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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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Wish I could play it.

The Texhnolyze art style alone makes me want it.

It's free to download and the fan translation is easy to apply. What's the problem?

Maybe you know this, but, uh

what the heck was up with the eroge-out-of-nowhere scene during his dream?

Yoishi obviously has a thing for the dead and the protagonist was definitely possessed
, so... uh... not really sure. Definitely an odd part, especially considering nothing like it happens again.


Oh hell yes, my copy of Virtue's Last Reward came, finally.

Going to finish Tsugumi's route on ever17 first but man am I having a hard time concentrating when VLR is sitting right there on the table next to me. Shouldn't take long now, just
got all the way dooown to IBF


Ah, you know.. Tsugumi's route really got better towards the end and I started thinking that maybe I should finish Ever17 completely first, and now your post just reinforced the idea... :V
It'd be pretty hard to come from a 3d game to a visual novel like this anyway.

Anyway, the
romance got pretty cheesy
(it's a jpnese story, this shouldn't be a spoiler but i still tagged it) by the end but goddamn it do I have a soft spot for that kind of stuff. And here I was, hating Tsugumi just some hours ago. Hoping to see more of the same in the other routes too.

Ever17 and second playthrough, here I come! If I start now, around 3pm, maybe I won't be forced to play till 4am again lol.

late edit: playing as kid now and holy shit does takeshi have the most irritating laugh ever. i thought he was an idiot when i played as him and now he's really showing it.

even later edit: here i am, writing, all by my lonesome... lol
anyway just finished sara's route and it was so goddamn heartwarming i think i'm catching a fever. most of my guesses about the plot have been right so far but i'm still expecting to get fucking blown away by the true route. here we go!

holy shit what the hell is going on


Sorry for the double post

just finished Ever17 and I think I'll spend the rest of the evening collecting parts of my brains and mind from the room

i am utterly speechless

Normally I'd say it was a 5/5 experience but because it has lost all meaning, I have to say it was at least 10/5

Every single detail made sense in the end. Everything. This is probably the most beautifully crafted story I have ever read. And the ending... it was perfect. I couldn't have hoped for anything better. Most of all it was... conclusive.

Usually endings leave me with the feeling that I NEED more, that it wasn't perfect just yet. But not this time. I mean yes, of course I'd absolutely love to get more, like a
short slice of life manga about tsugumi's and takeshi's and their kids' life
or something. Now I "just" want more, I'm still absolutely content with what I've got. I loved the fact how
slice of life-ish the ending itself was. I was expecting some cheesy romantic ending. I like those, no doubt about that, but this was really the best way to end the story in my opinion. I was also afraid it'd end in a bittersweet way, where some got what they wanted and others didn't because that's how the stories seem to usually end in VNs.

I do have some questions about
Blick Winkel and his/her/its decisions
, but I can't be bothered to think about it right now.

So good. So very, fucking fantastic, in fact. I need to take a break before I tackle VLR.


Sorry for the double post

just finished Ever17 and I think I'll spend the rest of the evening collecting parts of my brains and mind from the room

i am utterly speechless

Normally I'd say it was a 5/5 experience but because it has lost all meaning, I have to say it was at least 10/5

Every single detail made sense in the end. Everything. This is probably the most beautifully crafted story I have ever read. And the ending... it was perfect. I couldn't have hoped for anything better. Most of all it was... conclusive.

Usually endings leave me with the feeling that I NEED more, that it wasn't perfect just yet. But not this time. I mean yes, of course I'd absolutely love to get more, like a
short slice of life manga about tsugumi's and takeshi's and their kids' life
or something. Now I "just" want more, I'm still absolutely content with what I've got. I loved the fact how
slice of life-ish the ending itself was. I was expecting some cheesy romantic ending. I like those, no doubt about that, but this was really the best way to end the story in my opinion. I was also afraid it'd end in a bittersweet way, where some got what they wanted and others didn't because that's how the stories seem to usually end in VNs.

I do have some questions about
Blick Winkel and his/her/its decisions
, but I can't be bothered to think about it right now.

So good. So very, fucking fantastic, in fact. I need to take a break before I tackle VLR.
Just so you know, there IS actually more (including exactly what you described, though it's a really short part). Just look for the 2 drama CDs, there are subtitles floating around. They have some post-game stories.

But yeah you should have a ton of questions! Check this out if you feel like getting some nice explanations. The "kick the can" stuff are what had me stumped when I played, so this page was a lifesaver.


So, I also played Ever 17 recently, but posted in the LTTP thread. So I'll just copy and paste that here to get atleast some discussion going on and hopefully have some people shed more light on my questions. The link above provides an answer to the Kick the Can thing already.

So after this thread popped(LTTP thread) up I decided to check this game out.

And boy it got me one bag of mixed feelings. I don't really know if this is the right place to do some massive spoiler revelaitons, but for now this seems like the right place for me.

Okay so I initially didn't plan to play this one since I heard it was a very long game. So I did spoil the whole
Blink Winkel
thing unfortunally (People were talking about it in the VLR thread and I got curious :x). But even so I don't think I really liked this
You, the player, being part of the game
thing. Maybe it's just me but I thought it was a bit cheap and immersion breaking. This (sadly) may have made the game less enjoyable for me, but I'm not sure since it may have annoyed me more than anything else.

Okay so I did like the characters quite a bit, but it was all a bit too much. The built up took way too long for me. During my third playthrough I wanted to get to the real ending already and I really didn't feel like starting the forth playthrough (which was Sora's path). Doesn't help that I didn't really like Sora up until then, but, after completing it, I thought it was a pretty good path. After completing Sora's path I got pumped for the fifth ending since, reading this thread(The late to the party thread), it seems like these last 5 hours would be mindblowing. It started out really good and I really liked the first 2 hours, but then it fell into "I've seen this already but I can't skip it" territorium. In fear of not skipping some important new lines I decided to read it all, but nothing was new so that really broke the momentum for me.
Didn't help I was just unloading the whole two You's and Sara and Hokotun being Tsugumi and Takeshi's children thing
. Which were two really nice twists and really caught me of guard. The first 30 hours may have been worth it just for those twists.
And then the whole Blick Wikkel thing happend which I didn't really like. Maybe I missed something, but doesn't that leave a paradox open? So the game goes in depth trying to get the most obvious paradox out of the way, but doesn't it leave one open? So Blick Wikkel tells You"haku" that she has to set up the whole disaster 17 years from now, but how could Blick Wikkel have told You"haku" that if he hasn't been summoned yet by the 2034 disaster? Does he get 2017 information in 2034 without actually being in 2017, then travel back to 2017 to warn You"haku" to summon him? When is the first time Blink Winkel appears and what is his reason to be there?

And that whole who kicked the can bit seems off to me. So everyone is standing together and hearing someone, who can't be one of them, count. Now that would freak me the fuck out, but they act like it's nothing and don't even pretend something happend the next day.

So much questions! The kick the can thing is a bit more clear now. So it's only BW who hears the counting and the can and that's why nobody freaks out, right?


That's the beauty of
time travelling. The BW telling You to summon BW later is a very "standard" stable time loop. He does exist, because he was summoned in 2034. When he goes back in time, he puts in motion the plan to summon him in 2034. Thus the loop continues. As it's a loop, it doesn't have a start or an ending so it kind of just... Works.

The others can hear the can. It has to do with the theme about something existing, if you believe it exists. In short, BW believed it would happen, and this reflected to others, so they heard it. It's the same how BW can talk to You in 2017.

Oh yeah, I disliked You's name. It was distracting seeing something like "You entered the room" on the screen when my brain automatically assumes it's "The player character entered the room".


So, I also played Ever 17 recently, but posted in the LTTP thread. So I'll just copy and paste that here to get atleast some discussion going on and hopefully have some people shed more light on my questions. The link above provides an answer to the Kick the Can thing already.

So much questions! The kick the can thing is a bit more clear now. So it's only BW who hears the counting and the can and that's why nobody freaks out, right?
As far as the
ending goes, it's also referenced in the link (Predestination paradox). It's not just that Blick Winkel went back to the past to cause his awakening in the future - it's that he HAD to do it or he wouldn't exist in the first place, making it a closed loop paradox.

For the kick-the-can,
In 2017, Pipi kicked the can. It's presented as a mystery to the player (and to BW) (it HAS to be a mystery) because BW had a temporary memory loss, caused by the inconsistency with 2034's game... but I'm pretty sure everyone else figured out it was Pipi and that's why they didn't freak out. Because BW was so confused by this unsolved mystery, he projected that same mystery into 2034, only no one actually kicked the can this time (and it stayed in place, obviously). As proof, he hears Takeshi in the rest area, because he expects him to be there due to 2017.

If the kick-the-can is still confusing to you then that's normal, but I can't really make it any simpler.. sorry (I can try to explain any part of it again if you want). Rest assured it had me confused for a long long time, I even made diagrams about it, geez. It's the only mystery in Ever17 that is
a mystery to the players by canon, and just wouldn't work/make sense if it was explained to us
, which I thought was a really neat idea.


It still doesn't make that much sense to me.
I get what this predestination paradox is supposed to be, but it still doesn't make sense. It's almost like it says; don't think about it, it just works. Maybe I'm thinking about the grandfather paradox a bit too much. I get that the events occur because he will travel back in time in the future, but it just doesn't make sense


It still doesn't make that much sense to me.
I get what this predestination paradox is supposed to be, but it still doesn't make sense. It's almost like it says; don't think about it, it just works. Maybe I'm thinking about the grandfather paradox a bit too much. I get that the events occur because he will travel back in time in the future, but it just doesn't make sense
Maybe you're just thinking about the original starting point
(when they got into the closed loop)
. Think about it like this.

First of all think of BW in terms of alternate timelines - if BW didn't wake himself up, that would create a new timeline that would branch off from there and carry on its own (and then fall apart, like it did in the game, because it can't exist outside of the loop, but the point still stands).

As far as how the "starting point", and combine this with the alternate timeline thing, he doesn't really "go back in time", more like he's everywhere at all times. That includes all timelines, i.e. all routes besides Tsugumi/Coco and all other possibilities that don't involve his awakening). Therefore in his perspective, the closed loop exists as just another timeline he can look into. The only reason he interferes outside of his interest, causing the closed loop, is because Hokuto's connection pressures him to do it.
As a 4D being he's supposed to look at all timelines from the outside as if they were a bunch of lines on paper.

But yeah it's still a paradox. That's sorta what paradoxes.. DO.
They don't make sense.
But yeah it's still a paradox. That's sorta what paradoxes.. DO.[/spoiler] They don't make sense.

That's the thing with stories revolving
time travel/parallel universes there's always logical inconsistencies
that the original author/scenario designer may not have thought of.


I just got passed the point in Steins;Gate when shit gets real. Even though, I saw the anime, I simply want to lock myself away in a room for a few days and plow through the last half of the game. So fucking good, and it expands on topics the anime touched one for a few sentences or so.


Maybe you're just thinking about the original starting point
(when they got into the closed loop)
. Think about it like this.

First of all think of BW in terms of alternate timelines - if BW didn't wake himself up, that would create a new timeline that would branch off from there and carry on its own (and then fall apart, like it did in the game, because it can't exist outside of the loop, but the point still stands).

As far as how the "starting point", and combine this with the alternate timeline thing, he doesn't really "go back in time", more like he's everywhere at all times. That includes all timelines, i.e. all routes besides Tsugumi/Coco and all other possibilities that don't involve his awakening). Therefore in his perspective, the closed loop exists as just another timeline he can look into. The only reason he interferes outside of his interest, causing the closed loop, is because Hokuto's connection pressures him to do it.
As a 4D being he's supposed to look at all timelines from the outside as if they were a bunch of lines on paper.

But yeah it's still a paradox. That's sorta what paradoxes.. DO.
They don't make sense.

Ah okay, makes a lot more sense now. I forgot about the fact that
Blink Winkel is a 4D being. So basicly when Hokuto started interfering with BW he sort off became 3D for awhile? But only in that particular timeline?
I think I just need a bit more time to let it all sink in.

Thanks for trying to explain it, helped me out quite a bit :).
I just got passed the point in Steins;Gate when shit gets real. Even though, I saw the anime, I simply want to lock myself away in a room for a few days and plow through the last half of the game. So fucking good, and it expands on topics the anime touched one for a few sentences or so.

Ahah the anime ignored many cool things so youll be extra surprised at some points


I actually thought in Steins;Gate's case it held up really well.

I might be alone on that though. But White Fox did an amazing job to me.

Well that's one of the reasons why I can't bring myself to play the VN. The anime was really, really good. In fact, it's one of the best I've seen, one of the rare that was very close to making me tear up in some parts.
The first time through I didn't see the extra episode or whatever it was, and it ended with
Kurisu passing by Rintarou in the streets and not noticing him
and ahh I was dying inside that evening. Then later, when I was watching it the second time through, I saw it had an extra episode, remembered to watch it and got the
super sweet heartwarming aww ending
I really wanted and I was happy :lol

And I'm not a very good reader. The story has to be REALLY interesting to make me read it in book or VN form that have no or very scarce audio-visual elements. The animations imo made the emotional impact even bigger. That's why I can't really bring myself to play the VN. It'd feel like.. Well, not ruining the story obviously but something like that. It has all those 'extra' routes which would be interesting, but they wouldn't feel "right" when I've seen the true canon route already :V

It's one of those things that I can't very well put in words. Hopefully there aren't too many elitist VN readers here to lay judgement on me for liking the anime more lol


I just got passed the point in Steins;Gate when shit gets real. Even though, I saw the anime, I simply want to lock myself away in a room for a few days and plow through the last half of the game. So fucking good, and it expands on topics the anime touched one for a few sentences or so.
What are your impressions of the English patch? It's starting to set in that no official English version is really ever coming, so I may as well finally play it.
The first time through I didn't see the extra episode or whatever it was, and it ended with
Kurisu passing by Rintarou in the streets and not noticing him
and ahh I was dying inside that evening.
Wait, it was a scene right at the end of the last episode, but Kurisu definitely noticed Okabe and said her usual "I'm not Cristina or your assistant!" even it was a different timeline, which made you realize that everything was going to be well for them.


In other news , for those not being aware of the current works..here is a list ( not compiled by me ) Made 2 days ago from an infamous not so anonymous at a popular imageboard.
Thanks Tinfoil

In bolded are the recent stuff.
I do post this list because the one in the first page is clearly outdated since it was made 18 months ago i think and in no way i intend to take credit for compiling this list or anything..

InfiniteNine or someone else should post from the same source in 6 months or something so that we get more information on the current or deceased projects.

Fan translations

Official Work
Just to add to that list!

The Nitro+CHiRAL game Dramatical Murder is also being worked on. Translation is complete, script editing is at ~76% and actual formatting/inserting is at some +50% or so.

Once its fandisk (Dramatical Murder re:connect) hits the stores work on that too will commence.
This. (Mostly because 99% of the time, Anime adaptations just rape the original material, see Higurashi, Umineko or C;H... actually no, don't see them. :p)

I disagree on higurashi..umineko and chaos head , yes had very poor adaptation but higurashi , like stein gate did a very good job .
There comes a moment where you can't adapt everything , and everything doesn't work as well from medium to medium.

Umineko and steinsgate are fine. The vns are superior , yes but the anime is more than enough


This. (Mostly because 99% of the time, Anime adaptations just rape the original material, see Higurashi, Umineko or C;H... actually no, don't see them. :p)

To a point, and I think that just harkens back to the familiar argument regarding all forms of adaptation. One will always inform the other, and obviously, we always have some inherent bias with these things. My stance has changed over time, though. I usually see most things as a companion piece, rather than replacing the source material. As long as it has a positive effect on those who consume it, I don't see the problem. I mean, for better or worse, I probably wouldn't have been aware of SG, had the anime not become a thing.

But with that said, this will be my first real foray into VN's , so I'll be curious to see what I make of it. Maybe I'll end up eating my words...

And hello! This looks like a nice little thread/community you have going.


Wait, it was a scene right at the end of the last episode, but Kurisu definitely noticed Okabe and said her usual "I'm not Cristina or your assistant!" even it was a different timeline, which made you realize that everything was going to be well for them.

You sure? I'm somewhat convinced it was left open. Well.. At least the extra episode confirms
they both still love each other, then

Guess I have to re-watch it again in a few weeks then! I was thinking of checking out some anime again, it's been long since I've watched any. First I'm gonna watch through Ghibli's production though.

e: Higurashi anime was great


I disagree on higurashi..umineko and chaos head , yes had very poor adaptation but higurashi , like stein gate did a very good job .
There comes a moment where you can't adapt everything , and everything doesn't work as well from medium to medium.

Umineko and steinsgate are fine. The vns are superior , yes but the anime is more than enough

Higurashi is a terrible adaption. They butchered pretty much everything but the first arc. Rei is missing half of the plot, entire plot points were dropped, backstories were cut and the arcs most emotional moments were either downplayed or absent. It's a Tsukihime-level of adaptation and no way representative of the VN quality.


What are your impressions of the English patch? It's starting to set in that no official English version is really ever coming, so I may as well finally play it.

The English patch isn't perfect, a lot of simple grammar mistakes. But overall, it does the job quite nicely, and you won't ever feel confused by the translation. I would highly recommend playing SG with the current patch than wait for JAST to release the game in 2034.
Higurashi is a terrible adaption. They butchered pretty much everything but the first arc. Rei is missing half of the plot, entire plot points were dropped, backstories were cut and the arcs most emotional moments were either downplayed or absent. It's a Tsukihime-level of adaptation and no way representative of the VN quality.

i believe this is a case of things being impossible to adapt from another medium ..you can't just cram the amount of backstory of higurashi into episodes like that.

I haven't seen rei , but i have seen the original and "kai" and i do remember them adding another chapter for kai to add backstory they forgot to in it.

Similar argument could be made for steinsgate ( since they did ignore a large chunk of backstory ) yet the anime works very well.


That chapter didn't even make sense, story-wise. And it's just a bad copy of the ending of Minagoroshi-hen, which was one of the most powerful and best moments of the story.


I tried to read the VN of Higurashi and then watch the anime in between arcs, but that was a failure. I had to quit that and go VN-only at the end of the second arc because I couldn't take the heavy butchery anymore. It's also made me super wary of VN->anime adaptations and I now try to avoid most of them if I can.


Long way from finishing the Steins;Gate VN, but I started the anime to get a taste for the dub.

Wonderful stuff, especially Kyouma. (30 hours and I'm only at Chapter 5 of the VN...)

Only watching the first couple episodes, I always do the VN first, but at least this anime's supposed to be worth watching(and so far I agree).


I disagree on higurashi..umineko and chaos head , yes had very poor adaptation but higurashi , like stein gate did a very good job .
I think the Higurashi anime was an 'okay' adaptation. It certainly isn't bad and is very enjoyable in its own way, but my main problem is that it (the first season, anyway) tries to be a horror anime. They cut out a lot of content that are more about the relationships between the characters, which is actually what the story is about.

They did kinda fix this a bit in the second season, but by that time the damage had already been done and a lot of people got turned off by it since they had got used to Higurashi being a horror story even though it isn't really.


Finished Saya No Uta a bit ago. Didn't like it.
because of the rape scene.

I hope after Robotics;Notes they'll go back to their Chaos;Head roots: Psychological horror.


Finished Saya No Uta a bit ago. Didn't like it.
because of the rape scene.

I hope after Robotics;Notes they'll go back to their Chaos;Head roots: Psychological horror.

Uh, aren't SnU and the science series by entirely different writers/developers?


Uh, aren't SnU and the science series by entirely different writers/developers?

Uh... Sort of. Nitro+ (developers of SnU) collaborated with 5pb. to create both C;H and S;G. R;N is the first game of the series where N+ hasn't been involved.

However, the writer for the science series has always been someone from the 5pb. side, iirc. (not too sure about C;H, almost sure about S;G)


I have an utterly mundane question about Steins;Gate. Is there anyway to back out of sending a specific text message? I've only just realized that there are multiple responses, and would like to view them all without having to quick load constantly.


I have an utterly mundane question about Steins;Gate. Is there anyway to back out of sending a specific text message? I've only just realized that there are multiple responses, and would like to view them all without having to quick load constantly.

As far as I can tell, no. I have no clue how it affects relationships, either.


As far as I can tell, no. I have no clue how it affects relationships, either.

Okay, so it doesn't have a discernible able effect on potential endings or anything? I understand that this may be veering into potential spoiler territory, so feel free to answer accordingly.
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