Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Reveals New Year’s Art & Dragon Partner Gameplay

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Rabbit and Bear Studios has shared new information for their upcoming tactical JRPG Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, comprised of various New Year’s messages from staff, new artwork, and a new gameplay clip.

Director Murakami has confirmed that the Japanese version of the title has entered the phase necessitating final bug checks and fixes, meaning all that’s left afterward is for 505 Games to conclude the localization process and ensure it’s all platform-ready. Director Komura echoed these sentiments while emphasizing the challenge of bug-checking in RPGs, with the number of supported languages and platforms making the process even longer.

Moving on, character designer lead Kawano revealed special New Year’s art celebrating the arrival of 2024. Further, a brief gameplay clip featuring a combo with protagonist Nowa and his partner, the dragon Chandra, was showcased.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will launch for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on April 23, 2024.

You can view the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes 2024 New Year’s artwork below:


too late. RIP... Murayama san,

Hope rest of the staff will finish up the project nicely. Looking forward to the game...
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I was shocked to learn this... this is really sudden, he wasn't even old. Very sad about this loss. Getting tears in my eys here... I'm so grateful for the games he worked on. Suikoden II is one of the best RPGs I played (one of the few I replayed multiple times), and I had a lovely time with The Alliance Alive years later.

What makes this even sadder is that he passed away before the release of Eiyuden Chronicles. He won't witness the success of his work... But at least he spent his last few years doing what he loves and does best. Thank you Murayama, I will buy Eiyuden Chronicle and will never forget you.
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RIP Yoshitaka Murayama. Thank you for all the childhood memories. Suikoden 1 and 2 are one of the most memorable games I have played in my lifetime. I will be picking up Eiyuden Chronicle to show my support and will be looking forward to playing it and hopefully make new memories to hang onto.
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