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EA: What did you do to the beloved Def Jam series?


I just picked up FFNY for my PSP because I absolutely loved the xbox versions of the games. Such an awesome fight engine, the tried and true AKI "punch, grapple, awesome flip" formula is in full effect here. I'm progressing through the story mode and I love the ability to switch your fighting styles as you win fights and you can have up to 3. The finishing moves are brutal and the environmental attacks are plentiful. Animation is good and some of the music is good as well. So I picture playing this game with amazing graphics on my 360 with custom soundtracks and more up to date rappers. What does EA give us? ICON. What an abomination, talk about killing the franchise :( We could have had the great granchild of the WCW vs. NWO games on the N64 with amazing graphics, animation and sound. We get some bullshit, scratch an air disc, slow as molasses fighting game.

And where the F is Fight Night EA? If you do ANYTHING to change the awesome in that game I'm going to shit in an envelope and mail it to you assholes.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
What happened was they got rid of AKI.

I wish they were doing the new UFC game, they would nail it.
Not to worry, friends! Now EA Chicago's making the Marvel fighting game about throwing shit into buildings, then slowly doing it again!!

I'm starting to think that Fight Night Round 3 was a fluke.


Def Jam was ruined by the Fight Night team.

Fight Night sucks every bit as hard as DJI does, it's just that nobody noticed because they were all amazed by the graphics.


And where the F is Fight Night EA? If you do ANYTHING to change the awesome in that game I'm going to shit in an envelope and mail it to you assholes


you 1.really like Fight Night 2. Really hate Def Jam Icon.

Both games from the same developer

BTW I hated Icon too


ICON was my first Def Jam (yeah, I know), and I was actually enjoying the game. Then, towards the end of "Build a Label", when opponents get "harder" you really notice how sluggish the gameplay is, and how the fight depends on who can throw around who the most. It didn't help that I was late in figuring out the whole turn-table crap.

I truly enjoyed the half-assed management aspect of the game, the customization, and the great graphics, but the combat left a bitter taste in my mouth by the end.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
DJ:FFNY was an amazing game. IIRC EA said they are aware that ICON sucks an were going to go back to the winning formula in FFNY....but whether that means they are bringing AKI back for the next game remains to be seen. *prays*

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Actually the only good Def Jam was Vendetta. Fight for New York was tampered with juuuuust enough to fuck the whole thing up.

Vendetta was WWF No Mercy with rappers and less game modes.....gold.

AKI will always rule wrestling games. A next gen AKI wrestling game would pretty much own everything else out there.


I was really mad about this too... 7 months ago... Where have you been?

But yeah, I felt the same way. They fucked up a truly unique and awesome game that only saw improvements with each new addition to the franchise. I remember hearing though that the original developer of Def Jam sold the rights to EA.


Grecco said:

you 1.really like Fight Night 2. Really hate Def Jam Icon.

Both games from the same developer

BTW I hated Icon too

Yes, Fight Night and Icon are similar. No, that doesn't mean you have to like both. Especially when DJ used to be so much more. Honestly I think DJ blows Fight Night away in gameplay, creativity, art style, animation, customizability, etc.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Shpeshal Ed said:
Actually the only good Def Jam was Vendetta. Fight for New York was tampered with juuuuust enough to fuck the whole thing up.

Vendetta was WWF No Mercy with rappers and less game modes.....gold.

AKI will always rule wrestling games. A next gen AKI wrestling game would pretty much own everything else out there.
I couldnt disagree more. FFNY was leaps and bounds better than Vendetta in every way. Create a Fighter was deep as fuck and very detailed for its time. Great story, impressive graphics, waaaay better gameplay and speed, interactive backgrounds etc. Adding a more street fighting feel to it was totally appropriate for the game and all the wrestling stuff is still there.

FFNY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vendetta. FACT.
Rexaur said:
Mario Wrestling...it could happen...
Hopefully done by the same guys who did


Quagm1r3 said:
What is this poor lost Nintendo fan doing in a Def Jam thread? :D

I liked the Def Jam games and I like other games too. But with AKI gone, and the increase in popularity of Wii, I'd like to see Mario suplex someone.
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