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Ebayer paid through Paypal with an e-check...should I wait?


Since checks on Paypal apparently need to clear for a few days, should I wait until I get the money to ship out, or just send it anyway and hope for the best?

Of course, I wouldn't have to worry about anything if Ebayers would actually read the auction requirements before going "OMG BUY IT NOW MUST HURRAY."
ToS had some weird mini-games, but I must have never played the eBay minigame.

Unless you posted this in the wrong forum.
Oh, fine... in any case, wait until PayPal sez the check has cleared. That's what I did when somebody paid me that way. No reason I should take a risk because the buyer's retarded.

Musashi Wins!

Wait. Seriously, you know how eBay is, why even question this? Write a small note to your buyer telling them it won't ship until their funds are secured. You can dis-allow this option to buyers (eChecks), but it's not really a big deal unless you must be paid immediately.
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