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EA Battlefront 2 New announced content blew my mind (class, tank, planets, skins...)

I got the game post launch backlash......and its a fun game, in fact, its a very good Star Wars game (in its current state).

Anyone knows if the Battlefront maps and DLC from the first one are playable on Battlefront 2? im thinking about Bespin and Death Star dlc

They are not, not even through modding. The games use a different engine for the ships and are incompatible.

I'd really like to see the Battle of Endor make an appearance in Starfighter Onslaught. There is a mod version of the Battle of Endor but it's missing a Super Star Destroyer and about 1000 ships.


ChatGPT 0.1
I congratulate Dice on the first Battlefront, and as unimpressed I was with Battlefront 2 I'm glad the game found life because Star Wars games play to gamers strengths (space warfare, aliens, jedi vs sith etc.) its impressive.
I will just chime in that the game is very fun with capital supremacy mode. I wish it had a bigger PC player base.

[Hint for PC. Don't run in DX12]

Fallen Order has done pretty well on steam (currently in top 5 sellers even with sale going on) maybe put Battlefront 2 on it as well to boost the playerbase?

Fallen Order requires an Origin account to play it anyways even if you buy it on steam like Ubisoft with Uplay. 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️


I went back to finally play Battlefront 2 and I can't believe how I missed the photogrammetry textures on things. It's truly amazing artistically and I hope that future game companies will adopt it. The one thing I hate about BF2 is that they control selection of your favorite character. You can't duel fight the computer AI in a lightsaber tornament style fashion which is very sad. I would put 4x as much time into the game if they had that available.


[Hint for PC. Don't buy it]

It's worth buying, expecially at it's current price. It looks incredible and looks even better with a handful of mods. It plays really well even without a crazy setup and there is a lot of content in the game now. I have more time in BattleFront II than I did in the 2006 Battlefront II. The SP campaign sucks shit but I've paid more for worse games before. It's under $10 right now which to me makes it a no-brainer if you like Star Wars/competitive shooters.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
I've been playing the game regularly since launch - bought the deluxe edition, preordered. Yes it's come a long way, and as a huge Star Wars fan that's "nice" of them considering we have basically nothing else to play since EA has the whole license.

The fact that it's taken like a year and a half and a massive community backlash for a company with EA/DICE resources to bring this up to a quality product post launch is disgusting. I sincerely hope they learned from this and anthem but we all know that's not gonna happen. I haven't spent anything on mtx and I still don't plan on it no matter how much "free" content they try and earn goodwill back with.
I haven't played since maybe a month after it came out. I would get obliterated from across the map every time. I know the loot boxes were allowing players to gear up and destroy everyone. I think that was changed, but is it at all friendly to players who haven't played or haven't played in a while??


I bought it on sale a while back and really enjoyed the campaign. I'd love to see more storyline stuff.
I haven't played since maybe a month after it came out. I would get obliterated from across the map every time. I know the loot boxes were allowing players to gear up and destroy everyone. I think that was changed, but is it at all friendly to players who haven't played or haven't played in a while??

Not knowing the maps and objectives will definitely be a hurdle. There are people playing that know everything about the game at this point, especially in the older modes like Starfighter Assault. It's the same with the newer modes as they've gotten used to them. They know where things spawn in, they know when objectives will open and where to be at all times because they've had over a year to figure it out. When I first started I'd get shot down just getting my bearings. Once I knew the layout it got better. I had this same issue with almost every online game I've played though, especially if I was late to the party.
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I haven't played since maybe a month after it came out. I would get obliterated from across the map every time. I know the loot boxes were allowing players to gear up and destroy everyone. I think that was changed, but is it at all friendly to players who haven't played or haven't played in a while??

Star Cards are still in the game (you unlock them while playing that class or hero) but they don't give a huge advantage against new players. There aren't "your weapon does more damage" cards on Trooper/reinforcements for example and every Wednesday they have a triple exp bonus so you can level up anything you want super fast.

The progression system allows new players to unlock stuff and learn step by step instead of overwhelming you with 20 cards per class just at the beginning.


It is very noob friendly. I started again recently and have no trouble taking the top spots in the leaderboards. Capital supremacy, coop and starfighter assault is all I play.
I haven't played since maybe a month after it came out. I would get obliterated from across the map every time. I know the loot boxes were allowing players to gear up and destroy everyone. I think that was changed, but is it at all friendly to players who haven't played or haven't played in a while??

If you're just starting and going up against another fully leveled player you will be at a disadvantage. How much so depends on individual skill, however it is likely that player has a better weapon than your starting weapon or better attachments that add accuracy and damage over your gun. It's also likely that player has abilities that regenerate health faster, faster cooldowns on abilities, increased melee damage and/or abilities you just don't have access to yet. A fully leveled hero or specialty class will almost always stomp an unleveled player using the same, regardless of skill level.

Furthermore, the game is EXTREMELY buggy on all platforms. Certain things are broken while other things just have weird nuances that would not be apparent to a new player. The folks that have stuck with this game know what abilities have issues and how to take advantage of things like the poor hit detection. So add that on top of the normal experience gap between a new and veteran player too.

You can level up normally now, but it's still a grind with stupid level caps that prevent you from upgrading an ability fully until you are a certain class level. I would think this to be unfriendly to a new player, but since I leveled up using the old system I'm not sure how bad it is for a new player.

TLDR - No, it's not friendly to new players or players who haven't played in a while.


The new content just dropped...new WEAPONS, new co-op maps and lots of new stuff and a return of an old favourite from BF 2015

Weapons are only unlockable via usual in-game grinding and as always everything is free.
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I wish they had a user interface opacity adjustment option like they have in battlefield 1 which is also missing from battlefield v. Im not a fan of extremely bright user interface that comes with hdr when there isn't an adjustment option... Especially being on an oled.


The new content just dropped...new WEAPONS, new co-op maps and lots of new stuff and a return of an old favourite from BF 2015

Weapons are only unlockable via usual in-game grinding and as always everything is free.

And people will still say this game is bad, lacks content and EA bla bla bla.

Amazing job from DICE and capital supremacy for OT is fucking coming.


I wish they had a user interface opacity adjustment option like they have in battlefield 1 which is also missing from battlefield v. Im not a fan of extremely bright user interface that comes with hdr when there isn't an adjustment option... Especially being on an oled.
Apparently unbeknownst to me there is a mod to fix this very thing! If anybody plays on an oled and wants to not have ultra bright hud elements, well here you go! Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be anything for battlefield v.



Final Big content from the game.




Supremacy mode for the Original Trilogy Era. There will be no "attack to capital ship" phase but we will be able to use starfighters. Maps will be Scariff, Tatooine, Hoth, Death Star 2, Yavin 4.
Each of these locations will also be arriving into Instant Action, making the Age of Rebellion Supremacy experience available offline as well as online.


Following on from that theme we’re adding Scarif to the list of available Age of Rebellion locations, and it will join all the existing locations in the map rotation.
You’ll find both the MC85 Star Cruiser and the Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer within the Age of Resistance map rotation.


Instant Action Missions are based around the Co-Op multiplayer experience, allowing you to play with 3 friendly AI allies and take on an enemy team made up of AI using our existing Co-Op Missions.

Faction select will be possible, enabling both attack and defend gameplay options and the mode will be supported by every Co-Op location we have within the game, across all 3 eras.


Heroes Vs. Villains will be receiving a new planet in April, as the battle between dark and light reaches the salty mineral planet of Crait. This is one of our most requested HvV locations to date so it’s really exciting to be bringing it to the game mode.

The combat area will be focused inside the main hangar, with the blast doors open, letting in the sunset outside.





Also new versions of hooded Kylo and Rey from ROS.

Plus other HUD/UI adjustements and balance fixes.


So that's the last update. No Bespin added to Supremacy or Co-op, what the hell? It's already in the damn game. Like all things Star Wars these two Battlefront games have both been a bit of a fuck up. Still some fun to be had though.
I hope the next one they make has more content open to single player modes right from the start. I wouldn't mind running capital supremacy and missions against/with bots because sometimes I'm way too fucking dumb/tired to play with real people.
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