Bloodworth's Personal Picks - 5. Forza Horizon 3, 4. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, 3. Uncharted 4, 2. The Witness, 1. The Last Guardian
Brad's Personal Picks - 5. Overwatch, 4. Uncharted 4, 3. Dark Souls III, 2. The Last Guardian, 1. Final Fantasy XV
Kyle's Personal Picks - Maybe Digimon, but c'mon. 1. The Last Guardian
Damiani's Personal Picks - 1. The Last Guardian , Shout-outs: Gravity Rush Remastered, World of Final Fantasy, Attack on Titan, Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
Ben's Personal Picks - 1. / 2. Final Fantasy XV / The Last Guardian, Shoutouts: Dragon Quest Builders, Let it Die, Monster Hunter Generations, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
Kyle Interjection - Batman: Arkham VR
Huber's Personal Picks - For Honor Alpha, The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine, Battlefield 1, Final Fantasy XV, 1. Uncharted 4
Ian's Personal Picks - Honorable Mentions: Let it Die, Owlboy, 5. Dishonored 2, 4. Inside, 2. Nioh Beta, 1. The Witness / Dark Souls III
Brandon's Personal Picks - Inside, The Witness, 1. Uncharted 4