My criticism of the side quests is that they were extremely dull. Sure, there's a few things there when I started doing them early on which are interesting, but they're not worth the time put into the mostly boring "go here and kill some dull enemies and bring me the pickup".
I've looked up a lot of the side quest outcomes and it doesn't feel like I missed anything from the main story. If in was forced to okay through them, I'd have a much lower opinion of the game, so having that content as 100% optional is both in the games favour and not something that should stop someone from contributing to an episode of spoiler mode.
Proving my point kinda. That is neither interesting nor insightful criticism.
That doesn't mean that it isn't valid or has no merit. It definitely has in the context of a review that statement prefacing an explanation of the presentation aspects is absolutely a good point to make.
But if we were to come together to discuss the game in the most interesting ways and dive as deep on it to the best of our both abilities I'm not going to lie that's a disappointingly shallow opinion to have. In such a discussion and I'm repeating myself I'm not really interested in the "fun" factor or entertainment factor discussion of the sidequest. That isn't why they're interesting. The sidequest are interesting in how the add to the overall story, Taroverse lore, statements they make.
That statement is kind "oh I didn't miss anything I experienced". That is like someone only experiencing route A saying I didn't miss anything about the first part of the main story. I had a complete experience. Which honestly is a fine opinion to have. It's just not encouraging in the way of a discussion that wants to go deeper.
You might have a lower opinion of the game if you were forced to play through them but my point is your opinion would likely be more interesting to listen to cause you could speak to the thematic successes and failures of the quest, their integration of the main story, their resonating or totally appalling messages, etc etc.
I'm not saying it stops someone from contributing I'm saying I'd be disappointed at the likely extent of that contribution given the limits it will be based on.
For me it would be akin to someone doing a book report based on a wikipedia summary instead you know reading the book.
I think an analysis of the P5 main story only would be completely fine and very interesting - Mostly due to the fact that the main story is much better written than the confidant bits. The confidant stories just reiterate the themes already present in the main story for the most part.
I think a lot of what you are arguing is logically sound but very silly from a real world perspective.
I mean that I guess I can accept that most people seem to be fine with less than with more. Disappointing I guess but can't argue with that really.
I strongly disagree on that Confidant part as far as quality of writing is concerned but I'm reluctant to start that discussion given that I have not played the game in English.
I'll leave this here again at this point cause I think parts of it express very well how certain disconnects can happen given that sometime the nuanced difference in reference points can drive different conclusions.
I bring this up based on prior experience with certain character storylines where I found the conclusions the west had hard to relate to based on nuanced decisions the localization has made that I was simply unaware of. Basically I learned it's a mistake to assume that we're experiencing essentially the same version of something.