So I just have to say this. I broke up with my girlfriend about 2 weeks ago and it's been pretty tough, so I decided to impulse buy an Oculus Rift DK2 off Craigslist for 350$ (CDN$, i live in Vancouver). I had heard about Elite, because of the whole online/offline controversy, but i've never played an Elite game before.
This is the absolute most amazing gaming experience i've ever had, and i've been gaming and keep current since the Commodore 64. It's just so immersive. it's unbelievable. So I then purchased a HOTAS (Thrustmaster HOTAS X) and I couldn't be happier.
I was hugely anticipating No Man's Sky, and keeping my distance but still have an ear on Star Citizen, while being completely oblivious that this kind of experience was here, NOW. X100!!
I even watched James Cameron's Deep Sea documentary and I really felt like "Whatever, the ocean, i've been to fucking space Jim". ya that sounds a little crazy, but that's how the Oculus and Elite with HOTAS makes you feel. phew.
I can't recommend this enough.