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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


Sony was a big dissapointment. Not many suprises that hadn't already leaked and nothing amazing. The pace was really poor and the thing seemed to run on forever. The good news is there are quite a few solid games coming, but we already knew that.


Neo Member
Conference over!

Hoch Heck!

Kolgar said:
Wow, lot of "Sony wins!" chants.

Funny the other platform's fans didn't feel the need to bray like this during their conferences.

Oh yeah - no price drop.

Certain Sony fans seem particularly... overzealous... this generation.

Anyway, it was an pretty good show. GOW3 and Uncharted 2 looked awesome. Last Guardian will be awesome I'm sure. The motion control technology has potential but that demo was god awful. FFXIV... I guess if I had liked 11 I would be more excited, but MMOs, especially if they are grind/farm fests, bore the shit out of me.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Sony had everything I was looking for in a conference. A barrage of games, genuine big surprises, LOL moments worthy of GIF material, good gameplay demos. What more could you ask for?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Seems like Sony had a very solid conference games wise. Probably second to Microsoft in that regard.

In terms of sales and perception, I don't think it did anything to change the current order of things.

Solid B+, but nothing too mindblowing or game changing.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Takeda Kenshi said:
Nintendo's conference won for me because they are actually releasing games I plan on buying. Only reason really.

Kiddie platforming games & non-game games?
What the hell did Nintendo showed other than Mario Galaxy 2 that genuinely looked impressive?


most games most new ip's. And well holy fukkin shit at the last guardian. Btw I am in line to play that gow3 demo :p

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
GoW3 looked great, loved the sneaky snake tail moment. But, nothing could match the new Last Guardian trailer and the Uncharted 2 gameplay. Those were just insane.


Gary Whitta said:
There was nothing shown today to confound the expectation that Sony will remain rooted firmly in third place for the forseeable future.

No software megatons. And let's be honest, the motion wand is just Wii Motion Plus... except you have to buy two of them. And a camera.

So nothing different from MS but everybody is "OMFG AWESOME" becaseu their stuff didn't leak.


What is all this excellent motion control bullshit?

Its the exact samething as the Wiimote except you have to buy a camera and then Dildo to achieve the results the wiimote does


Wow, it's over. Overall, strong showing from all big 3s, though I think MS comes out on stop just barely. In fact, I would totally understand someone saying MS and SONY were a tie, but I think Sony's presentation was just a little too boring overall.
So for me:

MS: 9/10
Sony: 8.5/10
EA: 8/10
Nintendo: 7/10
Ubisoft: 3/10


The format for Sony's conference was shit, and pretty much everything they had to show was already leaked. But overall it was okay.

They almost had a megaton with FFXIV until they added in the "Online." :lol
I don't even know why it's worth posting this here, but yea, MS clearly had the best conference. Sony's was good fan service, but ultimately nothing really new was shown and what was new is coming out in 2010, whereas most of what MS showed will be out in 2009. Nintendo had a pitiful conference, but they'll probably still win E3 in the end.
Microsoft was still my favorite conference but Sony really came back there in the end.
Uncharted, Trico, and GT5(If that footage is believable) are by far and away the best looking games I have ever seen.


I don't get it. Do 360 and Nintendo fans like ruining the fun? Seriously, how could you honestly think the last 30 minutes were shit. There was a weak 30 minute middle with montages, but that was about it. Microsoft had a poor beginning, so what gives? You people are crazy.

Anyways, here's my final ratings:

Microsoft B+

Nintendo D-

Sony B+/A-


Not Wario
Wow. Just, one hell of an E3.

Sony and MS both had A level conferences- tons of great game footage, motion controls demos that, while embarrassing, at least show some potential, and lots of little online service improvements, with the surprise element taken out by leaks. Nintendo did pretty well, too, playing to their much broader audience and trotting out some major surprises. I think the Metroid announcement was probably the biggest surprise of the whole show.

Sony: A
Nintendo: B+

Great, great set of conferences.

Games of the Show thus Far: (IMO) Splinter Cell: Conviction, Super Mario Galaxy 2, The Last Guardian


I have to admit GoW3 was probably the best looking game shown. But showing a teaser of GT5 was just stupid. It's like saying yes we're still making it, but no you can never have it.


nods at old men
Kolgar said:
Wow, lot of "Sony wins!" chants.

Funny the other two platforms' fans didn't feel the need to bray like this during their conferences.

Oh yeah - no price drop.
Uh, yeah they did.
Silly fans in all three theads, I followed them all closely.

Boss Man

-COOLIO- said:
so lets recap

gameplay shown:

the last guardian

games announced:

metal gear peace walker


excellent motion control

great conference. am i missing anything?
Really, I don't get how someone could watch that and say anything other than that it was an excellent show. I guess because some stuff leaked it makes it insignificant.

jax (old)

SONY nudges out MS by a bit - so much stuff to look at, their motion control thing is just so much better.


SONY 9/10
MS 9/10 (yes that's right)
Nintendo 3.5/10


needs 2 extra inches
Well I'm underwhelmed. This is what you idiots get when you want everything leaked lol.

The price of the Go was ridiculous as well.

Too many Montages.

MAG looked a lot less hectic than a 256 player game should have.

The games that mattered game in last.

Too long, and too many boring segments UGH! This could've been so MUCH BETTER!


I thought that MS had a better paced and leaner conference but overall Sony's was better.

Though, as with every year, there weren't enough reveals never mind megatons I was still really impressed by what they had.

- A Rockstar exclusive that may or may be developed by Rockstar North.

- Team ICO's project revealed finally.

- FF XIV which is SE's MMO. Not a MEGATON per se when you realise it's actually SE's 'Rapture' project but interesting anyway.

- New MGS and Resident Evil for PSP.

- And Uncharted 2 being, hands down, the best looking thing at E3 and you have a mighty impressive conference overall.

Well done Sony.


DarienA said:
You know its interesting MS offered extensions to its system via what I'd call new XBL add ons.... and Sony who have always talked about the PS3 being a growing machine... well unless I missed that part of the demo there were no new add-ons... no new features (hey everybody else got Facebook), etc....

Overall this Conf started out strong, middle was weak, finished strong.

this stuff comes usually through firmware for ps3

.good conference. That they wouldn't show the slim was clear. TGS is the place. But no price cut ?? thats nutts. even if it as a loss. they have to get more ps3 into the homes. many people say " yeah i want a ps3 but when its XXX" or " i have more friends with a Xbox360 so i buy game XXX for it"

E3 isn't over but damn sony. oh and God of War is the King :)


The Everyman
err well add uncharted 2 and mag to my list

and to the guy who said mag would be competing with halo and mw. i dont really think itll be the same kind of experience.
Fundamentally in the end although Sony's conference had some good stuff, nothing in any of the conferences was enough to change the status quo in my eyes from 08: We'll be playing 2-4 good exclusives this holiday from MS and Sony (along with a lot of quality third-party stuff), and we'll be playing NSMB Wii on the Wii and lamenting the weak Wii holiday lineup.


laserbeam said:
What is all this excellent motion control bullshit?

Its the exact samething as the Wiimote except you have to buy a camera and then Dildo to achieve the results the wiimote does
The exact same reaction happened a few E3s ago when the Sixaxis debuted. There were tons of "Nintendo owned" and "best motion control is with Sony now" type posts there too.
Grayman said:
now lets all stumble out of this thread and bump into the front page akwardly.

Haha, it's like we were really at the conference. :lol

VALIS said:
Holy shit no price drop! Are they not interested in competing anymore?

I assume you didn't watch the conference? My friend just sent me a message telling me he's picking up a PS3 this weekend after watching it. I think they can wait a little bit longer until they need a pricedrop.


the only reason microsoft motion control/body sensing thing blew me away was the milo thing. ive come to the conclusion that it was probably scripted, and until i see more i cant say im that impressed.

sonys motion control was awesome though. its so accurate and fast that i can actually think of some cool things they can do with it.
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