DICE just released the newest Comunity Transmission about Battlefrtont 2.
The Clone Wars doesn’t end here. Starting this month, on June 26th to be precise, we have more Clone Wars content coming to Star Wars Battlefront II as part of the Where are those Droidekas? Update.
The conflict has spread to the streets of Theed, as this month we’re bringing Capital Supremacy to Naboo. The capital city of Theed is one of the most iconic locations within the Clone Wars and we’re excited to be bringing Capital Supremacy to this fan-favourite map.
When you deploy onto Naboo, you will notice that it’s set at dusk. The embered sky adds a greater layer of atmosphere to the city. Alongside the dusk setting you’ll notice that the city streets are showing signs of previously fought battle and skirmishes; romantic ambience meets war-torn streets.
The entirety of the battle takes place within the city streets itself, making Naboo a great location for those wanting to experience urban conflict from within the Star Wars universe.
If there is one reinforcement that we know is high on our community’s wish list, it’s the Droideka. Of course, we have a bit of history with these and while we won’t focus on the past, let’s just say that your passion and enthusiasm for these Rollies was not missed.
One of the most feared droids finally joins the Separatist army, wielding twin blasters and personal deflector shield generators, making them a formidable foe for anyone that faces off against them in combat. Destructive weaponry and a powerful shield aren’t their only characteristics, as their ability to transform and swiftly relocate has become synonymous with them.
Primary Weapon: Twin Blaster Cannons
Short-range heavy weapons that deal significant damage to those unfortunate enough to find themselves caught in their crossfire. The Droideka can maintain full control of the blasters regardless of whether they’re stationary or they are advancing upon their target. Don’t let them get near!
Ability One: Wheel Form
The Droideka folds its cannons and legs into its chassis and becomes able to traverse the battlefront at breakneck speeds. The Wheel Form can be activated both with the ability button and by pressing the sprint button, which also further increases its movement speed while in Wheel Form. Additionally, the Droideka can exit ball mode either by pressing the ability button, activating the Energy Shield button, or by holding down fire.
Ability Two: Overload
Sharing ability with its fellow Enforcers, the droideka can overload its primary blasters. The cannons are instantly cooled and for a period of time the droideka can fire its blaster cannons with increased rate of fire.
Ability Three: Energy Shield
The shield acts as a secondary health pool for the droideka, that is the first combatant that can shoot out from it. The shield goes into cooldown if it’s destroyed, or it’s manually toggled off.
Deploying the Energy Shield while in Wheel Form will automatically trigger the transformation into Destroyer mode before the shield activates, and vice versa the shield automatically toggles off when going into Wheel Form.
Not to be outshined by the Separatists, the Galactic Republic will also be receiving a new Reinforcement in the form the TX-130 Saber-class fighting tank.
The TX-130 will provide the Galactic Republic with an armored fighting vehicle that is both quick and defensive. The speed allows the TX-130 to enter into battle, deal damage, and then make its escape; a great balance between agility and power.
Primary Weapon: Laser Cannons
A pair of heavy laser cannons sit upon the TX-130 and act as its primary weapon system. Despite having a fixed firing line, the versatile nature of the tank means that it can quickly maneuver to ensure enemies are within its line of sight.
Ability One: Laser Barrage
The Laser Barrage ability on the TX-130 fires a short laser cannon barrage of continuous blaster fire. During this time the TX-130 will fire automatically for a short period of time.
This ability is the perfect counter for when you encounter multiple small and fast moving targets, such as enemy droids or speeders.
Once the automatic firing sequence is complete, Laser Barrage will go into a recharge state until it’s ready to be fired again.
Ability Two: Rockets
Rockets fire in an alternate fashion from pods on each side of the TX-130. The rockets are “dumb fired,” meaning they do not lock-on to enemies ad fire in the direction you aim them, like the AAT’s. When firing rockets you have the ability to fire them one at a time, or you can charge them up. When charged (by holding the fire button) the TX-130 will unleash all of the rockets in quick momentum.
Ability Three: Charge Mode
Activating this ability will toggle the primary fire into Charge Mode. While in Charge mode the TX-130 will gain the ability to charge up a massive charged bolt that fires simultaneously from both the left and right turrets, at the expense of some maneuverability. Charge Mode is the perfect ability to use when facing a slow moving target.
Charge Mode has a duration of 20 seconds but can be canceled sooner if desired.
Clone Wars General Skywalker
The 212th Recon Division
The 41st Scout Battalion
We’ve talked a bit about Capital Supremacy over the last few months. The feedback we’ve received has been hugely valuable, as has all the discussion around game modes in general. As we move through the summer we play to add new ways to play epic battles, for players who want something besides traditional PvP. We’ll have more to share on this later in the year.
Outside of game modes, one of the most requested content additions comes in the form of planets. Coming later this year will be a brand new planet to Star Wars Battlefront II.
The colorful jungle world of Felucia will be arriving later in 2019 and is being built for Capital Supremacy. We can’t wait to take one of the most iconic planets of the Clone Wars era and bring it into the game.
Before we get to all of that, in July we’ll feature a month of weekly Community Quests themed around your favorite Clone Wars heroes & villains that will unlock new animated poses and VO lines for these characters.
You know what? I get all the hate EA and DICE had when this game was released. P2W lootboxes were shit....but you know what? They never stopped releasing free content for this game despite they could have abandoned it to die and focus on a 3rd one. They changed the whole leveling system to be experience based instead of random loot, they added new game modes, planets, heroes, starships, and constantly try to balance and fix stuff based on direct player feedback. They changed a whole game mode because the players didn't like it the way it was (Heroes vs Villains), they changed a lot of Star Cards (skills) and Heroes based on direct player Feedback, they added lots of QOL stuff....all that for Free, withouth paying one single DLC (remember EA.BF1 had a 50$ Season Pass witch had like 70% of the content of the game). I think it's time the gaming comutity forgives DICE and stop calling shit on this game.
The game is piss cheap to get now on every platform. If any of you ever wanted to play it and never did because the "Muh bad EA meme", as a star wars fan I have to tell you: You have to give it a try. It's fun, it's fast, it gives you the Star Wars feel the 1st second you are put in a battle and still I have to see a Shooter with better graphics and performance on his gen's console.
pd: Sorry I don't have anything to do with DICE or EA; just a Star Wars fan that had his mind blown and my hype went from 0 to 100 in 2 minutes xD

The Clone Wars doesn’t end here. Starting this month, on June 26th to be precise, we have more Clone Wars content coming to Star Wars Battlefront II as part of the Where are those Droidekas? Update.

The conflict has spread to the streets of Theed, as this month we’re bringing Capital Supremacy to Naboo. The capital city of Theed is one of the most iconic locations within the Clone Wars and we’re excited to be bringing Capital Supremacy to this fan-favourite map.
When you deploy onto Naboo, you will notice that it’s set at dusk. The embered sky adds a greater layer of atmosphere to the city. Alongside the dusk setting you’ll notice that the city streets are showing signs of previously fought battle and skirmishes; romantic ambience meets war-torn streets.
The entirety of the battle takes place within the city streets itself, making Naboo a great location for those wanting to experience urban conflict from within the Star Wars universe.

If there is one reinforcement that we know is high on our community’s wish list, it’s the Droideka. Of course, we have a bit of history with these and while we won’t focus on the past, let’s just say that your passion and enthusiasm for these Rollies was not missed.
One of the most feared droids finally joins the Separatist army, wielding twin blasters and personal deflector shield generators, making them a formidable foe for anyone that faces off against them in combat. Destructive weaponry and a powerful shield aren’t their only characteristics, as their ability to transform and swiftly relocate has become synonymous with them.

Primary Weapon: Twin Blaster Cannons
Short-range heavy weapons that deal significant damage to those unfortunate enough to find themselves caught in their crossfire. The Droideka can maintain full control of the blasters regardless of whether they’re stationary or they are advancing upon their target. Don’t let them get near!
Ability One: Wheel Form
The Droideka folds its cannons and legs into its chassis and becomes able to traverse the battlefront at breakneck speeds. The Wheel Form can be activated both with the ability button and by pressing the sprint button, which also further increases its movement speed while in Wheel Form. Additionally, the Droideka can exit ball mode either by pressing the ability button, activating the Energy Shield button, or by holding down fire.
Ability Two: Overload
Sharing ability with its fellow Enforcers, the droideka can overload its primary blasters. The cannons are instantly cooled and for a period of time the droideka can fire its blaster cannons with increased rate of fire.
Ability Three: Energy Shield
The shield acts as a secondary health pool for the droideka, that is the first combatant that can shoot out from it. The shield goes into cooldown if it’s destroyed, or it’s manually toggled off.
Deploying the Energy Shield while in Wheel Form will automatically trigger the transformation into Destroyer mode before the shield activates, and vice versa the shield automatically toggles off when going into Wheel Form.
Not to be outshined by the Separatists, the Galactic Republic will also be receiving a new Reinforcement in the form the TX-130 Saber-class fighting tank.

The TX-130 will provide the Galactic Republic with an armored fighting vehicle that is both quick and defensive. The speed allows the TX-130 to enter into battle, deal damage, and then make its escape; a great balance between agility and power.
Primary Weapon: Laser Cannons
A pair of heavy laser cannons sit upon the TX-130 and act as its primary weapon system. Despite having a fixed firing line, the versatile nature of the tank means that it can quickly maneuver to ensure enemies are within its line of sight.
Ability One: Laser Barrage
The Laser Barrage ability on the TX-130 fires a short laser cannon barrage of continuous blaster fire. During this time the TX-130 will fire automatically for a short period of time.
This ability is the perfect counter for when you encounter multiple small and fast moving targets, such as enemy droids or speeders.
Once the automatic firing sequence is complete, Laser Barrage will go into a recharge state until it’s ready to be fired again.
Ability Two: Rockets
Rockets fire in an alternate fashion from pods on each side of the TX-130. The rockets are “dumb fired,” meaning they do not lock-on to enemies ad fire in the direction you aim them, like the AAT’s. When firing rockets you have the ability to fire them one at a time, or you can charge them up. When charged (by holding the fire button) the TX-130 will unleash all of the rockets in quick momentum.
Ability Three: Charge Mode
Activating this ability will toggle the primary fire into Charge Mode. While in Charge mode the TX-130 will gain the ability to charge up a massive charged bolt that fires simultaneously from both the left and right turrets, at the expense of some maneuverability. Charge Mode is the perfect ability to use when facing a slow moving target.
Charge Mode has a duration of 20 seconds but can be canceled sooner if desired.

Clone Wars General Skywalker

The 212th Recon Division

The 41st Scout Battalion

We’ve talked a bit about Capital Supremacy over the last few months. The feedback we’ve received has been hugely valuable, as has all the discussion around game modes in general. As we move through the summer we play to add new ways to play epic battles, for players who want something besides traditional PvP. We’ll have more to share on this later in the year.
Outside of game modes, one of the most requested content additions comes in the form of planets. Coming later this year will be a brand new planet to Star Wars Battlefront II.
The colorful jungle world of Felucia will be arriving later in 2019 and is being built for Capital Supremacy. We can’t wait to take one of the most iconic planets of the Clone Wars era and bring it into the game.
Before we get to all of that, in July we’ll feature a month of weekly Community Quests themed around your favorite Clone Wars heroes & villains that will unlock new animated poses and VO lines for these characters.

You know what? I get all the hate EA and DICE had when this game was released. P2W lootboxes were shit....but you know what? They never stopped releasing free content for this game despite they could have abandoned it to die and focus on a 3rd one. They changed the whole leveling system to be experience based instead of random loot, they added new game modes, planets, heroes, starships, and constantly try to balance and fix stuff based on direct player feedback. They changed a whole game mode because the players didn't like it the way it was (Heroes vs Villains), they changed a lot of Star Cards (skills) and Heroes based on direct player Feedback, they added lots of QOL stuff....all that for Free, withouth paying one single DLC (remember EA.BF1 had a 50$ Season Pass witch had like 70% of the content of the game). I think it's time the gaming comutity forgives DICE and stop calling shit on this game.
The game is piss cheap to get now on every platform. If any of you ever wanted to play it and never did because the "Muh bad EA meme", as a star wars fan I have to tell you: You have to give it a try. It's fun, it's fast, it gives you the Star Wars feel the 1st second you are put in a battle and still I have to see a Shooter with better graphics and performance on his gen's console.
pd: Sorry I don't have anything to do with DICE or EA; just a Star Wars fan that had his mind blown and my hype went from 0 to 100 in 2 minutes xD