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EA Talks all kinds of ESPN Smack, openly



I don't know EA, that ham sammich is looking mighty tasty...

Sho Nuff

GDJustin said:
Check out this quote. It's almost unbelievable:

"We killed 'em on football. They could give that thing away for free, scotch taped to a ham sandwich and we're still going to beat them." Jeff Brown, Vice President of Corporate Communications, EA.



This is like when the villain invites James Bond into his lair and is like "Hahaha Bond, your weapons don't scare me" and internally the villain is going "SHIT!!! OH, SHIT!!!"
SonicMegaDrive said:
The always professional, ever-humble EA.

Oh, like Sega wasn't the first to start this mess? Go back to 2002 when they thought that they were going to take over with 2K3, calling people out in press release junkets. So now EA fires back and you Sega fans can't take it, AGAIN.

I swear, Sega fan loyalties can be easily compared to mild cases of schizophrenia. When Sega does the smack talk, it's viewed as "bold and fearless!" while EA/Sony/Nintendo does such things and it's dismissed as arrogance.


You know everyone in here who is sayin "Oh how professional" would be posting 50 :lol 's if Sega were the ones doing the trash talking,lmao!


Sega never said in 2002 that they were going to kill EA. They just hoped they would gain more marketshare. They didn't say anything even close to this. I don't think any company would dare say something as unprofessional as this. They're like little kids. Not even Sony would sink this low.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Sega's comeback should be, "Oh yeah, well you pressed a turd onto a DVD and called it NCAA 2005."


Sho Nuff said:
This is like when the villain invites James Bond into his lair and is like "Hahaha Bond, your weapons don't scare me" and internally the villain is going "SHIT!!! OH, SHIT!!!"

Except EA clearly isnt doing that.


being watched
Sho Nuff said:
This is like when the villain invites James Bond into his lair and is like "Hahaha Bond, your weapons don't scare me" and internally the villain is going "SHIT!!! OH, SHIT!!!"

No it's like Matrix Reloaded. EA just gives them the illusion they can win, but in the end it's just another form of control to improve their own dev teams.


We should dig up the thread where Sega posted that TO-over-Ray Lewis pic and compare responses. I'm too lazy to actually do this, though.


Most people from EA have that kind of attitude. Speaking with the producer of MoH: Rising Sun, he said stuff about how they were leaving the competition behind and how Medal of Honor was the first and best militray shooter etc. NHL 2005-producer was very dismssive about ESPN as well. He said, that when the competition feels they have to go down to $20 you've done something right. But having said that I like this year's NHL offering from EA.


Sega never said in 2002 that they were going to kill EA. They just hoped they would gain more marketshare. They didn't say anything even close to this. I don't think any company would dare say something as unprofessional as this. They're like little kids. Not even Sony would sink this low.

Well,Peter Moore and Charles Bellfield did fan those flames. They did it in an attempt to create a rivalry that would bring attention to their product. It ended up backfiring and actually helping EA. Fanboy battles ensued on forums and Madden definately saw a boost because of it.

I don't think EA is is stupid enough to really think this way. I think these comments were intended to rekindle that rivalry. However,with NFL 2K5 shipping more units in a month and a half than they've sold in 4 years combined,nobody at VC/Sega/Take Two will fight that fight again. They don't need to.

If these comments weren't intended to rekindle that rivalry,than they are pretty stupid. :)


keep your strippers out of my American football
mashoutposse said:
Sega was talking a lot of shit back when they announced that they were going 3rd party. Par for the course.

But that was Sega, they can do no wrong.

Dave Long

Eh? At $20, I've heard more than a few people say they've played Sega's game for the first time and like it better than Madden. That can't be good for the future.


When I was talking to Jeff Brown for that GameDAILYBiz story and he came up with that ham quote, I literally started cracking up on the phone; it was hillarious. :D

As for Take2, yeah there's a good chance (at least according to Michael Pachter) that they will get the ESPN license, instead of Sega's renewing it. I'm not sure when it's up for renewal though.


EA knew that Madden would sell tremendously even @ the $50 price point, but they're not so sure about NBA Live which is why they've dropped the price to $40. You *know* EA hates to drop prices for initial releases and they're pissed at VC/Take2/Sega for using the $20 price
point. I'm sure EA would say, "They're just dilluting the value of initial releases across the
board with this tactic, which in the long run, would be very bad for the industry as a whole"


I still hope EA's sports game sell less than the Sega ones, despite how unlikely it is. Maybe if Take 2 included a free copy with San Andreas, then they could win. :D
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