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egm have Half Life 2 (vs Halo 2 etc..)

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Kon Tiki

Have not cuaght up tot he latest delays... Does HL2 ship before Halo 2?

I am afraid whatever games ships first will get most of my time. :(


Bish loves my games!
All I know is that with Half Life 2, Halo 2 and GTA:SA all coming out in within the space of a month or so I FEAR for my social life. And that's just the start of the Christmas joy.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Like we already didn't know this...I could have told you Doom 3's single player would be garbage compared to Half-Life 2 before Doom 3 even came out. :p


Time ta STEP IT UP
demon said:
I'm a little confused....have the people saying that HL2 kicks Halo 2's ass actually played any of Halo 2 outside of the demos at game shows?

Negative. But by playing Counter Strike: Source, the online component of Half Life 2, I can safely say that Half Life 2 trumps Halo 2 in the multiplayer department. It don't need no stinkin' co-op.
Badabing said:
Negative. But by playing Counter Strike: Source, the online component of Half Life 2, I can safely say that Half Life 2 trumps Halo 2 in the multiplayer department. It don't need no stinkin' co-op.

Based on what?


Chili Con Carnage!
Mr. Lemming said:
Half-Life 2 should be released through Steam at the same moment Halo 2 goes on sale.

I think the forum would literally tear in half if that happened.
Oh man, talk about flying off the handle about an out-of-context opinion.

Shawn doesn't work for EGM anymore. He was stating an opinion based on the fact that he's played Half Life 2. He's not speaking as an EGM editor, just a hyped gamer.

You don't have to share his opinion, and I'm sure he agrees that you'd have to be an idiot not to play both games. You know why? There's no comparison between the two. It's like comparing Street Fighter 2 to Virtua Fighter 4 -- you can't compare a PS2 and a Super NES, much like you can't compare a high-end PC to an Xbox. I doubt the Xbox is even capable of fully handling all the physics and graphics in HL2.

Besides, HL2 is single player. Everyone knows that Halo's longevity is going to be almost strictly based around multiplay.

He's basically saying that HL2 blew him away, and he'd be pleasantly surprised if Halo could do the same.
Badabing said:
Negative. But by playing Counter Strike: Source, the online component of Half Life 2, I can safely say that Half Life 2 trumps Halo 2 in the multiplayer department. It don't need no stinkin' co-op.

i see....so because you played CS: source and havent played halo 2 multiplayer....you find CS:Source to be more fun and better.....thats interesting.


Mrbob said:
Does Half Life 2 have any sort of co-op? I think Co-op for Halo 2 will put it over the top. Whether the game is "designed better" or not. It'll probably be close but the ability to blast through a level with a friend amplifies the fun factor to a higher level.
I agree about the co-op, it's what made the first Halo really shine for me. Playing it solo wasn't nearly as fun, but I replayed levels in co-op mode many times.


Mrbob said:
Hmm, I wondered why EGM of all places is comparing HL2 to halo 2.

Unfortunately, threads comparing the two games are going to become more and more common as insecure fans on both sides jockey to proclaim their game the greatest videogame ever.


Duckhuntdog said:
I've got a copy of HL2 sitting on my HD waiting for Gabe to get off his tubby butt and unlock the sucker.

HL2 going gold is now dependent on Vivendi Universal approving the release candidate. Valve's work is essentially done.


not an idiot
lol, i love how everyone believes one guy's opinion as if he is the voice from God, it's like the whole forum forgot that every single person here usually disagrees with almost every reviewer ever anyhow... all a sudden, some shmoe comes up and says despite not playing one of the games that the other game is better... and now it's like official or some shit? lol

marks my words, this whole HL2 vs. H2 bullshit is going to become stupid on epic levels and no doubt be a hot topic on every forum around... but basically it will go...

PC, GCN, PS2 fanboys = HL2 better

Xbox fanboys = H2 better

normal people = stay the fuck away from everyone above and their stupid ass threads about a subjective argument that they will try to submit as a fact and sit there and argue about it every single day of the year for the next 3 - 4 years.

oh the joy... i can hardly wait to see the threads start popping up, say... the day halo 2 releases? or what am i saying, why would they wait (proof from this retarded thread) they have already begun.


Teddman said:
I agree about the co-op, it's what made the first Halo really shine for me. Playing it solo wasn't nearly as fun, but I replayed levels in co-op mode many times.

Teddman 4 the win! This about sums it up.. I'm a PC whore, but I found Halo to be INCREDIBLE.. mainly due to co-op. I think we need to make a big distinction between SP v MP, and CAMPAIGN v MP.

Halo's SP was really damn good.. particularly for a console FPS, but it was lacking.. it was obviously rushed which left some great gameplay elements stranded with others that werent up to par with a title of this calibur.

For me.. I played TFC(HL version) forever pretty much, however.. I still play Co-op with friends on the weekend, and for me personally that's precious time.

Over the years it's narrowed down to where the majority of my time spent w/ "guy" buddies is down to 5-6 guys max. At my age, 3 are married and 2 have kids.... Halo has a level of complexity while still being easy to pick up and have 4 of us play. It's perfect, and ends up being a small reminder of what of the fun our lives used to be back in the day. I can remember us playing Goldeneye like during the end of college. Memories can't be replaced. :\ That's what Halo has provided for us over the last couple of years... and that is a very tough thing to be replaced.



Shits all over Master Chief.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
m0dus said:
Sorry. While that picture is ALL SORTS of awesome, your statement is ludicrous. What exactly "shits" all over the master chief? the nerd glasses or the crowbar? :D


Pisses all over Gordan Freeman

not only does Gordan Freeman have more personality than Master Chief.. HES BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF AN ALIEN WITH A CROWBAR.. how badass is that?



Mrbob said:
Does Half Life 2 have any sort of co-op? I think Co-op for Halo 2 will put it over the top.
Half Life 2 won't have co-op out of the box, but Valve already have people working on a mod that will enable co-op for HL2. Plus HL2 co-op will be online... something that Halo 2 won't have.


Porthos said:
Half Life 2 won't have co-op out of the box, but Valve already have people working on a mod that will enable co-op for HL2. Plus HL2 co-op will be online... something that Halo 2 won't have.

Perhaps, yet I can promise that even if it were out of the box, i would get <1% as much fun out of it. Honestly, they should put their resources into kickbutt new MP mods over the course of the game.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Gordan Freeman has more personality than Master Chief? Did I miss the Gordam Freeman interview on the Daily Show or something? Slap a spacesuit on Gordan and it'd be the same fucking thing. This "my generic FPS character has more personality than your generic FPS character" bullshit is ridiculous.


Unconfirmed Member
OMG Nerd scientest come baddass vs. engineered super soldier badass :rolleyes FIGHT!

Both characters are basically conceptually lame. That does not mean that their respective games are not absolutely awesome though. ;)

edit: they are not designed poorly either, visually they both look fine.
Porthos said:
Half Life 2 won't have co-op out of the box, but Valve already have people working on a mod that will enable co-op for HL2. Plus HL2 co-op will be online... something that Halo 2 won't have.
Where'd you get that info about HL2 co-op? Have they said anything about working on a HL2 multiplayer mod?
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