e3 2021 | The full recap

So i registered for e3 as industry bc sure why not add another year to belt. Is there like any perks or codes or anything anybody knows about
This Gearbox stream is terrible man.

And FUCK Randy.



VR is death. barely any games, that are split between company's and there VR glasses, they all look complete trash, only 3k people watching the live stream.
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Sony is right to skip E3. No point in having a presentation amid all this clutter. It just lets a bunch of studios steal some of the heat they generate, and the smaller titles, that they will no doubt showcase, would get lost in the maze of other shovelware being panhandled.

Not sure about anyone else, but E3 is dead to me. There was SGF, there's the MS show next, and then the Sony show. Everything else can kick rocks.

Kagey K

So far I’ve been let down I have a feeling this e3 won’t be great.
So far this has been pre3.

Usually we have 2 days of announcements starting with MS and ending with Sony, and EA, Square and Ubi stuck in the middle.

This year we have had a couple low budget shows and 1 dissapointing big one in UBI. I think tomorrow will be a better day for everyone once Square and MS are done.

The big takeaway from UBI, that I think might be mirrored tomorrow is that they showed a bunch of stuff close to release. The only thing we should see at Ubi next year from today is Avatar.

With Covid and the uncertainties of the future they really kept cards close to the chest and only showed nearly finished products.

If the other companies do the same, next year will be real exciting because we will finally see new and rumored stuff.

This hasn't been any worse than last year so far, the only reason it feels different is because last year next gen was coming, this year we all realize next gen has been delayed.
So far this has been pre3.

Usually we have 2 days of announcements starting with MS and ending with Sony, and EA, Square and Ubi stuck in the middle.

This year we have had a couple low budget shows and 1 dissapointing big one in UBI. I think tomorrow will be a better day for everyone once Square and MS are done.

The big takeaway from UBI, that I think might be mirrored tomorrow is that they showed a bunch of stuff close to release. The only thing we should see at Ubi next year from today is Avatar.

With Covid and the uncertainties of the future they really kept cards close to the chest and only showed nearly finished products.

If the other companies do the same, next year will be real exciting because we will finally see new and rumored stuff.

This hasn't been any worse than last year so far, the only reason it feels different is because last year next gen was coming, this year we all realize next gen has been delayed.
Has Sony announced a show at the end of e3?


I dont even know what's part of E3 and what's part of the other stuff, just an absolute mess so far if you ask me.


Can’t Git Gud
yeah why would any company decide to dump their trailers the same time everyone else does ? this is so weird


Gold Member
yeah why would any company decide to dump their trailers the same time everyone else does ? this is so weird

Just like last time Sony seems like a moron for skipping E3 but when E3 actually starts it's immediately clear it was the right move.

All they have to do is wait like two weeks and have the [digital] stage all for themselves.


Just want to say I love the format of the OP, listing the games presented is a great way to summarize this mess of an E3.



To be honest i dont think there gonna be anything decent shown this year, everything is getting delayed and most of stuff shown off end up being cgi and yrs away, although for microsoft i kinda feel they got to knock it out the park with halo or they gonna be more threads going then fat face aloy reveal in new horizon game


Just like last time Sony seems like a moron for skipping E3 but when E3 actually starts it's immediately clear it was the right move.

All they have to do is wait like two weeks and have the [digital] stage all for themselves.
Plus even when sony did do e3 they where always after microsoft to show stuff, i kinda feel there will be a announcment tue for a show this thu, if they feel they need to get it presentation out to counter if Microsoft have a good show, if microsoft show is meh then can see sony leaving it a few weeks. At the min its not that they gonna loose sales as both companies are selling consoles as quick as they can build them


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I hope people go into Square Enix show with correct expectations. We aren't getting any cool final fantasy or dragon quest stuff. Its just platinum & marvel (eidos).

I imagine Final Fantasy XVI is bein saved for sony's show in July or August.
I miss the days of MEGATONS.

We just don't get those internet-breaking announcements any more :messenger_pensive:
We dont? Halo fans got Joe Staten announcing the next chapter of Halo alongside a quality in game pvp build of the new game. Today is a high water mark for team green, haters keep your game up, re-entry is a bitch.

Great Hair

I can´t be bothered with 8bit shite anymore, another 10 years? How many metroidvania do we need? Tell them to up the ante already and show what they can do by going 3D.

Elden Ring, A Plague Tale 2 ... so far a weak offering.


Genuinely Generous
i feel like there's a lot of filler, they could have just released the "interviews" and other filler on yt after E3, and could have stuck with the main announcements/videos and cut E3 down to like 2-3 hours a day.


Unconfirmed Member
Rankings so far:

Day of the Devs: A
PC Gaming Show: A
VR Upload: B+
IGN showcase: B
Future Games Show: B-
Square Enix: C+
Xbox: C+
Tribeca Games: C+
Devolver: C
Ubisoft: C
Summer Games Fest: D+
Koch Media: F

Edit: Updated to end of Day 2.
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Gold Member
WB you stupid motherfuckers!

Where's Harry Potter? Suicide Squad? Gotham Knights? Your fucking Left 3 Dead is NOT interesting enough to spend half an hour on dude, I've seen the entire game 7 times already!

O my god this E3 is turning into a nightmare. So much dogshit. Just piles and piles of garbage.

Edit: lol the stream ended after 10 minutes. What the FUCK.
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My ratings out of 10 so far:

WB Back 4 Blood Event: 2
Square Enix: 4.5
Gearbox: 0
Xbox: 7
Devolver: 5
Ubisoft: 0
Summer Games Fest: 6
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