Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:For me, the ACTING on TNG aged horribly. Troi was alright when I first watched it, but now I roll my eyes whenever I catch a rerun because she is a dreadful actress. Riker is doing a passable but worse Kirk impression much of the time, Geordi is boring as all fuck at his line delivery, Picard the frenchman with the british accent never bothered me, but now seems dumber, Dr. Crusher is quite blah despite having one of the best episodes (where she is in the bubble). The acting for me is sub par for most of the characters, and this contributes to a feeling of genericism.
On DS9, a lot of the appeal for me was the storyline and finding out what happened, so I can see it losing some of its lustre upon repeated viewings. But DS9's most annoying regular character, Quark, had many more episodes where he was quite good than Troi ever did. The acting on DS9 was just better.
One of the worst instances of the Troi character (imo at least) was the episode where The Enterprise is doing a battle drill, the one where Data loses that game. Anyway, Data's going over his analysis of Riker and then Troi interuppts, "exactly, the man that he is." EVERYTIME i see that part I think, "bitch, let the man finish his sentence already."