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Essential Horror Films


Gold Member
Have been working on this for the past few weeks, so here's a list of all those "must-see" horror films.

What I wanted to create was more of a beginners guide for people who wish to explore the genre, then an actual ranking of films.

The list is unranked and listed in release order.



Return of the Living Dead

Demons (1985)

Don't Go In The House



The Ritual

Quarantine (better than REC)

Willow Creek (Bigfoot horror, worth it for one scene alone that was scary as all fuck)

The Sixth Sense

Some of those on that list are awful, what the hell are they doing on there?

Us was atrocious.
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"I'm sure i can think of something this guy hasn't said"


Errr Wake in Fright

Good list tyvm :p
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The Quatermass trilogy (Hammer films, not BBC versions).

The Quatermass Experiment (1955)
Quatermass II (1957)
Quatermass and The Pit (1967)


You never watched the Feast trilogy OP?

The Blob
Child’s Play
Friday the 13th

Should be there too.

Oh and while you’re including comedy horrors don’t skip on Final Girls. It is hilarious.



The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
Texas Chainsaw 3d

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Have been working on this for the past few weeks, so here's a list of all those "must-see" horror films.

What I wanted to create was more of a beginners guide for people who wish to explore the genre, then an actual ranking of films.

The list is unranked and listed in release order.

I looked for Suspiria and I found it.

List is legit. 👍


Glad to see Invasion of the Body Snatchers is on there twice. 1978 version is the best one IMO.

Ending is one of the most iconic horror movie moments of all time.

Yeah, one of the scariest endings I'd say, still freaks me out just thinking about it.

Nice thread btw, will check which movies I haven't seen yet!

Cutty Flam

These two aren’t essential, but Jeepers Creepers and Jeepers Creepers 2 are both some of my favorites

Not the best, but for some reason I watched them every time they were showing on the HBO and Cinemax channels I think it was. Jeepers Creepers 2, must have seen it a dozen times around the time it came out

Cutty Flam

The Conjuring was a solid modern horror film. The tension was high for me with that particular one, I had to lower the volume a couple times and was legitimately kind of nervous and very anxious while watching around the middle of the film I think it was, the end was a bit intense as well but the middle was getting to my head some

The ending where they gave a brief reality check to their viewers regarding demons shocked me. You don’t typically see such a warning, any kind of spiritual teaching at the end of any film. I snapped a pic of the final clip before the credits ended



Hills Have Eyes Remake?

High Tension?

Night of the Living Dead 1990?

It 1990?

Graveyard Shift?


Creepshow? Creepshow 2?

Tales from the Dark Side?

The Funhouse?

As Above So Below?

Mothman Prophecies?


The Ruins?

House of Wax remake?

Dawn of the Dead remake?

Cat's Eye?


Monster Squad?

This list is definitely missing stuff.
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Midsommar is honestly the worst movie I've seen in my entire life.

Then you haven't seen Us. Us was god awful. Truly felt like something a high school student would write just to seem deep and thought provoking. Had such an amateur feel to its messaging. Can't believe he went from Get Out to Us.

As a horror fan I am a bit insulted to see it on this list of essential watches.

Easily one of the most ham fisted and forced, goofy ass things I've ever had to watch. Almost wanted to walk out of it, and I have never walked out of a movie before. It was just too damn stupid and it's crazy that it was (somewhat) trying to take itself seriously. At least, the core story that is. The movie itself was loaded with ridiculously silly comedy that just took me out completely.
Dead Alive


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

The Howling

Exorcist III: Legion

Vampire Hunter D

Demon City Shinjuku

Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Dog Soldiers

Bubba Ho-Tep

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This reminds me how monumentally stupid Us was. Jesus fuck.

Seriously one of the very worst movies I've ever seen. The story insults everyone's intelligence.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
You have The Thing but I would also recommend In the Mouth of Madness

and Children of the Corn
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Halloween 2018 was a step in the right direction but I absolutely hated the out of place comedy in it. The movie was also way too snappy and spent very little time with Michael Meyers. Where were the extended shots of him just standing there, his breathing, etc?

That scene where he first kills the two reporters/bloggers, it's like they're about to show him just standing there with her dangling body but then suddenly we get quick cuts of him donning the mask again. And again immediately after that, it's like we're about to get a shot of him just standing there breathing but it cuts away instantly.

I really hope the sequel gets rid of the idiotic comedy and spends more time with Michael Meyers doing his thing.
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