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Elon Musk just posted Disney’s Inclusion Standards

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Gold Member
It just reads weird for an outline for a major corporation like Disney;‘underrepresented groups’ copy pasted over and over again?

Honestly after the stuff he spewed about the scuba diver saving the kids. I just don’t care about his ‘anonymous sources’ anymore.
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At what point does your business stop being about making money and about doing whatever the fuck this is?

What’s the endgame? Flop after flop at the box office and they’re mandating 50% of background characters have to be “underrepresented”.
There was a rumour going around after 'Lightyear' flopped that they were going to back peddle on this agenda drivel, i guess not though if this pos devils handbook is recent.

Go get them Musk!.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
There was a rumour going around after 'Lightyear' flopped that they were going to back peddle on this agenda drivel, i guess not though if this pos devils handbook is recent.

Go get them Musk!.
That is such bullshit that they're going to backpedal. I've heard that too but then you have this new feminist Star Wars shit coming out and you can tell it's all just PR. They're going to continue their agenda driven bullshit regardless.
This would be hilarious



That is such bullshit that they're going to backpedal. I've heard that too but then you have this new feminist Star Wars shit coming out and you can tell it's all just PR. They're going to continue their agenda driven bullshit regardless.
Well the rumour was (from supposed insiders) that they were going to backpedal, although how much wasnt certain, but it could take potentially years as they had so much tv and movies already in production and pre production.

So i suppose it could happen but again obviously not if this handbook is recent.

I suppose if all their films and tv keeps flopping, they may have no choice.
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Well the rumour was (from supposed insiders) that they were going to backpedal, although how much wasnt certain, but it could take potentially years as they had so much tv and movies already in production and pre production.

So i suppose it could happen but again obviously not if this handbook is recent.

I suppose if all their films and tv keeps flopping, they may have no choice.
The Nov 2024 US election results will have some sway in how fast they segue away from JEDI bullshit. Seriously, watch out for the leftists to start calling it Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion. They've already talked about it. There's no place for this.


Perpetually Offended
This trend should concern everyone. Diversity hires are a quick way to torpedo a company's success (meritocracy being the desirable alternative). And, it's flagrant discrimination. Pretty easy to strike down in the courts. Grab some popcorn.

We had decades of "meritocracy" after the fall of Jim Crow and a constant rise of black and brown collegiate graduates yet no rise in the ranks of Hollywood or other industries in hiring of said black and brown graduates...

At some point it has to be recognized that "meritocracy" isn't something that's been achieved yet. There's exceptions but it isn't the rule yet. Maybe when blind casting/hiring (no names, no pictures) is a thing ... Just credentials... But until then, it isn't.


Perpetually Offended

This comes off as performative BS... He may be suing a long with Carano... But what's his stake in it? Sure Gina has a legit qualm with Disney and Chapek and ... I forgot her name ... But what's Elon's angle?

He just seems to be continuing his edge-lord, faux conservative, agenda driven distraction... He's failing at X so onto a distraction to drum up anger/controversy ... And folks are falling for it hook, line and sinker.


Vote with your wallet and stop watching their shit!!!!!!
A lot of people already are. Disney is the poster child of wokism, and no company is being hit as hard as them financially with Disney+ on its last legs, and the majority of their films and tv flopping. In fact its only Marvel that is still bringing in decent numbers but even thats been hit hard from its mega bucks hey day of a few years ago.


We had decades of "meritocracy" after the fall of Jim Crow and a constant rise of black and brown collegiate graduates yet no rise in the ranks of Hollywood or other industries in hiring of said black and brown graduates...

At some point it has to be recognized that "meritocracy" isn't something that's been achieved yet. There's exceptions but it isn't the rule yet. Maybe when blind casting/hiring (no names, no pictures) is a thing ... Just credentials... But until then, it isn't.
Forced diversity hiring is what has been tried lately, and put bluntly, it's exacerbated a lack of tolerance from the opposition. The more something is forced, the greater the resistance it will encounter.

The intentions behind DE&I also lead to tokenism, where superficial efforts to include a diverse set of individuals do not address deeper systemic issues or improve organizational culture. DE&I programs foster divisions within teams by emphasizing differences rather than common goals and shared values.

The lack of clear metrics of DE&I for success and the potential for these initiatives to be used as public relations tools rather than substantive change efforts raises questions about its successful impact as an agent for positive societal change. Some research suggests that mandatory diversity training programs, a common DE&I strategy, can provoke resistance (mildshock.gif) and have little to no positive effect on workforce inclusion and may even reinforce biases. While the goals of DE&I are crucial for creating fair and inclusive workplaces, the current approaches often fall far, far short of achieving meaningful change, suggesting a need for more effective, evidence-based strategies that go beyond surface-level solutions that DE&I proponents prophetize.

Meritocracy is advocated for its focus on individual achievement and talent as the primary basis for recognition and advancement, ensuring that positions are filled by those most qualified, regardless of their background. This approach promotes efficiency and innovation within organizations by prioritizing skills, performance, and contributions to organizational goals above all else. And, there's plenty of data to prove that it works.

If you were ill, wouldn't you rather have the absolute best quality doctor regardless of color or smell or size attend to your needs versus someone who ticked the inclusion box but not come from the highest standards see to you? If you had a unique item that needed repair or you had a need to build something, wouldn't you seek the absolute best for the job? Of course you would, as would I or anyone else. The world goes to shit when you cut corners.
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This comes off as performative BS... He may be suing a long with Carano... But what's his stake in it? Sure Gina has a legit qualm with Disney and Chapek and ... I forgot her name ... But what's Elon's angle?

He just seems to be continuing his edge-lord, faux conservative, agenda driven distraction... He's failing at X so onto a distraction to drum up anger/controversy ... And folks are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Oh come on its not like Elon has ever hid his feelings on wokism in the past, its the reason why so many sjw's hate him.

If i were him i'd be paying Carano's legal fees, while also hiring the best lawyers on the planet.


This comes off as performative BS... He may be suing a long with Carano... But what's his stake in it? Sure Gina has a legit qualm with Disney and Chapek and ... I forgot her name ... But what's Elon's angle?

He just seems to be continuing his edge-lord, faux conservative, agenda driven distraction... He's failing at X so onto a distraction to drum up anger/controversy ... And folks are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
He already told that disney CEO to f himself. Might as well go all in


Perpetually Offended
Forced affirmative action and diversity hiring is what has been tried lately, and put bluntly, it's led to the rise of Trump and the far right's lack of tolerance. The more something is forced, the greater the resistance it will encounter.

The intentions behind DE&I also lead to tokenism, where superficial efforts to include a diverse set of individuals do not address deeper systemic issues or improve organizational culture. DEI programs foster divisions within teams by emphasizing differences rather than common goals and shared values. Remember how nice the early 1990s were, with shows like A Different World or In Living Color, or music like C&C Music Factory? This was a successful attempt at cultural integration. During that era, younger generations were taught to see beyond color and to learn from each other's stories. This worked.

Back to why DE&I is flawed, the lack of clear metrics for success and the potential for these initiatives to be used as public relations tools rather than substantive change efforts raises questions about its successful impact as an agent for positive societal change. Some research suggests that mandatory diversity training programs, a common DEI strategy, can provoke resistance (mildshock.gif) and have little to no positive effect on workforce inclusion and may even reinforce biases. While the goals of DEI are crucial for creating fair and inclusive workplaces, the current approaches often fall far, far short of achieving meaningful change, suggesting a need for more effective, evidence-based strategies that go beyond surface-level solutions that DE&I proponents prophetize.

Meritocracy is advocated for its focus on individual achievement and talent as the primary basis for recognition and advancement, ensuring that positions are filled by those most qualified, regardless of their background. This approach promotes efficiency and innovation within organizations by prioritizing skills, performance, and contributions to organizational goals above all else.
I kind of agree with all your points... Let me start with the TV examples you gave with A Different World and C+C Music Factory:

During the 90s those shows were important. You had a lot of black and brown talent actually given a chance to tell our diverse stories. A Different World was very pro-black (especially as it took place at an HBCU). It was primarily a comedy but tackled serious issues specific to HBCUs (such as underfunding and racism) and the larger college and University systems nationwide (campus rape and the Greek soror/frat culture). I'm glad it lasted as long as it did. Martin, Fresh Prince, Roc, Family Matters, etc showed further diversity WITHIN the community.

But the question must be asked... Where are their modern equivalents now? Every channel had 2 or more sitcoms and dramas with majority black and brown casts as well as BTS talent. It's barely a registered thing now. So many come and go, often being cancelled after one season ... Maybe 2. And they're often of very good quality. So what gives?

On the meritocracy... We still aren't there yet. Otherwise many who HAVE the talent and skills would be more than what they are currently. So how do we get there with the hiring practices as they are sans DEI? Or how do we retool DEI? Some of these hiring directors creating nearly all-white work forces should be given a look at. Or perhaps replaced. You can't tell me NO black or brown person is qualified to do a job that they applied for... Because that seems to be the argument some people have... That any diversity is a diversity hire and they aren't qualified for the job they got.

Apologies if I seemed to ramble. I'm highly sleepy. I am not feeling well.


Perpetually Offended
Oh come on its not like Elon has ever hid his feelings on wokism in the past, its the reason why so many sjw's hate him.

If i were him i'd be paying Carano's legal fees, while also hiring the best lawyers on the planet.
He already told that disney CEO to f himself. Might as well go all in

Chapek isn't CEO anymore... But if all he's doing is paying Carano's legal bills for the lawsuit, which she should win, then he should just be quiet because HIM filing a lawsuit... For what? Hating their practices isn't something you file a suit over. You have to have been harmed somehow like Gina was. HE wasn't harmed ... So if all he's doing is paying her legal bills ... He should shut up.


Honestly stunned anyone there would bow their heads and agree with this. The state of decoposing Disney(and other biggies) is astonishing. The problem is not the crazy people, is the people who agree and applaud them when they should be pointing and saying how crazy they are.
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Snake Oil Salesman
We had decades of "meritocracy" after the fall of Jim Crow and a constant rise of black and brown collegiate graduates yet no rise in the ranks of Hollywood or other industries in hiring of said black and brown graduates...

At some point it has to be recognized that "meritocracy" isn't something that's been achieved yet. There's exceptions but it isn't the rule yet. Maybe when blind casting/hiring (no names, no pictures) is a thing ... Just credentials... But until then, it isn't.

Didn't the New York Philharmonic end their blind auditions because it became too Asian and the music too beautiful?


Perpetually Offended
Didn't the New York Philharmonic end their blind auditions because it became too Asian and the music too beautiful?

According to the cursory Google I just did, it had nothing to do with Asians but that the symphonies didn't have more black and Latino representation.

The way you worded that plays into the "Model Minority myth" of Asian Americans.


According to the cursory Google I just did, it had nothing to do with Asians but that the symphonies didn't have more black and Latino representation.

The way you worded that plays into the "Model Minority myth" of Asian Americans.

The process was still what you were talking about though, even more. No background at all, totally blind, just the music. It helped women gain significantly. It still had to be attacked though because it didn't achieve the diversity results wanted.


Perpetually Offended
The process was still what you were talking about though, even more. No background at all, totally blind, just the music. It helped women gain significantly. It still had to be attacked though because it didn't achieve the diversity results wanted.

And that was ridiculous. However, the same thing happened in Nigeria with their orchestras. They did something additional and it had the desired effect. It was blind auditions plus something else. I can't remember. But it didn't involve any DEI stuff. This was towards women in the orchestras, btw.

I remember now. Barefoot auditions.

This, however, didn’t work everywhere. In Nigeria, there were less than 14% of women performing in orchestras, so they followed the LA Symphony’s lead by conducting blind auditions as well. Even though each musician was behind a screen, once the maestro heard the clicking of heels, the gender bias returned. Barefoot auditions were then introduced, and we saw the number of women hired increase to 45%.
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Snake Oil Salesman
According to the cursory Google I just did, it had nothing to do with Asians but that the symphonies didn't have more black and Latino representation.

The way you worded that plays into the "Model Minority myth" of Asian Americans.

Did the article tell you which group became "oVeRePrEsEnTeD" or did they hide that information from the reader?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
With those standards don’t you over represent under represented groups therefore making the groups you force representation of the over represented group.

Whatever happened to write what you know.


Perpetually Offended
Did the article tell you which group became "oVeRePrEsEnTeD" or did they hide that information from the reader?

Even with Asians gaining in representation in orchestras, they were still the minority. White people still are overrepresented (no random capitalization)... Though I see no problem with that in the US. White people, by and large, consume classical music more than Asians and any other group.


Gold Member

But I thought it was racist to purposely hire people based on skin colour? I took a skim of it (so I didn't read all the bullet points), but are there any that have to do with actually qualifying for a job due to skill and attitude?

Elon should rewrite the Disney guide by spoofing it saying "at least 50% of jobs and promotions should be Whites".

If anything, that makes more sense than 50%+ for minorities since the US is about 60% White people (where it actually goes to 70% if some sites clump together Euro whites with Hispanic Whites)
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