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Edge Magazine: The 100 Greatest Videogames 2017 Edition


1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild



Haven't played the Lunar games. Most of the SNES RPGs (and even the PS1 ones by extention) I have played are mostly poorly written games with repetitive battle systems that are saved mostly by visuals (for the SNES games anyway) and music.

Of the bulk that I played the only one I really find holds up is Chrono Trigger because its story doesn't take itself seriously enough for weaker written parts to really matter. The setting, music and graphics carry it and I think the cast is really charming in part because they aren't aiming to be "teh drama" or "teh artificial depth in our pretentious political drama". The gameplay is pretty simple standard ATB but it's not a long game and there is normally enough mixup to make it fine for what is really only like a 20 hour game.

I honestly don't think the JRPGs of the 4th and 5th gen are all that good. I don't mind seeing them excluded.

The game missing that bugs me is Yoshi's Island. God tier and hasn't aged at all.

IDK about everyone else but Lunar 1 and 2 were localized by Working Designs themselves, and to me they have amazing translations. Sure, there is some pop culture stuff in there, but the translations have an an energy that is clearly lacking in most RPGs. I fully recommend both Lunar games. Play them on an emulator if you need to. They are very much worth it.


the more i see this list the more pissed off i get. there are some really problematic choices. im shaking.


FWIW if Bloodborne and what not are going to get criticized for poor stories than BoTW is sure as hell on the burner too. Game is massively overrated at this point. I mean, pick it as number one or what have you because something needs to be number one, but to me that just seems a bit "of the moment" for my tastes. I know it's hard to choose a number one game though.

Anyway, there are a lot of ways Zelda could improve and actually take that spot in legit fashion. Their storytelling leaves a lot to be desired IMO.


FWIW if Bloodborne and what not are going to get criticized for poor stories than BoTW is sure as hell on the burner too. Game is massively overrated at this point. I mean, pick it as number one or what have you because something needs to be number one, but to me that just seems a bit "of the moment" for my tastes. I know it's hard to choose a number one game though.

Anyway, there are a lot of ways Zelda could improve and actually take that spot in legit fashion. Their storytelling leaves a lot to be desired IMO.

I've never seen anyone on this board, in reviews or in real life pretend that BOTW's story is any sort of stellar or even great, so how can the story be overrated?

It created the best open world I've ever been in, and i played a lot of stuff.

Lego Boss

GTA V at #3 pretty much invalidates the whole thing by itself. That game is fucking boring.

Amazingly l find it hard to disagree with you. On of only two GTAs l didn't finish. SA was just too difficult at true end for me.

V l just gave up on as it was dull as ditchwater.


ITT Neith really cares about stories

Well games do too, apparently. I think for the last twenty years the goal of innovation in gaming has been trying to produce great gameplay with novel-tier stories. That is the wish anyway. That is where the drive seems to be going with the biggest studios.

We haven't quite hit that yet, but hey why not try to? I'm not trying to crap on any games here. Both Zelda and Souls games are some of my favorite games in the history of gaming. But I'm not just gonna settle for Dark Souls 3.5 or Zelda BotW 2. It's fine if that is what is made, but I would hope for more because there is much room to grow.

If we were still stuck in a world where Oblivion was the watershed moment in games I wouldn't play games like that anymore.

I've never seen anyone on this board, in reviews or in real life pretend that BOTW's story is any sort of stellar or even great, so how can the story be overrated?

It created the best open world I've ever been in, and i played a lot of stuff.

I feel like the metacritic and Zelda games in general get a free pass in a few areas. I love BotW, still not finished, but it's not a 97 type of game to me. It's a solid 90 with a decent amount of room for improvement. One of my favorite games for sure. Where as I think a game like Horizon is sitting nearer to its rational position on a scale, though, I think harsh criticism in games is still not accepted well and game scores tend to be boosted across the board.


...hate me...
Breath of the Wild is one of the best games I've played in my life and the best in years. Fully agree with the position.


Far Cry 2 is without a doubt, not only the best Far Cry game ever made, but easily one of best Ubisoft games ever made.


There is no pay out.
The ending is 2mins of talking with no conclusion.

I had this problem with Demon's Souls, and I have it in all From games. I don't do NG+ usually, and the endings are always terrible. I must have let Dark Souls sit for a year before I beat it. But it was fun going back to it and completing The Painted World. I did actually beat it now. The ending in fact kind of sucked too but it is what it is. The game was overall amazing.


I'm ok with omitting some stuff, but putting The Last of Us in there is embarrassing.

But lists are gonna list.

Oh my god, someone disagrees with me, they should be embarrassed for enjoying something I don't. We should start a petition to remove the game from the list.


I feel zelda is kinda avoiding the "only one game unless it isn't a straight up sequel" rule far too much.
They could have at least limited it to one 3D and 2D zelda game.

The list itself rubs me the wrong way as always, they lost me when i saw sc2 above brood wars.


Has nothing to do with defending its writing, which has no place whatsoever in any world where good writing exists. Souls games are not good writing, and if this is what people think good writing is well IDK what to tell you. You are wrong.

I don't think anyone is asking for a traditional plot. But they can do better than random NPCs placed in random places that tell you random shit. There is no coherence to any of the storytelling. OMG an item links this character and that character told me something that links this other character!

Let's IMAGINE what could happen here! Because the game cannot bother with even the most minimal levels of deep characterization, let's just imagine what it would be like for everything to have even the slightest sense of realism!

The Souls demographic thinks these games are perfect. I and many others disagree with this notion. It is what it is. No way in hell 3 Souls games make my top 100. Dark Souls will get a top 20 mention, and a possible Demon's Souls remaster might sneak in the top 30 as well. But nothing else so far. Just started Scholar, and I am liking its characters better than Bloodborne so far.

I mean at least they have SOME sense of being actual characters in a fantasy. Bloodborne is just absurdist with minimal characterization taken to the extreme.

I disagree that From are masters of world building. Their world PALES in comparison to what The Witcher 3 does with its world. It's not even close. From just gets excused by fanboys. Item descriptions isn't a replacement for characterization and proper world building. I never have given on crap about anything that actually happens in any Souls game to date.

That does not mean I want face to face talking in From games every 5 minutes. Far from it.

I'd say though that Demon's Souls and Dark Souls came the closest to bringing me into their worlds. I thought the lore and some of the NPCs were pretty good, and they fit into their world well.

Let's not get me wrong here. Dark Souls is in my top 20 games of all time, and a DeS remaster might sneak up there too. So don't go on this tirade like I hate these games or something. Don't misconstrue my constructive criticism for some fanboy BS.

I mean, obviously it's not great writing. I'm not sure who said it was. It's such a minuscule little part of the game though, I'm not really sure why awkward dialogue that you hear for 10 seconds out of every 2 hours matters that much. I've never even read an item description. I've spent around 500 hours in the series altogether and I don't have the slightest inking of what's going on. I don't want to know what is going on, that could ruin the mystique for me. It's just outside the point - to me the point is the implication of story, and that's personally more interesting than the highly fleshed out story of W3.

I'm not saying one is better than the other. Actually I haven't finished W3 but I'll go ahead and grant you it has a better story. That better story doesn't impact me as much as the implication of story in Souls, sort of like the implication of a monster in a horror movie is stronger than actually seeing the monster.
pls no Sunny "implication" gifs :p

You can call that a cop-out if you want, but almost no other game does it like this so obviously it's not as easy as the series makes it look.


Neo Member
The worst thing about every greatest games list thread and game of the year list thread is all the people who doesn't seem to understand that these are subjective lists and that other people like other games then them.

"Game X is above my favourite game! How dare they! I didn't like it and that means no one else is allowed to like it either, and if they do like it more then my favourite game then that can only mean that they put it there for some other reason then they actually liking it enough to put it in that spot. Also game X killed my dog"

That's how I imagine the thought proccess went before some of the posts in here.

There is nothing wrong with having different opinions on what games are good or not, and what would make up your top 100 list. But some of you are taking this way to personal. There's nothing embarrassing with this list except for some of the responses to it.


The worst thing about every greatest games list thread and game of the year list thread is all the people who doesn't seem to understand that these are subjective lists and that other people like other games then them.

"Game X is above my favourite game! How dare they! I didn't like it and that means no one else is allowed to like it either, and if they do like it more then my favourite game then that can only mean that they put it there for some other reason then they actually liking it enough to put it in that spot. Also game X killed my dog"

That's how I imagine the thought proccess went before some of the posts in here.

There is nothing wrong with having different opinions on what games are good or not, and what would make up your top 100 list. But some of you are taking this way to personal. There's nothing embarrassing with this list except for some of the responses to it.

Well, there would be no discussion if people were not going to comment on what they disagree with or agree with. The whole point of making a list is for people to talk about it. I agree on the part about embarrassing.... those posts are ridiculous.

But the whole point of these lists to me is to discuss what you dislike. In a reasonable way. I still love Bloodborne and BotW, but I can constructively criticize what they do wrong in my eyes, hope for better, and also say where I feel they should be ranked.

For me BotW is much higher than Bloodborne, which I see as a more redundant but great iteration in a series of very samey games.

BotW is venturing out more but still seems stuck in the old mediocre story mold of certain games.

For me the list completely shits the bed on shmups and platformers. I just cannot believe a top 100 list has not one of Yoshi's Island, Rayman, DK, or Ori and the Blind Forest. That to me is just absolutely madness those game are the best in the business at their respective genres and that is hardly reaching.

Instead we have modern stuff like Destiny, Hearthstone (a lame card game compared to Magic IMO) and Hyper Light Drifter (lol good game but get the fuck off a top 100 list). How in god's name is Hyper Light Drifter, a samey platformer released not even a year ago, on a top 100 list when I can name 100 games right now more deserving. Insanity. But it's their list and that is what we are here to talk about.
I think I just identified a flaw that invalidates the entire list.

Long story short, it's missing the one true indisputable GOAT:



Neo Member
Well, there would be no discussion if people were not going to comment on what they disagree with or agree with. The whole point of making a list is for people to talk about it. I agree on the part about embarrassing.... those posts are ridiculous.

But the whole point of these lists to me is to discuss what you dislike. In a reasonable way. I still love Bloodborne and BotW, but I can constructively criticize what they do wrong in my eyes, hope for better, and also say where I feel they should be ranked.

For me BotW is much higher than Bloodborne, which I see as a more redundant but great iteration in a series of very samey games.

BotW is venturing out more but still seems stuck in the old mediocre story mold of certain games.

That kind of was my point. There's nothing wrong with not agreeing with the list or discussing what you would do differently and why. It's just that some of the posters in every one of these threads can't understand that other people like other things for different reasons and turn the discussion into "this list and the person who made it sucks because of reasons, and everyone who agrees with it are wrong and should feel bad".

I see no reason why there can't be a discussion about what games you agree or don't agree with in these threads without all the hyperbole and hostility
It's a way better game than Skyrim, and that game seems to always get a free pass on these lists.

I don't think Horizon comes close to being as good as Skyrim

Like I said, embarrassing. No one will remember Horizon as anything other than another open world game 5 years from now.


None of the games in the top 20 are bad, but they are all very safe choices, other than MGSV, which I appreciate being there. Most of my favorite games are flawed, but pack a punch with what they get right.
It certainly has areas it can still be improved, and the first half of the experience is definitely stronger than the second half. That said i still think BoTW position is well deserved. I struggle to find games that hold my attention nowadays but BoTW blew me away. First single player game I've spent 100+ hours on in nearly 20 years (last being FF7). Didn't think it was possible for a game to feel so fresh and captivating to me at this point.

Just noticed 5 of the top 38 games are Zelda games. Talk about GOAT franchise.


This is not the worst list I've seen.

I'm not far enough into BOTW to judge its #1 spot but from what I've seen so far, I'm open to the idea of it being that good.

A few choices that contradict my personal opinions:
The Witcher 3 should be around #20-#15.
No SMB3?
No Chrono Trigger?
Where are all of the amazing fighting games that have ever been released?
Seriously... no WoW?
Why is SotN so low?


I don't think Horizon comes close to being as good as Skyrim

Like I said, embarrassing. No one will remember Horizon as anything other than another open world game 5 years from now.

On consoles?

Horizon trounces it and then some.

On Pc? They only thing you will have and its a subjective point, is mods to vastly extend Skyrim's replayablity to last you years.

I'm saying this as an addict of Skyrim. I have bought it on PS3, PS4 and Steam and modded it to hell and back with animations and combat mods to make melee combat bearable.

Horizon will put it over for me just because of the moment to moment combat action and story. There is nothing like it this generation of consoles.


A lot of games on the list ahead of Katamari Damacy is a travesty. : p

Gotta agree here. Damacy was very innovative, and all 3 of the main games are absolutely terrific. I spent over 20 bucks on the OST CDs each for 1 and 2. Amazing work. I even liked the Forever soundtrack. 2 is probably tops for me though. That game was just amazing. And Everlasting Love is one of my favorite tracks ever in a game.

Trials Fusion ahead of Katamari Damacy is the biggest travesty.

I'm not sure why Trials has to take the L here. Plenty of worse games than Trials on this list. Trials Fusion to me in an amazing piece of software in its full iteration. I agree still, but We Love Katamari is probably in my top 30 games. Katamari Forever is pretty much a great combination of the two and some new stuff too. So I guess just throw the original in there.


I don't think Horizon comes close to being as good as Skyrim

Like I said, embarrassing. No one will remember Horizon as anything other than another open world game 5 years from now.

Hey, I'll bet you a hundred dollars when Horizon 2 comes out in 2.5 years that in 2.5 years more your quote is going to look highly idiotic. It's your opinion, but it's a terrible and illogical opinion. Whether you like it or not Horizon is here to stay, and it's only going to get better. GG is a highly competent studio. They have all the talent and money they need along with one of the best engines in the industry.

If you think they are going to just go away you might as well start buying the wipes for your tears now.

Skyrim is hopelessly mediocre without mods. The remaster is a step up, but that engine is a pile of dog pooh for the most part.
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