Anyway, as usual, any feedback you guys have is welcome.
You OWNED that role. You got around quite a bit.![]()
Sadly that's just the way it goes. The KGB thread for Archer was a little sparse except for Haly. Other than a prod here and there, not much a moderator can do. Sometimes RL gets in the way.I dont know if this can be said about this game but since it is season 3.5 i just might aswell ask.
I looked over the mafia chat and was astonished by the communication between corn and splinter ( this is the way to go guys ) it just reminded me of our dead thread , or my mafia chat in the cthulu game and would like to know if you know a good solution to an mafia member that does not want or does not see the importance of communicating with each other. Can there be a way to soft force someone ? I know this might just be a one case but well i dont want anyone to witness what i had to endure![]()
But it fit the flavor. And people bought it. SUCCESS.
Which is exactly what I said about it being up for 3 mins and it being meaningless.
Ah well, at least reading through the dead thread it seems I didn't play that bad today. I obviously could have played better like not pushing for getting rid of Palmer, but then again he did frame himself and I did a great job of convincing myself he was scum.
Ah well. Live and learn.
The flavour was seriously awesomeAlso, you all should be ashamed for what you did to Officer Daniels.
I dont know if this can be said about this game but since it is season 3.5 i just might aswell ask.
I looked over the mafia chat and was astonished by the communication between corn and splinter ( this is the way to go guys ) it just reminded me of our dead thread , or my mafia chat in the cthulu game and would like to know if you know a good solution to an mafia member that does not want or does not see the importance of communicating with each other. Can there be a way to soft force someone ? I know this might just be a one case but well i dont want anyone to witness what i had to endure![]()
That was the weirdest day, I didn't even know Palmer was leading until Ouro posted a vote count. It wasn't because of Corn's claim either, we were hammering Corn all day and Palmer led the vote for most of itNobody bought it
They just sorta forgot it
And then palmer died for no real reason
But it fit the flavor. And people bought it. SUCCESS.
Nobody bought it
They just sorta forgot it
And then palmer died for no real reason
It helped massively that Salva claimed Ron instead of RandNah man, no offense to any living town members at the end, but if anyone had sat down and thought about it for even 20 seconds, that role claim was garbage. At BEST, that role name was for a town-oriented neutral but no way was it a full town aligned member.
lol, I seriously intended tooFor the record I was gonna die laughing if Splinter had actually gone ahead and claimed Lindsey Graham.
For the record I was gonna die laughing if Splinter had actually gone ahead and claimed Lindsey Graham.
Well, now I feel bad, thanks guys.
I´ll go sulk over that corner.
No wait, its a game, I honestly don´t mind losing, if anything its hilarious how close I was when at first it was my fucking fault sorian died, then I got hyper out of pure fucking luck, and then got blarg lynched out of 3 people, when the other 2 were scum.
What I don´t appreciate is how everyone thinks its so fucking obvious who the scum were, there were 3 town players who had no idea who the scum was, blarg was right by luck, and fire predicted the right team later on too, but again was not certain enough to put a vote behind. I? I just went with math. Let´s not act like everyone in the dead thread would do better than us in our shoes, its silly.
This is accurateHyper: (never actualy says this, semi-implied) Hey guys I got robert tilton, so Marco Rubio and Scott Walker are still available
I die
Corn: I KNOW, I'm gonna claim Roger Ailes
Splinter: LOL leave me Lindsey Graham then!!
Hyper in dead thread:
Well, now I feel bad, thanks guys.
I´ll go sulk over that corner.
No wait, its a game, I honestly don´t mind losing, if anything its hilarious how close I was when at first it was my fucking fault sorian died, then I got hyper out of pure fucking luck, and then got blarg lynched out of 3 people, when the other 2 were scum.
What I don´t appreciate is how everyone thinks its so fucking obvious who the scum were, there were 3 town players who had no idea who the scum was, blarg was right by luck, and fire predicted the right team later on too, but again was not certain enough to put a vote behind. I? I just went with math. Let´s not act like everyone in the dead thread would do better than us in our shoes, its silly.
There was no world where I didn't vote out Corn 8 bajillion times. Splinter would have been harder to suss out for sure.
Don't worry about it, man. Shit happens. I think a lot of the time you were pretty on point. Scum was surprisingly hidden this game, and while I can understand your reasoning for Blarg, it just ended up being wrong. Hell, I tunneled a jailer Day 1 of NX!![]()
Being omniscient does help with reasoning.![]()
Eh, you gotta have a thick skin to play these games and then face the spectators I think. Live and learn. Some of the comments about me in the dead thread aren't very encouraging and some are downright mean-spirited, but who cares, it's a game and I admit I'm not particularly great at it. I'll get better, life goes on.
Yeah x). I had fun. By the way ouro, brilliant work with that Flavor, it was hilarious to read, I am going to try to make an enjoyable game with the Harry Potter theme.
I just got all the Koch brother's money. Game over losers!
Eh, you gotta have a thick skin to play these games and then face the spectators I think. Live and learn. Some of the comments about me in the dead thread aren't very encouraging and some are downright mean-spirited, but who cares, it's a game and I admit I'm not particularly great at it. I'll get better, life goes on.
If it's any consolation, you became my chosen one once Blarg lost it.
I do wish some of the comments in the dead threads could be toned down, but I also understand how difficult it is for some people to get involved in a game without being allowed that level of hostility, so there's probably not much to do about it.
Sure, I don´t really mind as I said, I just wanted to get it off my chest.
You hear that Sorian? You could have goofed as hard as I did =P.
I do wish some of the comments in the dead threads could be toned down, but I also understand how difficult it is for some people to get involved in a game without being allowed that level of hostility, so there's probably not much to do about it.
I am not even bothering reading the dead thread, hindsight is a harsh mistress.
Btw thanks for kling Sorian night 1 and keeping this thread 63 pages short :*
Hahaha dying of laughterIt was a public service. Same reason why I lynched Blarg, really =P.
Btw thanks for kling Sorian night 1 and keeping this thread 63 pages short :*
Hahaha dying of laughter![]()
No hate Sorian, just love.
I knew the hate against the president was strong. But ROFL at cabot saving me day 1 I could not stop laughing. Everyone had to back offWe also tried to poison the president first day
Too bad Trump got in the way
I do like how Ouro gave us names and yet all 3 of us fucked up our fake claims this game. Hyper intentionally so since we only got 2 names. Me because I thought I had to claim 1 shot vig and a smear campaign using FOX News jumped out to me as flavor. And Splinter for forgetting to use Loser.
BSP is one of us too silly
She didn't screw up her claim
Oh wait she said Illegal instead of Undocumented
I panicked!I do like how Ouro gave us names and yet all 3 of us fucked up our fake claims this game. Hyper intentionally so since we only got 2 names. Me because I thought I had to claim 1 shot vig and a smear campaign using FOX News jumped out to me as flavor. And Splinter for forgetting to use Loser.
I was the fool who believed in her, since she said she could regain her voting abilities. Instead we killed Palmer for using his brain and reasoning.Eh, either way it was probably a little obvious that it wasn't GOP-aligned.
Palmer was so on point about BSP.