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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


bloodydrake said:
full motion vision control in forza3 just moving your head confirmed! and can't wait
If I move my head then I'll be staring at the wall, not at the television anymore. ):


Tony Hawk backstage "Fuck... nobody told me"

Nice conference so far.
If Sony has new Trico trailer than Nintendo really needs something (Zelda !! Believe)


Danielsan said:
Have to say, MS is on fire. Even though the camera video was dumb the concept is great IF it works.

Well...they were great all around till after MGS...then down the shit hole. They should of just ended on MGS.


Junior Member
Funny how thing changes. This is a pretty decent show. But they'll still have to get it into all homes. Wow, MS stepped up and finally did something aggressive. Wonder if the bar will identify your finger after you RROD.


dabbled in the jelly
Stop It said:
Did he just say...that Motion controllers don't work? Welll, so that leaves an EyeToy clo..

WHAT THE FUCK?!?! HOW??? This cannot be real, no, fucking way.

Also, Activision TOTALLY OWNED. That skating game looked great.

Please tell me this was sarcasm.
GQman2121 said:
Ohhhh they're bundling it in with all future systems. Brilliant.
Noooot really.

First of all, fragmenting the userbase.

Secondly, from a business standpoint they are "straddling", trying to be hardcore and casual at the same time.

Thirdly, now Nintendo will launch Super Wii or Sony PS4 sooner, with better graphics than 360 and better tech. It will be irrelevant.

Chris R

Tech can be invisible, but unless it works PERFECTLY, the casual user will still be pissed off. I somehow doubt the sensor is that accurate (as depicted in the video) yet, but maybe by the time it comes out.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Am I gay for thinking that was kind of cool?

I still remember when the Wii was announced, the reaction was similar.

Ofr course, in the post Wii world, this will be a harder sell, but the casual userbase are not loyal, MS could win the market back with this.

Now, it's going to be hard, but if this tech is as powerful as it looks, it could be a contender.

Worst Case Scenario for Sony: Nintendo announces a WiiHD or something, devs flock to M+ + this camera as the control scheme for more games and leaves the PS3 behind in the casual space forever.

*Note, the above will not happen.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
So Steven Speilburg just came on stage to congratulates Microsoft for the motion-capture camera ? lol wtf :lol
Lots of hardcore butthurt in this thread. This motion camera is going to take the fight to Nintendo big-time and take the 360 to the next level. Wait and see.

Microsoft already won E3 and it's only just begun!
The first stuff looked weird but the girl talking about the dress and selecting a movie looked pretty cool and intuitive.

If it works, could be awesome.

Also: "E3: Microsoft wins with Steven Spielberg, New Camera, Beatles" will be the headline on CNN unless Nintendo can top it somehow.
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