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egm review scores - september 2007 (lair, blue dragon, mario strikers: charged, etc.)

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Xeke said:
It's the better scale.

5 should be average. Most games should be 5 and it shouldn't be terrible. Lair will probably be average. 7 should be above average and 10 should be near flawless.

Thats why like the 5 point scale better. It just gets to the point.

I agree. I could have sworn 5 was average at EGM, but when I got out last month's issue to check it said 6.5. Dunno if they changed it or maybe I'm thinking of another mag/site.


Jealous Bastard
something really is awry. i never get the issue this early. maybe egm knows i have my finger on the pulse of the gaming world, finally.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
theBishop said:
yikes. i expected blue dragon to get 7's and Lair to get 8's.
I thought Lair would get perfect 10s.
beelzebozo said:
something really is awry. i never get the issue this early. maybe egm knows i have my finger on the pulse of the gaming world, finally.

so can you post the good/bad section of the review? or a summary of what they said?


Not Wario
fernoca said:
Well, every one is "EGM 'gave' this score"....

Anyway, still funny.. :lol
Everyone here know I love Mortal Kombat, yet..EGM was the only place that gave 1 or 2 points lowers scores to the recent 4 MK games, yet everyone was like "I agree, MK sucks..well deserved"....
I didn't cared I was going to buy the game anyway (and so did the few other millions gamers).....

Now everyone it's like "EGM sucks, I hate them"... :lol :lol :lol

This type of reasoning is not uncommon here. "EGM's reviews for JRPGs are always inaccurate- Persona 3 got GOTM?!?!?! It's going to be teh awesome!"

Selective perception FTW


Ouch @ Lair/Blue Dragon/Guitar Hero.
Even though many people had been gushing over the Lair vids, I always thought that it was just eye candy and that the gameplay didn't look all that great. I expected a higher score from Blue Dragon. I think GVC gave it a 9.x. Not a bad score for Strikers though.


I was worried about that after playing BD demo. It almost felt to me that they were trying too hard to emulate Dragon Quest.

As far as the rumor Squeenix remaking the DQ games, starting with four, whats up with that? I own the DQ4 remake on the PSone, the DQ5 remake on the PS2. I was looking forward to at least a PS2 remake of DQ6, and now they're going back 2 games to work on the DS?
Some people over at System Wars are claiming this is made up because the issue hasn't been released yet, and there isn't a shred of evidence anywhere besides here.


- squeenix to start remaking dragon quest games starting with dq4 on ds

Nice, about time, although I wish they'd remake DQ3 again.

I love a good, traditional JRPG. After playing the Blue Dragon demo, I wouldn't use good, traditional JRPG to describe it.

Methinks you have no idea what good traditional JRPGs play like. hint: it ain't FF


Bebpo said:
Meh, Lair probably sucks but considering that they gave it the same score as my GoTY Gundam Musou...I'll take it with a grain of salt.


Oh boy, I guess once again no one in the US like the traditional jrpg, even if it's REALLY GOOD
. @_@

FF3 is traditional and awesome.

Based on the demo, BD is traditional and has an interesting, yet clunky interface and some of slow down in RPG history.

If the full game has that kind of slowdown, it doesn't deserve over a 7.5. It was a gamebreaker in the demo.

Edit: Though it's EGM. And let's face it, EGM lost complete respect in the gaming community, especially with reviews. They're overly hard on games just to be hardasses. When you have a magazine saying a Mega Man game is "too hard" as a... negative, something is wrong.


Even though many people had been gushing over the Lair vids, I always thought that it was just eye candy and that the gameplay didn't look all that great.

thats factor 5 for you.


jj984jj said:
They also gave Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition a 9.0 and Etrian Odyssey a 4.0. I could go on but what's the point? EGM reviews suck, and their scale is worse.

Etrian got a 4.0? Hmm. It is the best DS game I have ever played and I've got quite a few.


Jealous Bastard
Linkzg said:

I think their comments might clear up some things

here you go. also added to op.

crispin says the combat system is confusing, and the sixaxis controls don't always work the way they should. lock-on system is also jacked.

greg ford says the camera is frustrating in ground combat. the wide open levels hold a lot of potential but ultimately don't deliver

garnett says it's a "frustrating disappointment" with a few bright spots


Listen Sony, if you're trying to decide which one of your newly contracted companies to buy, go with Ninja Theory.


the chris said:
Who cares what most reviewers think anyways? As long as you enjoy the game that's all that really matters(unless the game is supposed to be part of a series a games but bad reviews steer people away from the game and no sequels get made.)

Bad reviews are what keep me from buying Armored Core 4 - I swear, though, my hand keeps straying towards it like I'm under an imperius curse. I figure they'll make more even if the world goes 9 feet underwater, so my non-purchase is kind of victimless. I mainly care what reviewers think because I like reading game reviews. I also care because it's all information about the game, even if it is studded or mixed with bogus opinions. It's not like I have a finite bank of commentary, perspectives and data about games that I need to guard from redundant entries: the more detail the better. Bring on all reviews of Lair - positive, negative, eloquent, illiterate etc...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
It's over, the 360 won. All is lost. Sell your PS3's now while you can get 20 cents on the dollar for them.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
m0dus said:
I know. All we need is for Gahiggidy to get a PS3, Wollan to buy a 360, and . . . well, nobody can find a wii. . . but you get the idea. :l)

All joking aside (you could tell, right?) EGM has made it clear they're resetting their scale. 6.5, while probably not wholly deserved by either of these games, isn't a BAD score, per se. This shouldn't sway anyone considering either Lair or Blue Dragon in the slightest, because again, your always best served forming your own opinion.

wollan has a 360. I even have his gamertag!

walls breaking down


After looking at some of those scores, the first thought in my mind was: "Killing Spree..."


- level 5 is going to announce 5 new rpgs at tokyo game show
- squeenix to start remaking dragon quest games starting with dq4 on ds
- microsoft is funnelling all the best 360 parts to the elite model, which is why lower models crap out more
- next def jam game will be better than icon. ea knows it sucked
- io interactive (kane and lynch) making a kids' game
- next james bond game will use call of duty 4 engine

Level 5 announcing 5 new RPGs? That's quite the number.
I believe the DQ remake rumor.
Pass on the rest of those rumors.


909er said:
As far as the rumor Squeenix remaking the DQ games, starting with four, whats up with that? I own the DQ4 remake on the PSone, the DQ5 remake on the PS2. I was looking forward to at least a PS2 remake of DQ6, and now they're going back 2 games to work on the DS?

Well, I-III have appeared more than twice, so maybe that's their reasoning (Famicom, Super Famicom, Game Boy Color). I'd like to think it had something to do with IV's NTSC version getting canned, but I doubt it. I'm thrilled either way.

I was actually also hoping for I-III to get remade in a DQIX-type style, I'd love to play a version of DQI like that.


Woo-Fu said:
Etrian got a 4.0? Hmm. It is the best DS game I have ever played and I've got quite a few.

To be fair (and I love Etrian), Etrian is for a very specific audience; I have I would say about 8-10 fairly "hardcore" game friends I know personally, and I would only recommend it to 1 of them. Also only ONE reviewer gave FF1 Anniversary a 9, the others were a 6.5 and a 7.5 I think?
Speevy said:
Listen Sony, if you're trying to decide which one of your newly contracted companies to buy, go with Ninja Theory.

Oh, I'm sure Sony knew exactly what it was getting when it signed Factor 5. Make us an incredible technological demonstration that people can play, kinda.


m0dus said:
I know. All we need is for Gahiggidy to get a PS3, Wollan to buy a 360, and . . . well, nobody can find a wii. . . but you get the idea. :l)

All joking aside (you could tell, right?) EGM has made it clear they're resetting their scale. 6.5, while probably not wholly deserved by either of these games, isn't a BAD score, per se. This shouldn't sway anyone considering either Lair or Blue Dragon in the slightest, because again, your always best served forming your own opinion.

So Persona 3 is the best game ever made under this system?

Good to know. I'll be buying it.


Now that everyone realizes that Factor 5 are terrible developers maybe they can get cracking on that Wii middleware.
who HONESTLY thought lair was going to be good. i thought we all knew that shit looked mediocre at best. come on gaf, where is the power of our hive mind??
Salazar said:
Bad reviews are what keep me from buying Armored Core 4 - I swear, though, my hand keeps straying towards it like I'm under an imperius curse. I figure they'll make more even if the world goes 9 feet underwater, so my non-purchase is kind of victimless. I mainly care what reviewers think because I like reading game reviews. I also care because it's all information about the game, even if it is studded or mixed with bogus opinions. It's not like I have a finite bank of commentary, perspectives and data about games that I need to guard from redundant entries: the more detail the better. Bring on all reviews of Lair - positive, negative, eloquent, illiterate etc...

Hence why the Eurogamer review should be a good read. Positive or negative, Eurogamer reviews are typically informative and interesting to read.


Johnas said:
Well, I-III have appeared more than twice, so maybe that's their reasoning (Famicom, Super Famicom, Game Boy Color). I'd like to think it had something to do with IV's NTSC version getting canned, but I doubt it. I'm thrilled either way.

I'm kinda interested to see what they'll do different, if anything, for the DQ4 DS remake. But damn, I was really looking forward to a 3D DQ6. That one was by far my favorite in the series.


Jealous Bastard
n128 said:
Any metroid interview?

can you summarize it


anything for metroid.

- exploration will play a key role, but there will be more shooting. they describe the "lock-on free shooting" that's been covered in many e3 previews. it's allowed developers to make battles more vertically oriented, which egm says works well

- so far, wii controls only add to the experience, not detract.

- the ship plays a big part in the game. acts as a mobile save station you can call to certain parts of a level. aerial combat is hinted at by a few options inside the ship, but nothing confirmed.

- no samus talking, aka confirmation of god's existence


m0dus said:
I know. All we need is for Gahiggidy to get a PS3, Wollan to buy a 360, and . . . well, nobody can find a wii. . . but you get the idea. :l)

All joking aside (you could tell, right?) EGM has made it clear they're resetting their scale a while ago. 6.5, while probably not wholly deserved by either of these games, isn't a BAD score, per se. This shouldn't sway anyone considering either Lair or Blue Dragon in the slightest, because again, your always best served forming your own opinion.
Wollan already has a 360. He was in the Halo 3 beta...


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I hope Layton 2 and 3 aren't considered "RPGs" by EGM. :\

Level 5 must've gone through some mega expansion or something. Honestly I'm taking the rumor with a grain of salt.


Barkley's Justice said:
who HONESTLY thought lair was going to be good. i thought we all knew that shit looked mediocre at best. come on gaf, where is the power of our hive mind??
looked Medicore?:lol :lol
I dont know about the playmecanics but it doesnt look medicore.
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