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Either I totally suck...

...or this is the hardest flash minigolf game I've ever played. I was only able to get par on the first two holes. After that it went downhill REAL fast. here's my score chart:

Hole1= par 03 My Score: 03
Hole2= Par 05 My Score: 05
Hole3= Par 05 My Score: 12
Hole4= Par 04 My Score: 15
Hole5= Par 04 My Score: 12
Hole6= Par 06 My Score: 46 <--- LOL
Hole7= Par 04 My Score: 11
Hole8= Par 06 My Score: 19
Hole9= Par 13 My Score: 20

Lets see how I rank among you GA folk. Post your FIRST games scores here in this thread.
(Obviously this is for the incredibly bored people) :)



I fell off the screen and now I'm trapped, gotta restart. I think the game is kinda crappy.

EDIT - now I'm inside the hole and nothing happened.... wtf?


Looking for Pants
I just ran into a bug... i can't complete the game because my ball was respawned OFF THE COURSE. I had a 23 through the first 3 holes though.
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