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East Bay jogger kills 15-pound pug with a kick

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owners fault.

i had a dog once come out of nowhere and start jumping right in front of me, it was a tiny dog so i didnt do anything but someone else could have been tempted to kick it. keep pets on a leash


It's not like the runner meant to kill the dog.

We don't really know that for sure though. Which is most of the debate here. Unless someone else comes out of the woodwork and goes,

'Fuck yeah that dog was coming right for him about to bite!'

or 'Yeah that dude ran towards the dog and punted fuck out of it.'

It'll probably just stay murky.

Either way keep your dogs on a leash, behind a fence, in your home, etc.
People can and will be dicks to them if given a chance.


I'll preface my post and say that I love dogs and animals in general. When a bug or spider is in my house, I try to remove it instead of killing it. I value life, big and small. I also love pugs, if I ever get a dog, a pug would be in the running.

I wouldn't be so quick to jump on the jogger. Seems like most people are buying the dog owner's story. Why? This wouldn't be the first time a crappy dog owner, who loves their dog, but sucks at taking care of it, is in utter denial that her shitty ownership lead to the demise of her little angel who just NEVER does anything wrong. The jogger is a dick for kicking the dog, but I doubt he intended to kill it. If the jogger's story is to be believed, perhaps since both parties were running towards each other, the jogger's "tap" might have had much more impact than intended. The jogger was also the one who called the cops, if he was the type of asshole who kicks little dogs so hard that they die, I doubt he'd be the one calling the cops. Also, aren't pug notoriously riddled with health issues? Maybe the pug had some heart problems?

Both parties are at fault, therefore it cancels each other out.
But I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people out there who know the temperament of pugs.

The question being did he not recognize what this fuzzy little thing coming at him was before he kicked it? Which goes straight to whether he gave it a tap that caused it to keel over as it was coming at him, or whether it was already on the way back to the owner before he went out of his way to boot it. You can claim you didn't see what it was in the first, but you can't really do that in the second.

We don't know if the jogger had a fear of dogs, or if he didn't recognize that it was a pug.
Until you said anything in this thread, I had no idea that pugs were especially known as being completely docile.

But yeah I'd at least like to know if the jogger went after the dog after it was already running back. If so, then he no question deserves everything coming to him.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Pugs are more rodent than canine.

I would certainly kick a 15lbs rat if it came at me.

Keep your rodent on a leash.
What could a 15 pound pug possibly do to warrant getting kicked to death? If the owner did something, that is between the owner and the person. Harming the animal is in no way justified unless it is attacking you
Bite you
I had a pug bite me when I was getting the mail. Small teeth but it went right through my jeans and I had some bleeding. A week later I was getting the mail again and the same pug was rushing at me(guess he gets his walks at the same time I get the mail). I was prepared this time and I was getting ready for a football kick but last second the owner called him.
That said I know most dogs just like pouncing on people, kicking wouldnt be my first reaction.

Also the pug could trip the guy and he could get injured.

Or he just hates dogs, thought to himself "muahahaha I shall kick this dog!" and then kicked it to death, and then... turned himself in at the nearest phone. Because of reasons.


As someone who is scared of dogs and recently started jogging, I don't care how small a dog is, if it charges me I am gonna kick it. That being said, if the dog was going away from him he should have just ran by.


Put your dumb dog on a leash. As I jogger I've jad a good number of dogs come towards me in an aggressive manner I'd if they weren't on leashes I'd probably lay into them too. No matter the size.
Or he just hates dogs, thought to himself "muahahaha I shall kick this dog!" and then kicked it to death, and then... turned himself in at the nearest phone. Because of reasons.

You keep doing this. He doesn't have to be a mustache twirling Snidely Whiplash. And him calling the cops on himself isn't so out of bounds. He's JOGGING in a public area. He doesn't have a getaway car. And he's probably not the world's fastest jogger because a fuckin PUG ran up on him. So it's not like he can just keep going to freedom and safety. He killed a dog and recognized that he'd killed a dog. If he was in a CAR he could just keep driving and hope nobody saw his plates. But he's in a public area and somebody is going to call the cops and he's GOING to have to talk to them about kicking a pug to death on his run.

Why is it so out of bounds for you to buy the possibility he called them himself because he simply might as well do it rather than wait for the pug owner to call and make the first impression?


Until you said anything in this thread, I had no idea that pugs were especially known as being completely docile.

But yeah I'd at least like to know if the jogger went after the dog after it was already running back. If so, then he no question deserves everything coming to him.

That's because it's not a well-known fact.

Most dogs are friendly, but just like any other dogs, pugs can (and do) sometimes attack. Their teeth have no problem breaking skin.

In general, smaller dogs are more likely to attack because they are more likely to feel threatened by a larger human. This is magnified when the human doesn't know how to read a dog's body language and ends up doing something defensive which the dog sees as threatening.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
What could a 15 pound pug possibly do to warrant getting kicked to death? If the owner did something, that is between the owner and the person. Harming the animal is in no way justified unless it is attacking you

It's clearly not justified to kill the pug. I didn't say that it was. However, if you're startled by the dog. Doing something like kicking it, shouldn't be held against you. Of course, that only goes so far as well. If he lined up and kicked it like 10 feet, that's overboard and should be punished. Either way, It's very unfortunate that it died.

I think you're mistaking what I'm saying as me thinking the jogger is not to blame. What I'm doing is trying to not take a side, and when I saw someone take one story as fact. I pointed out that it could have happened entirely different.

It's he said, she said. No witnesses. Like I said, there's two sides to the story.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
We don't really know that for sure though. Which is most of the debate here. Unless someone else comes out of the woodwork and goes,

'Fuck yeah that dog was coming right for him about to bite!'

or 'Yeah that dude ran towards the dog and punted fuck out of it.'

It'll probably just stay murky.

Either way keep your dogs on a leash, behind a fence, in your home, etc.
People can and will be dicks to them if given a chance.

Your gif usage in this thread is immaculate.
That's because it's not a well-known fact.

Most dogs are friendly, but just like any other dogs, pugs can (and do) sometimes attack. Their teeth have no problem breaking skin.

In general, smaller dogs are more likely to attack because they are more likely to feel threatened by a larger human. This is magnified when the human doesn't know how to read a dog's body language and ends up doing something defensive which the dog sees as threatening.

This thread seems to imply everyone should know that and not knowing that is inconceivable.


Hopefully the jogger ends up being charged with something.

Here's another dog killing story but from Iowa in February; I wonder if the East Bay area has similar laws because if the pug had a current collar then the jogger might be facing legal consequences:

A Wapello man will not face charges after shooting his neighbor’s two dogs, killing one of them.

“They were only 20 yards from me, there was no need for him to shoot them they weren’t causing no harm,” said Greg Slater.

According to a press release from the Louisa County Sheriff, the neighbor will not be charged because there was no evidence the man fired in the direction of any person and there was no evidence the dogs were wearing rabies vaccination tags or collars. According to Iowa Code 351.25, all dogs under six months of age, and all dogs over said age and wearing a collar with a valid rabies vaccination tag attached to the collar, shall be deemed property. Dogs not provided with a rabies vaccination tag shall not be deemed property.

And according to Iowa Code 351.26, it shall be lawful for any person, and the duty of all peace officers within their respective jurisdictions unless such jurisdiction shall have otherwise provided for the seizure and impoundment of dogs, to kill any dog for which a rabies vaccination tag is required, when the dog is not wearing a collar with rabies vaccination tag attached.

That's because it's not a well-known fact.

Sure it is.

And this thread keeps slowly sliding away from the actual scenario as laid out in the OP because people keep trying to generalize "little dogs" as opposed to the specific dog we're talking about here. The story is about a pug. Not the weiner dog that chased you when you were a little kid, not the jack russell that went after your ass when you were trying to deliver a refrigerator.

Dumb owner's unleashed pug. Dumb jogger's intentional kick.

Was the pug running towards the jogger still, or running back to the owner? Did the pug have health issues, or was it relatively healthy? Did the jogger have phobias about dogs? Is the jogger unaware of the relative harmlessness of pug dogs?

Lotta stuff not really accounted for.
As someone who grew up with little dogs, they can get underfoot easily. Even if you try to avoid them.

Out on a trail where a runner isn't expecting a small animal to come darting at him? Not exactly shocking that a dog that darts underfoot would end up getting kicked. A runner can't just stop mid stride.

Yeah, I've kicked a lot of dogs this way. But 99.9% of the time it was my dog.
And they understand it is accidental.


Should have beat the shit of the father and told the kid. "It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that I'm sorry. But you can take my word for it, your father had it comin'. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting."

Then just walked off.
Should have looked at the kid and said 'Youre doing it wrong, heres the proper way to boot something defenseless"


Neo Member
i have already been bitten twice when i was out on a jog, both times the dogs didnt have a leash on. i broke the jaw of one of the dogs with a kick because it wanted to take another bite after i pushed it away, the other dog was small so i just stuck my leg out to block.
Leash your fucking dogs people


People who say "no matter the size" are straight up cruel individuals. It's that level of fear that makes me think that even if the dog were leashed it could have still met a similar fate. A leash still allows for some amount range, and if these people are admittedly capable of kicking a toy sized dog, then I don't see how a leash always prevents them from reacting so aggressively.


Shifty analogy. Society doesn't give a fuck if someone swats a fly. We tend to place a higher value on life for pets.

You're right that we never know how someone will react but that doesn't justify killed a non-threat of a dog.

Not everyone does this. Anyway, I'm operating under the assumption that the guy didn't actually intend to purposely kill a dog. Like I said, I'm guessing it was an instinctive reaction. A quick example, I have a small westy:


People have actually crossed the street when they see me walking him. A totally harmless, cute-ass dog. They cross the street regardless. In fear. You never know what people are like, what history they have.

Moral, leash your damn dogs.


Fuck that asshole, I hope the dog owner sues the shit out of him. And those of you saying both parties are equally responsible are out of your damn minds.

Should the dog owner had them on a leash? Yes.
Would I mind if she was fined for not having them on a leash? Not really.

Does she bear the same burden of responsibility as some fucking asshole who kicked her dog to death? Fucking hell no.

Was the dog attacking him? No.
Was he in fear of his life? (GTFO out of here.)

Fuck that asshole, I hope he pays.


I almost want to give the shitty dude the benefit of the doubt, because shitty dog owners justify their shit, dumbfuck decisions in every way they can. I'm more willing to believe a guy got startled by a random dog running at him and reacted instinctively than that he went out of his way to kick a pug, which is what the owner claims.

Maybe I've just had way too many experiences with imbecilic dipshits that don't have their dogs on a leash.

Yeah, this story makes more sense than the one the owner is saying.


I love all the people in here outraged and saying he "kicked the dog to death." Like he stood there and stomped on it's head or some shit. You guys should work for the mainstream media.
The owner has every reason to paint the jogger as negatively as possible considering it was her responsibility to leash and watch her dog. She failed her duty as an owner, so of course the jogger needs to look evil as possible.

Some people don't like dogs. Others have had traumatic experiences with dogs. Little dogs can be the most vicious and aggressive. These are all reasons why it is sure as hell not my responsibility to know the temperament, nature, and behavior of a dog, regardless of size, that happens to be coming at me off its leash in a leashed zone.

Another entitled dog owner who now has to take responsibility for willfully ignoring rules and the trust of other people in the park/trail.
I love all the people in here outraged and saying he "kicked the dog to death." Like he stood there and stomped on it's head or some shit. You guys should work for the mainstream media.
He did kick the dog to death. You don't need to stomp somethings head in to kick something to death.

Also, who gives a shit how many kicks it would take to kill the dog? He shouldn't have been kicking the dog in the first place.
I'm going to go with the unpopular opinion and say it was the owners fault in this case. Dog should've been on a leash, and because of the whole thing is "she said" "he said" we don't know what happened but I think it's far more likely that the dog ran up on him while he was jogging, then it is for him going out of his way to kick a dog. Sucks for the dog though in this case.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
There are two scenarios that could have happened here.

1. Dude turns the corner of the building, and is surprised by a dog coming towards him. He instinctively kicks it because he was startled.

2. Dude turns the corner of the building, dog runs past him. The dog the runs back on his left side for a bit. Owner calls the dog. He kicks the dog in the head as it's running away because he's an asshole.

Which seems more likely?

Keep in mind, both of these scenarios would have been prevented if the dog was on a leash.

It's a shame that the dog died. I loved my dog like it was family.

EDIT: Add to the end of both of those scenarios, that he runs to find a cell phone to call the cops.
A dog doesn't just keel over from a tap. That kick was deliberate.
That's quite the leap.

Also who knows? They might if they were bred only for looks whilst ignoring the multitude of health problems that the "cutest" pugs normally have. Dog owners who go out of there way to get a pug that is not an adoption from a shelter aren't really dog lovers imo.
To clarify, after watching the video (I'd previously figured it was just a talking head version of the article underneath it and didn't click it) the guy apparently kicked the pug right in the head.

He also says he was afraid, and that he cited a previous bite from a small dog earlier, and the police on the scene determined he didn't have any real intent to cause harm to the dog. The woman however says the dog was running alongside him for a bit before he did anything and that the dog only initially got away from her because she was in the process of leashing the other one.

Both of them are spinning, it seems.
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