Greatest negotiator in mankind is what he said
It's either the EU or China.
Possibly both of them?
There will be some manufacturing shifts, but I don't expect cars to be a huge part due to political reasons. The EU is also becoming more wary of the risks that come with deindustrialisation due to the increased prominence of populist movements fed by it.
That said, Mexico also exports to Europe other industrial goods such as machinery, tractors and electronics that would benefit from this deal. Some of those products are currently being made in Europe and could lead to some issues, but many other are not.
Either way, Europe has the upper hand in these negotiations since it's the larger partner and doesn't need a new trade deal with Mexico as much as Mexico needs it.
@bolded: Most German cars sold in America (VW, Mercedes-Benz and BMW) are already being built in Mexico and America (usually with a huge input of Mexican parts). That's been the case a good while.
This hybrid protectionist free trade deal you are talking about sounds a lot like what Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA to be.
This. US/EU relations will never be the same again as there is 0 guarantee that Americans won't vote the Republicans into power after 4 or 8 years again. The joys of a 2 party system.The whole GOP needs to be erradicated with Trump.
Kebap stands AND Taco trucks? Oh my god.
Where do i sign.
This is the textbook failed economic theory that has directly lead to the rise of Trump and other right wingers world wide. You cannot get rid of low skilled jobs and replace them with nothing. Not in a democracy when those low skilled people are going to say "fuck off" and vote anyone who wants to do this out. Sure maybe this theory is great if the regime is totalitarian and the people affected by it have absolutely no say.
Mexico could find itself in a very nice position of being the bridge between China and Europe if the rumours of EPN trying to establish closer ties with Beijing are true.
The EU and Mexico have a free trade pact dating from 2000 that they began to update last year, holding talks in June and November.
The EU has said a new deal would seek to include public tenders, trade in energy products and raw materials, broader protection of intellectual property, more flexible rules on what products can benefit from lower customs tariffs and greater benefits for smaller companies.
It could also lead to more liberalised trade in meat, dairy products, cereals and certain fruits and vegetables.
I motion that Mexico becomes a member of the European Union right away!
Canada can come too, I wanna try that Poutine stuff.
Mexico would be smart to build that wall. We'll build one up here on the northern border and we can wall America in and save the world from their idiocy.
This hybrid protectionist free trade deal you are talking about sounds a lot like what Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA to be.
I'm not sure if I follow you. The problem with Trump's "deal" is not that he wants to renegotiate NAFTA, but that he's making a huge mess and that so far his proposals (ie: YUGE border tax that would wreck American manufacturing by making Mexican parts onerously expensive) make no sense at all.
That and him being a total dickwad towards Mexico for no good reason.