...oophs I mean 90 percent with gray muted gun toting action!

Shadow Complex was just about it for me.
lawblob said:
As a PS3 owner, I think i've just finally reached my breaking point with the system. Yeah; it plays Blu-Rays; yeah it has some good games. But the basic user functionality of the system continues to fall behind the 360; and anyone who thinks this was anything other than a stellar conference is beyond myopic.

What exactly could Sony possibly have to top this?
It's just that I know you best from the OT I guess, cause I recognize your avatar, and it reminds me of a very nice gaf member. However, if you look at you're posts in this thread you sound like a raging fanboy, and I would've noticed that long before today if you were always like that.

Not meant to insult you, it's just weird to see lawbob, the guy with the pacman avatar, in full fanboy mode.


Zen said:

It took me a minute to realize that all of these quotes came from one poster. :lol

You forgot the one where he pulls out his scorn and makes fun of fanboys. I was gonna quote it and say irony much, but didn't wanna be bothered. But then you see all your quotes and it's really something.
hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!hideo traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The gamespot forums are erupting!! :lol


I have to say the conference was a little disappointing for me as I was expecting an unveiling of key new IPs for a hardcore audience. The whole conference was mostly predictable.. it's quite shocking how we were all speculating that Microsoft had been keeping gigatons for the conference and bam. Almost everything there was what we knew.. :lol

+ Alan Wake was slightly underwhelming through all that hype promised but I'm very intrigued by the setting. Can't really make a good call about the graphics through a shitty stream but I'm sure we'll get HD videos soon so we can talk about it better.

+ Not interested in ODST/Reach

+ Splinter Cell Conviction looked excellent, the flashbacks and mission objectives projected on walls and integrated into the environment is slightly corny but I thought it was the best game of Microsoft's show.

+ Kojima playing on the shoulder tap :lol

+ Forza 3 looked good. Cockpit view's actual cockpit and animation don't match up to Gran Turismo, but I'm glad they're following the market leader. The in-game racing graphics look great though, and the video editing and replay is IN FUCKING SANE.

+ Natal has great potential, I think it'll open things up to a new audience but it depends on the actual integration and implementation of the services.

- Hated all the cameos: Harrison, Yoko, Spielberg.. I thought Spielberg was coming on-stage to announce a game but he basically polished their knob.

- No MGS4: Oxide despite all the noise and chatter.

- Peter Molyneux can have my kudos for his enthusiasm, but the entire Milo project is.. :lol It depends on the scope of his ambition I suppose. If he's trying to create a fully interactive AI then it's simply not possible at this stage in time. Basically Milo has to pass the Turing Test and I am EXTREMELY sure he won't be able to do it. Plus, just on a basic level, they HAVE to get Milo to generate natural speech which is completely synthetically composed. I've studied AI for two years in University and I call smoke and mirrors. On a more limited scale the tech Molyneux is developing could be useful for games.

All the others were completely forgettable to me.. at least I don't recall much. Out of all this I really just want to see HD videos of Splinter Cell & Alan Wake.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
jetjevons said:
The trolls are really coming out of the woodwork. Nice try guys but that was an absolutely fantastic conference.

And now MS has Metal Gear too...
Pretty much , it was an amazing conference lots of great sequels and new and innovative stuff.
Mad props to Microsoft they are really investing on our hobby.


needs 2 extra inches
Excellent, excellent conference. Puts the all the conferences of the last three years to shame. I honestly can't see how Sony and Nintendo can top that in terms of announcements, gameplay demonstrations, and presentation.


Name Don Mattrick Person of the Year right now.

Two games were absent, Mass Effect 2 and APB. I don't know why but something is going on.


I thought the conference was kinda' meh. I wasn't really surprise about anything and the Milo stuff is years away? I cannot see that coming out any time soon and how much will it cost!? Holy crap! How much!?

Rad Agast

skinnyrattler said:
I must say, I'm impressed. They had some games we figured where coming. Now, they dropped the bomb with this bar. I'm mostly excited about the possiblities with this bar. Will it be accurate enough to function in real gameplay areas.

A few things: He said you won't have pre-defined waggle but I don't see how a company could make a game with out predefined waggle, not based on animations. If you don't have animations, this thing better be accurate as hell. Or smooth as hell. We saw that one spot where they linked up for the elephant where the chick was flickering in and out. Talke about slowdown or drop in framerate. Add this to live?

Or you have to come up with a ton of different animations. Would that make it funner? It would be cool to play fighting games with this. Imagine Soul Calibur where you have a free range mode. But without canned animations, how do they determine hits, damage, etc? Or do they base it off of force or speed of waggle? Can it do that from so far away?

Imagine swinging a sword against someone at home? That'll get tiring. I hate that excuse but comparing this to wii: you can greatly exaggerate your waggle or flick your wrist. I'm not sure what is better. If he wants to move away from predefined waggle, will it still identify a flick of the wrist?

There are a ton of questions with this. It's very intriguing. Now after the experience with Wii, I would be hesitant to take their claims at face value until we see more hands on experience.

Either way, Great job, MS. Clearly, they have changed my ideas on them innovating. I guess they are following the leader.

Yrros yons.

It was a great show but regarding Natal, I think it's more interesting as a user interface for other applications (I don't want it in a regular game). That painting tech demo was quite interesting and Milo looked like some thing out of a sci fi book so I have my doubts about that one. I'm interested in the tech that Lion Head developed and would be nice to hear some impressions from none-game reviewers (maybe some academics).


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
lawblob said:

Mostly im' just in a bad mood; currently studying for Bar Exam, studying 10 hours a day, and have a cold which requires Sudafed every few hours. I needed a little E3 excitement.

Anyways; back to studying...

You poor soul you need to quit studying and find another profession. You still have time!!


I think the conference was far better than I could have expected.
We finally get metal gear and a load of hardcore games we all want.

The last fm and streaming 1080p movies is awesome. Xbox 360 is probably the best value media hub out there.

And that camera thingy, well it LOOKS cool. Everyone will be talking about it so thats a win for them. What is it going to cost though????????

I think ps3 and nintendo will do ok, just no big shockers. And if they are holding back, they shouldnt!


Gold Member
Very good conference for Microsoft. If the implementation is right, Natal is going to be huge. Loved Conviction, Halo ODST, Halo: Reach, and Crackdown 2.

Big disappointment for me was Alan Wake. Gameplay looked very dumb.


Souldriver said:
It's just that I know you best from the OT I guess, cause I recognize your avatar, and it reminds me of a very nice gaf member. However, if you look at you're posts in this thread you sound like a raging fanboy, and I would've noticed that long before today if you were always like that.

Not meant to insult you, it's just weird to see lawbob, the guy with the pacman avatar, in full fanboy mode.

:lol Sorry, guess I overdid it. Like I mentioned above; studying 10 hours a day for Bar Exam can drive you a little crazy.

Anyways; damn, seriously need to get back to studying...


Leatherface said:
Someone please explain "instant on" 1080p video that somehow magically doesn't need to download! :lol

Buffer and stream. They already do 720p streaming with Netflix.


Halo ODST looks good. Reach is interesting. Epic XBLA game looks great. Not a huge Crackdown fan so can't get that exited for a CG trailer. Splinter Cell looks great. Not a racing sim fan but Forza 3 looked nice. What else, Alan Wake, not bad. Tony Hawk Ride looked pretty meh, I think I prefer that skating mini-game with Natal actually. Natal looks interesting. I liked Eyetoy: Antigrav, and this seems to expand on that, a sequel would be nice actually. Not sure on too many game applications for the device, though looking through menus seemed okay. British boy sim was creepy. Next Metal Gear multi platform as expected, but I was suprised they're not porting MGS4, so no real megatons, not that they really matter.

Biggest dissapointment was no Rare. Even the oft rumoured Perfect Dark XBLA, nor a sequel to it or Kameo. Was looking forward to that the most.


From a tech stand point, that was a pretty impressive conference. Still, they did not show any serious games supporting Natal, which makes me seriously doubt what was shown. Seems like these are only promises for now. Also, I don't really see this as a game changer for the rest of this generation. They did not announce a price or a release date and they even mentionned that the developpement tools would be in the hands of developpers soon. This means it will be a while before we see some real support for this tech.
New peripheral for Tony Hawk - couldn't give a crap
FF13 for Spring 2010 - looks great as ever, the footage was pointless though, cutting off with Odin so quickly, seems like FFXIII was shoehorned in a little
MW2 Exclusive Maps - lame, this kind of exclusive is pointless
New Arcade game by EPIC - not my kinda thing, cool i guess
CRACKDOWN 2 - never played the first one, might be good?
L4D 2 - not my kinda thing
Splinter Cell Conviction - not my kinda thing, but it does look amazing graphically
Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach, beta included with ODST - i couldn't give any less of a crap
Forza 3 - not my kinda thing, looks well made though
- I start to lose faith in the conference here, but suddenly!-
Alan Wake - looks amazing, definitely day one
Zune Video Store, HD1080P, Streaming - nifty, but i'm not sure i'll bother with it
Facebook/Twitter - don't give a crap
METAL GEAR RISING - the last of the original Playstation franchises taken? I'm hyped for it, though i will buy it for PS3 (i expect it's multiplatform)
Xbox Fluid Camera - seems kinda nice but that 'experimental' stuff usually gets boring fast, so i probably won't buy it
Milo - the tech behind it is amazing, but it looks really creepy, and i'm not sure where the fun is.

Overall: Great showing from MS, much better than last year (though you could argue their crux was another Playstation franchise game) but there's a lot of other amazing stuff in there
- Peter Molyneux can have my kudos for his enthusiasm, but the entire Milo project is.. It depends on the scope of his ambition I suppose. If he's trying to create a fully interactive AI then it's simply not possible at this stage in time. Basically Milo has to pass the Turing Test and I am EXTREMELY sure he won't be able to do it. Plus, just on a basic level, they HAVE to get Milo to generate natural speech which is completely synthetically composed. I've studied AI for two years in University and I call smoke and mirrors. On a more limited scale the tech Molyneux is developing could be useful for games.
A fucking chatbot can pass the Turing Test.
Gary Whitta said:
I wonder how many of the people calling Natal lame/retarded etc are those same people who predicted that the Wii and motion control would be the beginning of the end for Nintendo...

Not me. I just don't see what the excitement is about with Natal, period. Seriously, this is not new technology and it will have LOWER articulation recognition than the original Wii-mote. It's a sacrifice that MS will use to leverage a level of success comparable to Nintendo, in some regards. Was the Wii the beginning of the end for Nintendo? No, but it was the beginning of the end of my Nintendo game purchases.

At this rate, Sony will unveil PlayStation Outdoors, which includes a soccer ball and two sets of cones. PLEASE SAVE US SEGA.
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