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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron |OT| You sure that’s enough armor?


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
Really digging this game so far. 20 bucks was just right. Up to Chapter 3 and the art direction and music is jaw dropping. The sensory experience is what I bought it for and it hasnt ceased to amaze as of yet.
Yeah same here though I'm at chapter 10. The way I see it I bought an interactive artbook and soundtrack for $20, gameplay is bonus. Some of the platforming is fucking annoying when a certain character shows up, as is the super long unskippable sequence when failing a hidden area but other than that the gameplay is fine. I wish we could rotate the camera to further admire the glorious scenery.
the way Ignition handled artistry over gameplay, the bizarre and unique storyline, the mesmerizing ever changing soundtrack, the entire surrealness while playing....

the closest ive felt to an experience like this was playing Killer7


And finished. Man that was short! The art and music was amazing. If they tweaked the combat, and it was a little longer, it would be better. Still not bad for $20.


the way Ignition handled artistry over gameplay, the bizarre and unique storyline, the mesmerizing ever changing soundtrack, the entire surrealness while playing....

the closest ive felt to an experience like this was playing Killer7

Came here to post pretty much this.

I found the gameplay to be pretty great, as well. I personally don't mind simple combat systems if timing and spacing is critical (mostly at higher difficulties), and especially if applied toward epic boss battles. Given that the central focus was clearly the visuals, I think a more convoluted combat system would have been a bit distracting.

The light platforming was also nice to change up the pace.

And I love the more slowly paced chapters where you're mostly walking around and getting into the occasional battle.

Easily the most underrated game that came out in 2011, imo.


Does anyone know of a decent plot analysis? I feel like I got the general gist of the plot, but would love to read something in-depth.

Such an interesting story/mythology.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Does anyone know of a decent plot analysis? I feel like I got the general gist of the plot, but would leave to read something in-depth.

Such an interesting story/mythology.
You can try out the Wiki summary of 1 Enoch.

You can also read the original scripture online. It isn't hard to go through, just long.

The game just happens to be very loosely based on the original scripture, and adds its own elements into the narrative. I do think what they did with the Watchers is very interesting, though.

Azazel and Ezekiel's
nether forms
are creepy. I mean what is she supposed to be? A giant
pig-hippo butterfly
See, Sariel's
nether form makes sense because he spits bats at you
. Azazel spends all the time
spitting a ton of flies at you, so that form makes sense too.

I have NO idea what Ezekiel's supposed to be. @_@
Which version is better? I can't decide which console to get it on. I read that on 360 there was an achievement glitch and that it was more buggy than the ps3 one.


Just wanted to chime in and say I loved this experience. Once i figured out how to extend combos with the air juggle on the arch, i had a lot more fun with the combat.

I feel a lot about this game like I did about Flower, and that's a great thing in my book.

The only thing i can honestly say i HATED was the part where you
play as Enoch's friend, who's name escapes me at this time.
The platforming through this section was almost unbearable for me and it felt like the "water level" to this otherwise great visual experience and light game.


Wrapped it up a few days ago after receiving it for Christmas.

Game was definitely on the easy side; I'm not sure why they locked the two harder difficulties from the start, because with my current back log I'm not sure when I'm going to get around to playing this one again, but I definitely want to give it another go.

I found some of the platforming sections frustrating but considering you spawn virtually where you jumped it wasn't a big deal.

How was the English voice acting? I played through the first time in Japanese.


the way Ignition handled artistry over gameplay, the bizarre and unique storyline, the mesmerizing ever changing soundtrack, the entire surrealness while playing....

the closest ive felt to an experience like this was playing Killer7
agreed 100%.

loved the hell (ups) out of it. Will replay soon.

PS3 version FTW


Bought this for 19.99 last week, and there's some stuff I'm wondering about. I'm at chapter 3.

1. Those
I keep meeting, are they supposed to be kicking my ass in seconds? Cause they do, and then the level goes on as if nothing ever happened.

2. All the weapons seem to suck. The Arch is my favorite I think...but they all do little damage. Battles are really long and I'm getting my ass kicked. Yes, I'm purifying them. Any hints as to combat?


Ill Saint

Bought this for 19.99 last week, and there's some stuff I'm wondering about. I'm at chapter 3.

1. Those
I keep meeting, are they supposed to be kicking my ass in seconds? Cause they do, and then the level goes on as if nothing ever happened.

2. All the weapons seem to suck. The Arch is my favorite I think...but they all do little damage. Battles are really long and I'm getting my ass kicked. Yes, I'm purifying them. Any hints as to combat?

1. You actually can beat the Watchers during those initial encounters. I know it seems imposible, but as you get the hang of the combat and uderstand the rhythm of it, you'll be able to beat them.

2. Mix up your moves. The Arch's air spin attack is great for taking down enemies quickly, too. Try a triple hit followed by an air juggle into the spinning attack. The trick is to find an opening in the enemy defence and get in there and hit them with a good hard combo.


I've had this for months and finally started playing it.

Hard to get engaged at first - I'm not sure if it assumes the player knows something about the source material or is just a shitty narrative direction - but after the basic plot is revealed and you start experiencing the visuals, it's a real treat.

I'm playing on easy, and finding it's just the right amount of difficulty for the experience I want it to be. Combat's fun, too.


I just picked this up the other day and I've been playing it on and off a bit. So far the visuals and the music are awesome but I'm not enjoying the gameplay at all. I don't really get the combat and enemies just seem to break through all of my attacks.

I have also stumbled upon some (secret?) area in Chapter 2 in which if you die, you have to watch a cutscene and then some credits every time. It wouldn't be much of a problem if there weren't random false platforms in there which, as far as I can tell, there are no way of telling are false. Is this area even of any importance? It seems like it might be but I don't want to waste my time in there if it's not for anything.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
This got moved to Community too, eh?

I have also stumbled upon some (secret?) area in Chapter 2 in which if you die, you have to watch a cutscene and then some credits every time. It wouldn't be much of a problem if there weren't random false platforms in there which, as far as I can tell, there are no way of telling are false. Is this area even of any importance? It seems like it might be but I don't want to waste my time in there if it's not for anything.
Yeah, but it's optional. You can collect the fragments that the camera pans over to and complete the section to get the best armour in the game which is unbreakable (of course, you use it after you complete the game).

Pause the game as the camera pans over to the crystal and shows where you are in the background (yeah, you can pause in the middle of the camera pan), make a mental note of where it is and see which platforms you should jump on, and then try to complete the section.

The first part where you do this is easy-peasy. The last level is hard.


So I plan on starting this game soon, and I'd like some tips to make battles end faster, as from playing the demo, the enemies take some time to be defeated.
Furthermore, I may play on Hard (for the trophy), but depending on how the combat tips are, I might just beat it on Normal or Easy.


I went ahead and bought this and am maybe on the 5th stage. I have to ask, does the combat get any better? I feel it's incredibly basic and some of the enemies feel like a chore to kill. I've gone through many other action games like Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, what have you, but this is the first time I feel bored actually fighting enemies. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just the way the game is. Otherwise I love everything else about this game... I just wish the fighting were more fun!


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Does anyone else get a huge frame hit when enemies die when playing the 360 SKU?

It's getting really bad for me around level 4. Super annoying... it seems to be related to the effect that plays when enemies die. It also doesn't always happen... but once it starts happening, it pretty much happens with every enemy.

This is on a 4 month old 360 slim... and I have zero problems with any other games on it.


Just finished this. Question regarding the ending:
What is that octopus/spaceship thing that is shown after the credits? Maybe it was shown earlier in the game and I forgot, but it was pretty damn cool, and obviously fairly important judging from the scene.


Just finished this. Question regarding the ending:
What is that octopus/spaceship thing that is shown after the credits? Maybe it was shown earlier in the game and I forgot, but it was pretty damn cool, and obviously fairly important judging from the scene.

Isn't that the Nephilim of the other guy you played in the game and whuich apparently died? However the point is, they said in the game that if you die, your Nephilim dies too. So this is kind of a small open end and means the other guy could still be alive.


Isn't that the Nephilim of the other guy you played in the game and whuich apparently died? However the point is, they said in the game that if you die, your Nephilim dies too. So this is kind of a small open end and means the other guy could still be alive.

Oh cool. I didn't even know about that. I missed many of the files in the game as well, I guess I'll need them to have a clue of what was going on.


Got round to finishing it and its a great game which has many faults and strengths. While most have discussed here and people seem to be in either they love or hate camps, id say there is actually a middle ground, one that sets you up for a killer sequel too.

The combat is great, simple and rhythmic, but at the same time, the encounters themselves could be a lot better. Firstly, the game never really guides you to get into the flow of it all, for example the Arch is a great weapon but if you dont know its weakness against the Gale youll be very frustrated. In fact even if you did, it doesnt teach you how to balance purifying you current weapon, stealing another and having to weigh out which you want to have after the fight as well stringing together attacks to stay on a roll. Whats worse is the camera though, on the generic enemies, there's very little feedback on just how much damage you've done, but at the same time, the camera is panned out too far and with no control so that at times, youll combos will be interrupted and youll receive damage without much warning. Its worse because there is a prominent evade system here, and even a deflect and guard deflect system that you could put to much better use if you could get a better view of the action.

Lastly the linearity, again not a huge problem, but the tone is set from very early in the game after an opening that seems to suggest there is some freedom. For majority of the game, you are just running along a path to the next floating disc to the fight the next set of enemies, again not a problem once you are full swing with the game, but that itself takes a while since it does little to ease you into the combat. Fortunately, once you get a grip of everything and your expectations are at ease, the game picks up again (after the motorcycle part) and the boss fights from there on, have just the right amount of challenge and cinematic flair to keep you going. Fortunately, all this is a killer reason to revisit the game, the story reveals a bit more depth (we were all a little confused in the early stages) and the combat really gets a chance to shine (especially with the HUD option). Its also great that it has a Japanese voice-over option (though the English script and VA are great).

What could've really helped beat the repetition is an upgrade system since the game reveals all its cards to early, an upgrade system would have helped to keep you interested beyond the artstyle and story. Lastly, it made me realise just how good Enslaved is as that game does everything this tries but better (except music and art since its subjective), i really don't understand GAF's hate for that game but the pacing, combat and story are absolutely on point (love the ending too!)

Fake Edit: Please reply, since i want to know how others feel about my comments. =)


Well 6 trophies away from a Platinum, but I don't think I'll be doing them anytime soon.
Loved this game more than I thought, the demo didn't do a good job of interesting me in it, but this game delivered on the visuals and music, etc.
Gameplay could be better but I enjoyed it for the most part.

Originally started playing it to thin out my backlog of games that I could trade off, but I'll hang on to this gem a little longer. Chapter 6 is still my fav. part of the game.

nel e nel

Isn't that the Nephilim of the other guy you played in the game and whuich apparently died? However the point is, they said in the game that if you die, your Nephilim dies too. So this is kind of a small open end and means the other guy could still be alive.

Correct, it's Armaros' Nephilim (the Michael Jackson underwater angel). And technically he didn't die.
He was left in the darkness after going to save Enoch, who previously went into the Darkness to save Nanna/Ishtar

But to back up a bit: this was an amazing experience. The artwork was incredible and the story was intriguing. While the combat is not as deep as even a Dante's Inferno or Castlevania: LoS, I was finding that combinations of the basic move set that is outlined in the manual provided some neat tricks. Also, saving up your boost greatly increases it's damage on regular attacks. On my 2nd playthrough, I would do a heavy hit with the Veil, and Uriel would appear and do an extra 10 or 15 punches for every 1 punch I would do. Made the bosses a cakewalk as I would just do guard breaks over and over and kick back for a second or 2 while Uriel whaled on them.

It was interesting going to see Prometheus in the middle of playing this, as the themes of evolution and faith feature prominently in both.

I'd say that this game ties the AssCreed games for making me look up, read and learn new things about history and religion.


Nice thoughts. I also caught that there is a rhythm to the combat, but I only got about 70% there with really mastering it. The animations seemed to last just a tad longer than I anticipated, and I also seemed to experience an input lag between when I would press a button and Enoch would act on it. Perhaps that perceived lag was me not really clicking with the rhythm.

I like your thoughts about a more open experience. Perhaps a hub-world design, where the 'hand of god' at the beginning is your homebase, and you return there to bind the defeated angels? In the end, I think the current presentation really fits with the dreamlike quality that I think the developers were going for.


Just clearing my absurd backlog and Wow! This is a great game.. Very Anime.
just got to the motorcycles and i am completely surprised by every turn this game takes.
loving everything about it. The boss battles are on the easy side, but plenty of awesome varied gameplay. Might even be the strangest game I have ever played. Lol
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