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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread

NarcissisticJay said:
Fuck this Sony wins, MS wins bullshit.. are you idiots shareholders or something?

Gamers win this E3. MS was amazing, Sony was just as impressive.

You fanboy fucks are absolutly retarted.

I like your thinking, but rational thought has no place here:lol


NarcissisticJay said:
Fuck this Sony wins, MS wins bullshit.. are you idiots shareholders or something?

Gamers win this E3. MS was amazing, Sony was just as impressive.

You fanboy fucks are absolutly retarted.
Should be quoted for every single page.
B!TCH said:
Has this conference been going on for over an hour now?

I left to get some lunch expecting it to be over by the time I got back but I'm looking at my computer now and it's still streaming the same conference... wtf?

2 hours now. boring as hell too


Wow, lot of "Sony wins!" chants.

Funny the other two platforms' fans didn't feel the need to bray like this during their conferences.

Oh yeah - no price drop.


Sony wins E3, athough Galaxy and Metroid are gonna be fucking amazing, there's no way Sony hasnt won E3.
best stuff, best motion control
best HD games.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
You know its interesting MS offered extensions to its system via what I'd call new XBL add ons.... and Sony who have always talked about the PS3 being a growing machine... well unless I missed that part of the demo there were no new add-ons... no new features (hey everybody else got Facebook), etc....

Overall this Conf started out strong, middle was weak, finished strong.
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