I'm interested in electric but Tesla is the only company making decent designs and I don't trust that Tesla will even be around in 5 years plus all their long term tests are filled with random little repairs. I like my cars to work, be fast, and be reliable in that order. I don't have time to be dealing with little issues all the time.
So until Audi or someone I trust puts out a nice awd electric it's not for me yet. Or until Tesla shows they can make a reliable car and also be profitable (Tesla burns cash like crazy and has no real plan for profitability in my opinion). Buying a Tesla, even a model 3, right now is playing fast and loose with your money imo. Your resale could plummet for many reasons such as advances in battery tech, Tesla goes BK, constant small problems scares away buyers, Ford/chevy undercut the market with volume. It's just not prudent at this time. Especially when gas is expected to stay cheap until 2020 minimum.
I currently drive a 2014 rs7 with apr tune and the thing is bullet proof in all weather and as fast as a stock Porsche turbo S.
Before I get called out here is a link showing what I'm talking about with Tesla reliability: