An underrated film that Ellen stars in called EdTV, which I really enjoy and 1st found out about Ellen. I then saw her self titled sitcom and thought it was OK.
There is a scene in EdTV with Rob Reiner (being the TV executive in charge of the tv show EdTV) and Ellen (his subordinate) not taking orders from her boss. In the staff car park (and forgive me as I haven't seen the movie in many many years) there is a joke about Rob Reiner having the luxury car and her driving the beat up piece of shit car. Obviously stated the class difference and showing his power.
Now, I used to love that scene and I remember listening to the audio commentary on the film, I believe the writers were saying how they have had similar experiences with people "higher up" than them say similar shit, hence why they included it in the film!
It's kind of ironic seeing Ellen in this scene, especially cause she was doing this type of shit to her employees as she is the top dog on the show.
There is a scene in EdTV with Rob Reiner (being the TV executive in charge of the tv show EdTV) and Ellen (his subordinate) not taking orders from her boss. In the staff car park (and forgive me as I haven't seen the movie in many many years) there is a joke about Rob Reiner having the luxury car and her driving the beat up piece of shit car. Obviously stated the class difference and showing his power.
Now, I used to love that scene and I remember listening to the audio commentary on the film, I believe the writers were saying how they have had similar experiences with people "higher up" than them say similar shit, hence why they included it in the film!
It's kind of ironic seeing Ellen in this scene, especially cause she was doing this type of shit to her employees as she is the top dog on the show.