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EU referendum: David Cameron says he will stay as Prime Minister regardless of result

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I thought this was thread worthy as even though it is referendum related, this is to do with the leadership of the tories.

I think he is stuffed no matter what the result, unless there is a landslide victory for remain.However I could be wrong

Let the battles begin!

David Cameron has said he will remain at Downing Street regardless of the result of the EU referendum.

The Prime Minister told The Times Magazine that he was the best person to lead negotiations after a Leave vote on account of his "strong relationships" with other EU countries.

He added that he felt responsible for the referendum because it was a policy that he had included in the Conservative manifesto.

“I just get on with the job. I have a very clear mandate from the British people to serve as Prime Minister in a Conservative Government, delivering a referendum,” he said.

Asked whether he could stay in his post in the event of Brexit, he replied: “Yes. I think it's very important that the individual careers of individual politicians don't get caught up in this question.

“It won't be a verdict on me, whatever the outcome is. It's a verdict on the question, but I do care a lot about the question.”

Some Conservative MPs have reportedly been plotting to remove Mr Cameron in the event of a Brexit or even a narrow win for Remain.

The issue is further complicated by George Osborne’s announcement in the last week that any post-Brexit budget would raise the basic rate of income tax by 2 per cent of implement swingeing cuts to the NHS and schools.

57 Tory MPs responded to the announcement by saying they would not back such a budget from their own Chancellor. A failure to pass a budget would count as a vote of no confidence in the government and Mr Cameron.



Except if the result is leave so will he.

He just wants to avoid it being a ref on his position. There is no way he stays if we vote leave.


Labour would support him just to keep him in the negotiation ring. Would not be shocked if Cameron tries to hang on for a third term just to spite his opponents in the party.

The rebels are not that large and the rest of Parliament would be against them.


Labour would support him just to keep him in the negotiation ring. Would not be shocked if Cameron tries to hang on for a third term just to spite his opponents in the party.

The rebels are not that large and the rest of Parliament would be against them.

you only need 30 Tory MP's to call a vote of no confidence and if they are motivated by a certain Mr Boris Johnson, dont be surprised to see a challenge
He added that he felt responsible for the referendum because it was a policy that he had included in the Conservative manifesto.

Idiot. If he wasn't so focused on winning the election by any means necessary we wouldn't be in the position we're in now...


He'll get removed within minutes of a leave vote. He knows that, the Brexiters know that, the Remain camp know it. But they don't want to turn the referendum into a vote on him personally.


Idiot. If he wasn't so focused on winning the election by any means necessary we wouldn't be in the position we're in now...

Yeah, how dare he give the British public something that they've been asking to have for years. What kind of undemocratic bullshit is that?

I'm voting Remain, but I can appreciate that a significant enough portion of the population have wanted a public referendum on this issue for a long time now. To give in to that is an actual democratic action. Politicians are supposed to do what the voting public want. How do you think it's supposed to work?


Idiot. If he wasn't so focused on winning the election by any means necessary we wouldn't be in the position we're in now...
In his defence, even he didn't think something as crazy as the Tories getting a majority would happen. The referendum was pretty much solely in the manifesto to appease the far right of the party and then be dropped in coalition negotiations.


Haha good luck with that!

Not the any of his potential replacements would be better. Presumably Osborne, May, Gove or even Boris Fucking Johnson.

I've seen a few Brits mocking America for letting Trump get anywhere near the presidency, but I think we should probably keep our mouths shut considering Boris Johnson is a likely future PM.

Edit: Although my money is on the result being remain.


Haha good luck with that!

Not the any of his potential replacements would be better. Presumably Osborne, May, Gove or even Boris Fucking Johnson.

I've seen a few Brits mocking America for letting Trump get anywhere near the presidency, but I think we should probably keep our mouths shut considering Boris Johnson is a likely future PM.

If Cameron is out, Osborne is out too. The party hate him, the public hate him, he's probably the only leadership candidate that risks actually losing to Corbyn. He only has a leadership shot as the candidate that Cameron ha groomed to replace him and if Cameron leaves on unfavourable terms he stands no chance.


In his defence, even he didn't think something as crazy as the Tories getting a majority would happen. The referendum was pretty much solely in the manifesto to appease the far right of the party and then be dropped in coalition negotiations.

I know these things never happen, but it would of been really cool if the Lib Dems had of gone....nope, we are not stupid we know exactly why you are promising the referendum, you have your referendum we will take another one of your policies


If Cameron is out, Osborne is out too. The party hate him, the public hate him, he's probably the only leadership candidate that risks actually losing to Corbyn. He only has a leadership shot as the candidate that Cameron ha groomed to replace him and if Cameron leaves on unfavourable terms he stands no chance.

agreed, they done a poll and he only got 3%, Boris got 31% and the easy winner


I wish he was out either way.

He is.. that's the thing. He's stated that the last election was going to be his last, so that means realistically his term was only going to be around 2018 anyway.

I'm surprised he wont resign given a Leave vote - but he was never going to be serving his full five year term regardless.
Yeah, how dare he give the British public something that they've been asking to have for years. What kind of undemocratic bullshit is that?

I'm voting Remain, but I can appreciate that a significant enough portion of the population have wanted a public referendum on this issue for a long time now. To give in to that is an actual democratic action. Politicians are supposed to do what the voting public want. How do you think it's supposed to work?

Not everything has to be a vote for the public to decide because most of them are idiots who are driven by emotion rather than facts.

And it's all well and good to say that people have wanted this for a long time. I'm sure people would also like to vote on bringing back the death penalty, doesn't mean we should pander to those people and give them the chance to bring it back.

Some decisions are better left out of the public's hands.

In his defence, even he didn't think something as crazy as the Tories getting a majority would happen. The referendum was pretty much solely in the manifesto to appease the far right of the party and then be dropped in coalition negotiations.

I feel everyone knew the Lib Dems would get a bollocking at the G.E after they lied about tuition fees. He just wanted to make sure that his party didn't bleed too many votes to UKIP.


If Boris Johnson comes in as a replacement, fuck me. I would be devastated beyond words. Please don't let that twat run this country.


If Boris Johnson comes in as a replacement, fuck me. I would be devastated beyond words. Please don't let that twat run this country.

He hates the actual work and nitty gritty of politics, just the bloke you want running things during years of intense negotiations.

He can tightrope across the Thames in a leotard no problem.
If Boris Johnson comes in as a replacement, fuck me. I would be devastated beyond words. Please don't let that twat run this country.

If he comes in the country will splinter as quick as hell, they love him in the south but damn his pompous arrogant attitude is about as popular elsewhere as a wet fart. Combined with the multitude of stuff being kept under wraps about him, it will be explosive, in all reality i would not write off labour next election especially if the 50% of remainers turn to them if a narrow leave vote occurs. Reminds me of what happens post indy ref here, the losers will look for a home and labour may benefit massively.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
There will certainly be a leadership challenge if we vote to leave. It's whether he would survive it.


If Boris Johnson comes in as a replacement, fuck me. I would be devastated beyond words. Please don't let that twat run this country.

Johnson or Gove would genuinely make me consider leaving the country.

Take comfort that there will be a lot of people voting Leave solely to prompt the "getting rid of Cameron" (and, transparent to some of them, the likelihood of Johnson or Gove becoming PM).

There will certainly be a leadership challenge if we vote to leave. It's whether he would survive it.

Seems quite strange for the first Conservative leader for years to lead their party to a majority government to be seen as trying to survive a leadership challenge..


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Take comfort that there will be a lot of people voting Leave solely to prompt the "getting rid of Cameron" (and, transparent to some of them, the likelihood of Johnson or Gove becoming PM).

Seems quite strange for the first Conservative leader for years to lead their party to a majority government to be seen as trying to survive a leadership challenge..

His hubris led directly to this situation, he was arrogant in the extreme to to call a referendum on EU membership and think he could keep the nutters in his party under control. He doesn't have the clout, at the very least he should have slung Gove and Boris out of the cabinet once they decided to campaign against him. Instead he's given their case the legitimacy it never deserved. Ministers should not be campaigning against the government on an issue like this.


I like Boris Johnson and I like Gove as well...I have respect for Gove as he took on the education system and just about won had his tenure not been cut short


They're both better than May. I'm still pretty sure she is the literal physical embodiment of Satan.

I hate that I always end up defending bad people in these threads, but on May...

For everything she has done, she is also the Home Secratey who went to the Police Federation and gave the speech that every Home Secretary has wanted to give for the last 30 years. She directly accused them of racism, told them it wasn't just a case of a few bad apples, and that they had to fundamentally change and that if they didn't address the racism and prejudice in the police she would do it for the .

That was an incredibly bold act coming from a conservative minister, the party that usually backs the police no matter what.


I like Boris Johnson and I like Gove as well...I have respect for Gove as he took on the education system and just about won had his tenure not been cut short

Give is one of the most corrupt men in parliament, whose tenure at education was a fuck up that even Jeremey Hunt couldn't replicate. The education reforms were a terrible failure on every level that even the economist thought were gibberish, and he has been bought and paid for by Rupert Murdoch for the last 20 years.


His hubris led directly to this situation, he was arrogant in the extreme to to call a referendum on EU membership and think he could keep the nutters in his party under control. He doesn't have the clout, at the very least he should have slung Gove and Boris out of the cabinet once they decided to campaign against him. Instead he's given their case the legitimacy it never deserved. Ministers should not be campaigning against the government on an issue like this.

Was it not about fairness. You can not say to people. Here is the referendum but by the way if you campaign for out your career as a minister is over. That right there surely is wrong
I hate that I always end up defending bad people in these threads, but on May...

For everything she has done, she is also the Home Secratey who went to the Police Federation and gave the speech that every Home Secretary has wanted to give for the last 30 years. She directly accused them of racism, told them it want just a case of a few bad apples, and that they had to fundamentally change and that if they didn't address the racism and prejudice in the police she would do it for the .

That was an incredibly bold act coming from a conservative minister, the party that usually backs the police no matter what.

Yeah i would rather have May as pm and that goes against everything i believe in, but Gove and Johnson are not of this Earth in my opinion.


I know someone that works for a conservative MP that told me there will be a leadership election in September regardless of the referendum result. Which is scary because as much as I hate Cameron, the ones waiting in the wings are worse.


Yeah i would rather have May as pm and that goes against everything i believe in, but Gove and Johnson are not of this Earth in my opinion.

Yep. May isn't very bright, but she has shown surprisingly liberal tendencies on certain issues, and she isn't as corrupt and insane as Gove or Johnson. Those two could happily break the country.


His hubris led directly to this situation, he was arrogant in the extreme to to call a referendum on EU membership and think he could keep the nutters in his party under control. He doesn't have the clout, at the very least he should have slung Gove and Boris out of the cabinet once they decided to campaign against him. Instead he's given their case the legitimacy it never deserved. Ministers should not be campaigning against the government on an issue like this.

Yep, I don't disagree with you. I would say though that to have an EU Referendum in the Conservative election manifesto would have gained votes from both the right, UKIP leaning Tory voters (and indeed some UKIP voters possibly on the fence) and some euro-sceptic Labour voters who were put off by Labour's refusal to have any kind of Referendum in the first place.

It was quite a moment in the television debates when Ed Miliband straight up refused to consider a referendum - the audience in that studio obviously might not be indicative of the electorate in general, but you could see that opinion was on the lines of "well, we'd at least like to have a choice..."


Give is one of the most corrupt men in parliament, whose tenure at education was a fuck up that even Jeremey Hunt couldn't replicate. The education reforms were a terrible failure on every level that even the economist thought were gibberish, and he has been bought and paid for by Rupert Murdoch for the last 20 years.

Can not answer about how effective the policies were. I just thought he was the first to tell teachers to stop belly aching and do your job. Where Nicky Morgan is just well nothing but air as far as I can tell. She never says anything useful


Can not answer about how effective the policies were. I just thought he was the first to tell teachers to stop belly aching and do your job. Where Nicky Morgan is just well nothing but air as far as I can tell. She never says anything useful

I hate to sound rude, but what the hell are you doing says you want him to stay at education but you haven't even read up on how effective his policies were???

And teachers should be belly aching. Education in this country is woefully underfunded and badly organised, and Goves reforms made it far worse. Aren't you the guy voting to leave because the government isn't investing enough in infrastructure to cope with immigration - and yet you admire the man who did exactly the opposite of that at education and fucked up the schools system even more???
If - and I am stressing if- the uk leaves and the economy gets hit disastrously I find it incredibly hard to believe we will have a Tory prime minister next election.


I hate to sound rude, but what the hell are you doing says you want him to stay at education but you haven't even read up on how effective his policies were???

And teachers should be belly aching. Education in this country is woefully underfunded and badly organised, and Goves reforms made it far worse. Aren't you the guy voting to leave because the government isn't investing enough in infrastructure to cope with immigration - and yet you admire the man who did exactly the opposite of that at education and fucked up the schools system even more???

My son is only primary age and a lot of his changes if I recall were set to make exams harder etc. So obviously to see how effective than are will take several years. That was what I meant.
If - and I am stressing if- the uk leaves and the economy gets hit disastrously I find it incredibly hard to believe we will have a Tory prime minister next election.

Yep very true, in general elections economy and financial wellbeing tend to be the deciding factor. Considering in the election it is usually a much higher turnout from middle class upwards, then there is no way in hell if economy is hit the tories will win, in fact they will likely be out of power for a generation if that happens.
My son is only primary age and a lot of his changes if I recall were set to make exams harder etc. So obviously to see how effective than are will take several years. That was what I meant.
Take a gander at what your son is now expected to have learned before he leaves Year 6. And realise that education for many now has a big ol' glass ceiling.


I hate to sound rude, but what the hell are you doing says you want him to stay at education but you haven't even read up on how effective his policies were???

And teachers should be belly aching. Education in this country is woefully underfunded and badly organised, and Goves reforms made it far worse. Aren't you the guy voting to leave because the government isn't investing enough in infrastructure to cope with immigration - and yet you admire the man who did exactly the opposite of that at education and fucked up the schools system even more???

Was just about to say the same!


Yep very true, in general elections economy and financial wellbeing tend to be the deciding factor. Considering in the election it is usually a much higher turnout from middle class upwards, then there is no way in hell if economy is hit the tories will win, in fact they will likely be out of power for a generation if that happens.

Hopefully labour will campaign on a manifesto of stopping us leaving the EU.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Was it not about fairness. You can not say to people. Here is the referendum but by the way if you campaign for out your career as a minister is over. That right there surely is wrong

It's simply inappropriate for cabinet ministers to be leading a campaign against the government on this issue, it muddies the waters far too much. Cameron should have laid down the law, instead he gave Boris and Gove a win-win. There will be no consequences for them choosing to head the Leave campaign, when really they should have been forced to put their necks on the line.

Can not answer about how effective the policies were. I just thought he was the first to tell teachers to stop belly aching and do your job. Where Nicky Morgan is just well nothing but air as far as I can tell. She never says anything useful

I'd rather have an inanimate carbon rod in charge of the DoE than a crazed Murdoch mongoose who has no understanding of the real world.
I hate to sound rude, but what the hell are you doing says you want him to stay at education but you haven't even read up on how effective his policies were???

And teachers should be belly aching. Education in this country is woefully underfunded and badly organised, and Goves reforms made it far worse. Aren't you the guy voting to leave because the government isn't investing enough in infrastructure to cope with immigration - and yet you admire the man who did exactly the opposite of that at education and fucked up the schools system even more???

Honestly you're being strenuously polite with that.

He does so much prattling on about politics but only ever has the most facile Sun-reading perspectives on anything. As you've shown, he's easily led around.

Taken, I don't care if you're properly simple or whatever, but I wish you'd take some of this joined up thinking being offered to you on board...
Hopefully labour will campaign on a manifesto of stopping us leaving the EU.

I am sure they will, there will be a lot of angry remain folk floating about looking for a home and given the tories will be ruled entirely by anti eu folk like Gove and Johnson, they will likely head to Labour even if its reluctantly, bit like Labour supports who went to the SNP here in Scotland.
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