I tried playing in 2D once.Anyone playing exclusively through the Oculus Rift? I've got a HOTAS on the way and I'm ready to order the DK2. Saw a video where the guy stated he couldn't go back to playing in 2D.
I can't wait to get a rift for this game. I am so jealous of people who have one right now.Anyone playing exclusively through the Oculus Rift? I've got a HOTAS on the way and I'm ready to order the DK2. Saw a video where the guy stated he couldn't go back to playing in 2D.
I use the M+KB for the galaxy map, but everything else works perfectly with the rift and a HOTAS with my headphones on and lights out in the room. It's quite a life-changing experience.Anyone playing exclusively through the Oculus Rift? I've got a HOTAS on the way and I'm ready to order the DK2. Saw a video where the guy stated he couldn't go back to playing in 2D.
Yeah, that was a waste of time and money. Too many people in the conflict zones fighting for kills for me. If I was a bit better at flying, I could probably finish off my kills faster, but right now I feel like all I'm doing is knocking down an enemy's shields so someone else can finish it off. Got frustrated with some dude, sorry if that was a GAF'er, I was pretty irritated by that point.
I tried playing in 2D once.
How could ya not? Great guys, too.Also, love Low Level Owl 1&2! Great albums![]()
I currently have a type 6 for space trucking (Making about 118k per run) and a viper for space fightin'.
The problem I have is apart from the view out the cockpit I hate the type 6. It's slow, ugly and the docking computer is basically bugged to shit on the thing (It's fine on every other ship I've flown). Sure you have to keep an eye on it but every time it tries to land the type 6 in a big station it drags the thing skidding across the pad and it's 50/50 if it catches the pad or not. Every other ship just drops down nicely.
I have about 1.5 mill in the bank and I'm going to spend today getting myself an Asp. Sure it's expensive but there's nothing else to buy at the momentI'll get at least a million for the type 6 and mods. I'll need at least 1.5mill to fill the asp when I get it and at least 250k to cover rebuy costs.
I can do this.
Anyone playing exclusively through the Oculus Rift? I've got a HOTAS on the way and I'm ready to order the DK2. Saw a video where the guy stated he couldn't go back to playing in 2D.
These missions where you have to find Hunters or Pirates are so fucking annoying. Any good advice on how to spot these NPCs? Or is it just dumb, random luck?
I'm space trucking in a Type 6 right now too working my way up to an Asp Explorer. Found a good trade route between three systems and if I buckle down tonight and tomorrow I'll have my Asp before the weekend is out. Currently sitting at about 4.2 million credits. Got my way up to Merchant rank too.
These missions where you have to find Hunters or Pirates are so fucking annoying. Any good advice on how to spot these NPCs? Or is it just dumb, random luck?
I've never had them work, they always end up with someone from that faction saying "No don't do it, go back and say you couldn't go through with it!"
Then the original mission goes away no matter what I say and defaults to "go home and give up".
Anyone playing exclusively through the Oculus Rift? I've got a HOTAS on the way and I'm ready to order the DK2. Saw a video where the guy stated he couldn't go back to playing in 2D.
I've never had them work, they always end up with someone from that faction saying "No don't do it, go back and say you couldn't go through with it!"
Then the original mission goes away no matter what I say and defaults to "go home and give up".
You just keep hunting if you want.
I've never had the original mission details in the transaction tab stay.
What's your profit per ton on each sale? I don't need to know the route, just wondering what the ballpark is for what's possible. So far the highest I've found in the Ho Hsi area is ~1100 (one-way).
I never did any warzone missions, just combat vouchers and my reputation with Jet Comms plummeted beyond reasonable repair in an hour. No, there is definitely something wrong with the mechanic.Conflict zones and vouchers aren't bugged, but some of the warzone mission types are. Jet Commas can give warzone mission types which lead to lost rep and influence for Jet Comms when completed. I'm working on a list.
I think the "hunt warzone" vs "destroy warzone" wording on the transactions tab might be a clue too. Some warzone missions are anti-conflict (kill fighters so the conflict ends and we can trade more easily again).
Also, if you do a warzone mission from any other faction, it can kill your rep, even if you side with Jet Comms for the kills. Be very careful to only accept warzone missions from Jet Comms and even then, pay attention to the wording.
What's your profit per ton on each sale? I don't need to know the route, just wondering what the ballpark is for what's possible. So far the highest I've found in the Ho Hsi area is ~1100 (one-way).
I'm giving up on Slopey's BPC. I had been trying to use it to track personal stuff with the auto update disabled, but it re-enabled the auto-update flag when it updated itself and now it has everyone else's data. I'm going to try out TradeDangerous instead. Maybe I can make a GUI for it.
I never did any warzone missions, just combat vouchers and my reputation with Jet Comms plummeted beyond reasonable repair in an hour. No, there is definitely something wrong with the mechanic.
Hmm, must be bugged or incomplete or something weird. Thanks. I'll just quit circling this system then. So I take it even the higher credit ones where you have to find a specific NPC won't work either?
I am in a close to fully upgraded type 6 and a 27 ly distance (one way) jump to and back (one FSD jump in between because 17ish is my max I think) nets me about $250k profit in about 15-20 minutes with 104 cargo spaces. $150k one way and $100k the other. I think 1400 and 977 per T.
I kept the shields because I killed myself accidentally in my Cobra.
Honestly, cargo space and FSD should be your priorities. I went from not knowing what to do to finding a close back and forth and just doing that for a few hours then seeing if my updated jump drive could net better times. Repetition makes it go faster and faster. I enjoy the grind so it really is not tedius right now because once I have a really big bank I can stop worrying about dying and money in general.
Also have not seen prices change and have run it for a couple days.
NIce, you found a great route. I should probably explore more, but exploring in a Lakon 6 with no shields is not enjoyable, LOL. I actually like the grind too, its like Euro Truck in space. I like trying to do the run as fast as I can, Elite is definitely the kind of game where setting yourself goals is half of the fun.
I hate that I can't find Slaves anywhere. And Slopey's BPC isn't helping for shit. I search for commodities, it supposedly lists ones that are available and where. I go to said station, and nothing. I mean, I understand it's not up-to-date completely, but how exactly am I suppose to utilize it?
I found them just fine with the tool, although they are way to far away for me to get.
So can I use the simplest 360 controller scheme, or should I learn the yaw or advanced scheme?
Anybody got a link to some good custom 360 controller schemes?
I see them on there, a lot of them. The closest to where I was is Algreit. I'm here docked and I see no Slaves for sale. My point is the tool doesn't seem to be accurate at all. Not the first time I've had issues with finding commodities. The game makes it tough to find this stuff without flying all over the place.
Have you updated it? I'm not a primary trader so I don't use it extensively, but the few times it has been totally accurate.I see them on there, a lot of them. The closest to where I was is Algreit. I'm here docked and I see no Slaves for sale. My point is the tool doesn't seem to be accurate at all. Not the first time I've had issues with finding commodities. The game makes it tough to find this stuff without flying all over the place.
I hate that I can't find Slaves anywhere. And Slopey's BPC isn't helping for shit. I search for commodities, it supposedly lists ones that are available and where. I go to said station, and nothing. I mean, I understand it's not up-to-date completely, but how exactly am I suppose to utilize it?
Closest station selling slaves to Ho Hsi is the Doyle Dock in LP 811-17. It's less than 20LY away.
Both docks in LP 811-17 sell them. Sometimes if you're lucky the station itself will have a task on the bulletin board to find slaves, meaning you don't even have to leave the station to complete the task!
GAFer linked this few pages back, https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=71532
I haven't used the 360 layout but works perfect for my HOTAS X setup.
What tool are you using? I've got four missions for slaves, each of which has been offered an alternative of 50k to sell them. Would be super handy to know where the hell I get them from.
Yea I was just about to post that I found them there, and for a decent 'price'. Managed to smuggle them in to Hand Ring for a nice bank. I may actually move over to that system. Had a lot of resource sites to farm and what not.
If you're in Ho Hsi or the surrounding systems definitely go to LP 811-17. They have them at both Doyle Dock and Shalatula Colony (Where I got them). Shalatula Colony also buys Narcotics. One Slave costs about 10802 there I believe, so be prepared to spend (pretty low relatively speaking).
Also, anyone know of an Alliance station anywhere? I have an 11K bounty I need to collect but my searches come up either empty, or systems 50+ light years away.
Yea I was just about to post that I found them there, and for a decent 'price'. Managed to smuggle them in to Hand Ring for a nice bank. I may actually move over to that system. Had a lot of resource sites to farm farm.
Alliance space starts about 80LY above Sol. It's not really worth it for 11k. Alliance space is also kind of limited, it's sparse and actually has a lot of Federation systems inside of it. Not like Empire, which is firmly Empire and nothing else.
Keep in mind that LP 811-17 is an anarchy system so you'll be going all over the place to claim your bounties. That and interdictions are more common.
New development in Ho Hsi: Ho Hsi Corp has set up a checkpoint near the extraction sites. I paid it a visit and there is a squad of elite defense force ships there broadcasting messages about how it's a crime to obfuscate enemy combatants and to present ID's. I tried attacking them but got chased off, too many for me to solo.
Have you updated it? I'm not a primary trader so I don't use it extensively, but the few times it has been totally accurate.
I keep trying to use Slopey's but I find it horribly inaccurate most times. I don't know if it's due to people's typos or if people are entering bad data to hide good routes. I've had far more luck and accuracy with Thrudd's online tool.
Almost like it's a dev kit or something!Tried it with the Oculus DK2 last night. While moments can be amazing, not being able to really read the text and UI kinda ruined it for me. That and the "screen door" effect made things seem pixelated![]()
Tried it with the Oculus DK2 last night. While moments can be amazing, not being able to really read the text and UI kinda ruined it for me. That and the "screen door" effect made things seem pixelated![]()
What kind of performance did you get on what hardware?Tried it with the Oculus DK2 last night. While moments can be amazing, not being able to really read the text and UI kinda ruined it for me. That and the "screen door" effect made things seem pixelated![]()