You know, I am a big SW fan, and I kept pretty silent about this whole altering of these movies. But I figured, why not throw my opinion into the ring.
I think Lucas has every right to change this movie, whether it makes you people happy or not. I for one could care less. I dont think the changes were drastic in anyway. I dont think they destroyed the movies. I dont think they did anything negative to the trilogy. I do think that Lucas wanted to improve on an already good thing with updated technology to make the trilogy has a longer lasting appeal to fans of the new millenium, and to keep them in check with his "horrible" new prequels. I will say that the added scenes dont affect me one bit. So what, Han now speaks to Jabba in the hanger at Mos Eisley! Who cares. In the original cut of the film, that scene existed and Jabba was some big fat foreign dude in a bear skin coat. I like it better with the Jabba that I know from ROTJ. I think every added scene or FX was fine, with the exception of Greedo shooting first. I mean Han is a "Space Pirate" to use the term lightly and to make Greedo shoot first just makes Han look like a softy. ESB was another movie, where I thought all the added scenes and FX shots were fine, same with ROTJ. I just think that these SW uber Fans have built this image into their head of what these movies are, and now because the owner of these movies wants to try and make them better, it is destroying their image, and pissing them off. Well I say what the fuck. Let the man make a better trilogy. I dont mind.