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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West |OT| I Die, You Die.

I'll probably get this after it bombs. I thought the presentation was pretty nice in the demo and I for one enjoyed what little combat the demo offered. But I can't justify picking it up for full price when I know it's going to bomb and it's coming out right when Vanquish/Castlevania are hitting.
I wanted the game Day 1 from the started... then I played the game and it turned me off!

reading all the reviews made me feels like in between of buying it or not.... but Joystiq's review sold me the game!

now I can't wait till I experience the game myself :)


Sounds so good, sad the hear about the framerate issues good thing they are uncommon at least.The Unreal Engine 3 just don't agree with the PS3 unfortunately.

Edit:NowGamer Review 8.3
Concentrating on health and shield improvements therefore makes a lot of sense, but that means perhaps putting up with reduced staff firing rate or melee attack power. We would certainly recommend unlocking the Focus Attack ability as early as you dare as this simple special move is great at getting you out of sticky situations and rewarding an aggressive melee approach.

Once you start to see and feel the rewards of your orb hunting, collecting them becomes as much a part of the game as the combat or the story. Knowing that the Tech Orbs are often off the beaten path is also something to note. You may need to travel in a different direction or climb a different part of a building. Enslaved doesn’t offer the most open world around and its path is usually a very linear one, but getting your mind caught in that path will actually cost you. You need to be able to think on your feet sometimes.


the TMO

DevilWillcry said:
I'll probably get this after it bombs. I thought the presentation was pretty nice in the demo and I for one enjoyed what little combat the demo offered. But I can't justify picking it up for full price when I know it's going to bomb and it's coming out right when Vanquish/Castlevania are hitting.
Same feelings. And this is sad, couse maybe this game need more attentions.
Damn preorders :/


Just played the demo and I think it was pretty mediocre. The script is so badly written, and the soldiers on the bridge are like dummies standing there to get exploded one after one.

The ending (of the demo) left me kind of curious though.
Definitive review inbound...



Enslaved: Odyssey to the West has its flaws, and those flaws are worn on the sleeve at all times. However, none of them tarnish what is, overall, one of the very best experiences released on a console in a long, long time. The game's eight- to ten-hour quest truly does feel like a journey, one that is compelling, exciting, and incredibly memorable. Any time it threatens to frustrate the player, it wins back one's heart with an exciting exploration sequence or a gorgeous vista. The marriage of Ninja Theory's established narrative prowess to a combat system that manages to be fun and a world that never ceases to be breathtaking has created a surefire winner.

And you know what? I really liked the ending!



Reviews are positive so far. This really sounds like my kind of game but the demo seriously diminished my enthusiasm for it. Then again, eurogamer's review mentions that the first half hour is kind of generic and boring.

Anyway, i decided that i will buy it but i might wait for a very good deal. Also, i'm going to wait until there are some impressions on the ps3 version (since that's the only version i can buy)


Already preordered: the demo eventually sold me (even if i had tried it twice before in the past few months, lol) and surely left me wanting for MOAR.
Between this and Castlevania it's gonna be a lovely week.
my local mom and pop shop got this and castlevania. the enslaved demo was pretty average but the full game is NOT. LISTEN TO THESE REVIEWS PEOPLE.


Littleberu said:
This is going to be the Bioshock/Arkham Asylum/Borderlands of this year if they can play their cards right.
mmm... don't really think so.
I feel it's gonna bomb pretty bad, frankly.


gamesradar review


We’re rooting for Enslaved because it tries and succeeds to do more with games. It makes the stories and characters of its contemporaries look like the embarrassing and juvenile clichés that they are. Often times we tell ourselves we can love a game despite its horrible story (and we have to do that with most games). It’s a relief to not have to make excuses for the story. But it’s not just a flimsy game held up by great writing – the gameplay is pretty damn nifty too. We wish we could talk more about the story to show why it’s so great, but then that would take away from that greatness. That we even have to care about such a thing is a rare aspect to worry about in a review, which says a lot about what makes Enslaved: Odyssey to the West special.

One thing was worth noting though. In the "Is it better than...?" section, they compared it to Heavenly Sword in which they thought Enslaved was better, then Castlevania: LoS in which LoS was better.

But then they went all nuts and compared it to a PS2 game that they only played recently, serves a different purpose with its game design and doesn't fit in the same genre as Enslaved. They compared it to Ico in which Enslaved was better. Unnecessary comparison if you ask me.


Great, knew it was going to be a good game. Happy with the reviews

Edge, Eurogamer and Destructoid gave this the thumbs up. There shouldnt be any doubt here people.

Ninja Theory came through, haters, go back to your dungeons :lol


I just finished the game. Wow, you guys REALLY need to play this. It's really sticking with me. Didn't expect that at all...


SamBishop said:
I just finished the game. Wow, you guys REALLY need to play this. It's really sticking with me. Didn't expect that at all...

Gonna get my copy in a couple o' hours... Comments like this are getting me excited!


SamBishop said:
I just finished the game. Wow, you guys REALLY need to play this. It's really sticking with me. Didn't expect that at all...

My interest is piqued. Which version did you play?

I was a hater but if this game succeeds in telling it's story and character development I could look past my complaints about the gameplay. Playing the demo on Hard made the combat much better.


so i tried the demo, horrible viewing angle (assume it was just that leve being 'clever' with the camera), horrible movement controls, and the climbing system is a waste of time like the original uncharted

but the graphics are nice, and the female character would totally get it :lol
woohooo First Look: Enslaved is up. check it out here.

click the vid if you want full 720p glory. note I recorded this stupid late so I had a brain fart during the puzzle. half way in and the game is really fuckin good. I think the voice acting and facial animations are fantastic. I really shouldn't have been so surprised considering heavenly sword did those things very well too.

Now I can go back to watchin the jericho dvd.


didn't care much for the demo but the gameplay video at the end and the reviews have me excited about buying this for £15-20 in a few months.


Reviews and comments are great.

CVG 8.7;


Enslaved is a rare game: a title with shades of Beyond Good & Evil great-ness set in a decimated world that's genuinely striking to explore. You'll have played better adventures before, but you'll be hard pressed to name a more captivating one.

// Overview

A magical odyssey that makes the most of its origins. Fingers and toes crossed for more.

Luscious world
Great characterisation
Giant of a game



Do some people really say sWord instead of Sord? hehe ;) the girl does look like Nariko form HS though,nice preview.

I`m playing Castlevania first but i`m definetly getting this,I loved the demo.


This game looks interesting and I really like the art style, might have to try the demo later. By the end of the month I should have enough Amazon credit to get a game free, so I'll keep this in mind.


I think I'm renting this over NBA 2K11. Just cleared my Queue accordingly.

The way I figure I can play this and be done with it while I'm sure I'll keep NBA 2K11 for a while.


JohngPR said:
I think I'm renting this over NBA 2K11. Just cleared my Queue accordingly.

The way I figure I can play this and be done with it while I'm sure I'll keep NBA 2K11 for a while.

Eery, I just made that exact same decision. Figure this game is a fairly short experience but I'll keep 2k11 for a couple months once it gets here!


Littleberu said:
This is going to be the Bioshock/Arkham Asylum/Borderlands of this year if they can play their cards right.
More like Bionic Commando of this year going by my hunch. How much did BC sold?


I think it's safe to say that this will perform exactly as well as Heavenly Sword did, maybe a little bit better. This won't start off as a huge seller because it doesn't have the marketing push behind it, but it may have some legs.


I'll never understand the fickleness of neogaf man. This game *looks* amazing so unless I'm missing something, I don't understand why people aren't hyped about. And what's with hating on Ninja Theory? Is that a fad now or something?


KAL2006 said:
So what game is recommended, this or Castlevania

Going with Castlevania day one, but I'm thinking I will have to pick this up this month too. Eh that makes like 4 games I want for October and likely a 5th with Vanquish. Day ones on all those not happening though.

Phatcorns said:
I'll never understand the fickleness of neogaf man. This game *looks* amazing so unless I'm missing something, I don't understand why people aren't hyped about. And what's with hating on Ninja Theory? Is that a fad now or something?

Not sure the hate. Likely the DMC thing more than anything I guess.


KAL2006 said:
So what game is recommended, this or Castlevania

From gamesradar:-

Castlevania is a safer bet for the gamer’s gamer. Its gameplay is rock-solid and polished until you can see yourself in it. It’s massive, giving you far more game for your buck. At the same time, it isn’t original – Enslaved has that beat by a foliage-strangled country mile. Castlevania’s story is also the usual videogame tripe, although the voice acting is still top-notch. For those wanting to see where videogames could be heading, Enslaved is the guiding light. For those wanting to see the culmination of where games have come, Castlevania lumps it all together into a rich, briny soup and lets you drink deep.

Overall they think Castlevania is better.

My advice? Get Castlevania and at least rent Enslaved since it's a short game. I'm getting both!


Gold Member
You people that have already played this game, what version, Xbox360 or PS3?

I wanna know if the screen tearing and framerate is as bad as some say it is on PS3 in the demo at least.


Comparing Enslaved to Castlevania is a bit disingenuous just because they come out the same day. It's not one or the other, they're very different games.

The answer is: get both!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
The demo was amazing, and from what little was there, the story, world and writing seem rock solid. Glad to reviews say this about the final product as well. I mean, I would have bought it regardless, but it's nice to know.
DaBuddaDa said:
Comparing Enslaved to Castlevania is a bit disingenuous just because they come out the same day. It's not one or the other, they're very different games.

The answer is: get both!

:D Already had both preordered from Amazon, cant wait for next week! Will get $30 dollars worth of credit from Amazon from picking these two up as well!
aegies said:
Good to know!

I'll never understand why reviewers don't include this information with their reviews. I often find myself jaded with reviewers when they discuss a game's difficulty or how short the game is. If we all can track a reviewer's trophy or achievement progress, then it puts more weight on their opinion. Did the reviewer just crank through the game on easy to meet a deadline? Did they really explore the game? These are all questions that I ask, but never have the answer to.

On topic, I was very unimpressed by the demo of Enslaved. I thought it looked gorgeous, but the combat feeled clunky and simplistic, the fixed camera got on my nerves more than a few times, and I just couldn't relate to Monkey. He just seems too angry.

And then I saw the video at the end, which gave me some hope. And now all of these rave reviews are pouring in. I certainly want to experience this game. It took me two years to get to Mirror's Edge, which I firmly believe is one of the best games this generation. I certainly don't want to miss out on another shining game, should Enslaved be of similar calibre.


Littleberu said:
This is going to be the Bioshock/Arkham Asylum/Borderlands of this year if they can play their cards right.

I'm guessing it will be the Brutal Legend of this year (sales wise not quality wise): Good/great reviews but poor sales. It will be sub-20 pounds in the UK in less than a month.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DaBuddaDa said:
Comparing Enslaved to Castlevania is a bit disingenuous just because they come out the same day. It's not one or the other, they're very different games.

The answer is: get both!
I'm getting both.

They don't seem entirely different to me, however. Both are linear character driven 3rd person action games with a mix of platforming and melee combat.

I'm guessing it will be the Brutal Legend of this year (sales wise not quality wise): Good/great reviews but poor sales. It will be sub-20 pounds in the UK in less than a month.
I think Brutal Legend had a lot of gamers attention prior to release but was ultimately disappointing for many when they discovered it's basically an RTS. Enslaved seems to have less attention from people but may end up surprising them if they give it a look.
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