GAF's Pleasant Genius
absolutely not. Why would any dev build their games around a single ssd?
why would they create assets that will only run on fast ssd?
They will just use PC SSD as the baseline and as the lowest common denominator and call it a day.
then we will see just shorter loading times on PS5 and XSX.
They will not create extra detailed assets just for a single SSD. Not going to happen.
we will see a difference for ray tracing and resolution though. That’s for sure. Because there the devs don’t have to create anything extra for a single platform.
The assets created, see UE5, would be the highest quality ones and the point of the tech is to save artists time not having to produce the extra lower quality LODs and cutscenes models... use the asset as it was modelled straight from ZBrush and vary the level of detail in SW when you render on screen based on the I/O speed you have available.
Also, PC’s have more memory available (main RAM + dedicated VRAM) to be able to trade off SSD I/O with an initially longer load: minimum specs for games ported from consoles to PC’s (consoles will be the lead platforms once again, they are way too valuable not to) will rise and it is par for the course with a new console generation... better get used to it