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Eurogamer: Nintendo Switch to get Pokémon Sun and Moon third version: Pokemon Stars

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Unconfirmed Member
Why couldn't they leak this last week :( Moon is my first Pokemon game in at least a decade, would have held out for this if I'd known.



Why couldn't they leak this last week :( Moon is my first Pokemon game in at least a decade, would have held out for this if I'd known.

That is probably why :p

I usually get the third version anyway so, if this is true, I'm very happy. It should help the Switch out too.
What is it going to look like on a big screen? I'm super-intrigued.

If this is true, Nintendo is finally starting to understand the state of things.


I wonder how Nintendo convinced Game Freak/TPC to make it a switch exclusive. Those guys are really stubborn when it comes to moving to the next console.

I want to think the fact that the new president of Nintendo used to be the president of the Pokemon Company had a lot to do with it.


While we talk more about how this is going to affect Nintendo, I think the direct hit of this leak goes to the retailers. Amazon gonna be like "Hey, I already bought you your copy now. Gonna ship it just about right no---oh you're cancelling your preorder? Because of Switch version rumor? OK. Thanks, Eurogamer." 10m copies have already been shipped, so Big N is already making bank, anyway.

While the possibility of lost sales would only be pretty small because of this, they are still lost sales. I'm not saying what Eurogamer did was intentionally bad, but the other side of the argument also has valid points.

Yup. This news is not going to have any discernible effect on Sun & Moon's sales.

The only people who are going to cancel their orders are some teens and grown-ass adults who can wait it out until March. All the kids who wanted to buy it today are going to buy it today. The target market will be unswayed.


Yup. This news is not going to have any discernible effect on Sun & Moon's sales.

The only people who are going to cancel their orders are some teens and grown-ass adults who can wait it out until March. All the kids who wanted to buy it today are going to buy it today. The target market will be unswayed.

Who said it's coming in March?


Getting more interested in the Switch as we get closer. Also have zero interest in purchasing Sun and Moon now, so dodged a bullet there. I really, really hope that if they are putting it on the Switch that it's not just going to be a 3DS game with higher resolution. That would be lame.
Yup. This news is not going to have any discernible effect on Sun & Moon's sales.

The only people who are going to cancel their orders are some teens and grown-ass adults who can wait it out until March. All the kids who wanted to buy it today are going to buy it today. The target market will be unswayed.

It's not coming in March. I think the EARLIEST it comes is mid-late August. Most likely it hits next fall.

edit: Doh! beaten
It's not coming in March. I think the EARLIEST it comes is mid-late August. Most likely it hits next fall.

edit: Doh! beaten

What are your thoughts on when Zelda will release? I'd love to see summer, and I'm not sure if they want Pokemon and Zelda too close. Either way, it seems like we could get at least one "big" game a month and that's fucking amazing.
What are your thoughts on when Zelda will release? I'd love to see summer, and I'm not sure if they want Pokemon and Zelda too close. Either way, it seems like we could get at least one "big" game a month and that's fucking amazing.

In 2013 they released Pokemon in October and Zelda in November, both on 3DS. Probably something like that...

I guess that would leave Smash Bros. in September (maybe December)?
What are your thoughts on when Zelda will release? I'd love to see summer, and I'm not sure if they want Pokemon and Zelda too close. Either way, it seems like we could get at least one "big" game a month and that's fucking amazing.

I don't really know. I'm only basing my Pokemon thoughts on the fact that Gamefreak has typically taken 1-2 years to finish the third versions of a generation. Nintendo has made a bit of a habit out of having major May releases, Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon both hit in that month, so I could see Zelda hitting in May. Just a total guess though.
Its gonna be a fall release. Sun and Moon are among the best 1st releases in a generation so I seriously can't wait to see what they do for the third version and how it compares to emerald, BW2 and Platinum. God I'm so excited.


Jesus Nintendo Switch first year line up is ridiculously good.

Zelda, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Pokemon Stars...

It's going to be great being able to play pokemon stars on my TV. That alone makes it more work it.

The Lamp

you're referring to a full fledged Pokemon game as a risky product so I'm not confident about your conclusion either

It's like you didn't even read. Switch product, not Pokémon. Everything a business does carries financial risk and a new product on a new platform (when the last one was a failure) is objectively riskier than a product in established manufacturing and supply chain with an established userbase. That's all I meant by the risk comment


Was hyped for Moon but now that a third version is leaked... better wait for a while and get a (supposedly) superior third version on Switch. Cancelled my steelbook preorder.
I guess my December game will be Picross 3D: Round 2, then.


A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit


A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit

Of course they are.

This is going to cost them sales, surprise announcement momentum, and control of their messaging. Don't be surprised if Nintendo starts coming down hard on some.
A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit

Very interested to see what comes of this. I think it's best for leakers to stop what they're doing now... the ninjas are gonna be out for blood.

Poke-Mon Stars is literal marketing gold in Japan.

That... is brilliant. It's finally come full circle, Pocket Monsters to Poke MonStars!


A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit

Is this from your Uncle?

Yeah, there's no way this should have got out, some of us are thinking of skipping Sun/Moon now
A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit

I wonder if with all these leaks Nintendo is starting to wonder if "no news until next year" was such a good idea.
Hey, perfect opportunity to play my first traditional Pokemon game. I will support Nintendo doing this, I think it's a very good move for them.

I've only played Pokemon Snap.
A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit

until now, the ninjas had pretty good track records overall. It's probably pretty jarring after so many years of total info lockdowns.
I wonder if with all these leaks Nintendo is starting to wonder if "no news until next year" was such a good idea.

I wonder if they're starting to wonder if announcing the NX in March 2015 and then going for a year and a half of "we're not talking about the NX today, please buy Mario Tennis Ultra Smash and Amiibo Festival" and then finally revealing NX at the absolute latest possible moment only to then go silent again for three more months was a good idea.

EDIT: To be clear I don't really care either way, but when you're a major console developer going this silent for this long in the internet age, something was going to give sooner or later.


I wonder if they're starting to wonder if announcing the NX in March 2015 and then going for a year and a half of "we're not talking about the NX today, please buy Mario Tennis Ultra Smash and Amiibo Festival" and then finally revealing NX at the absolute latest possible moment only to then go silent again for three more months was a good idea.

EDIT: To be clear I don't really care either way, but when you're a major console developer going this silent for this long in the internet age, something was going to give sooner or later.

It's apparent Switch was planned to release this fall. Otherwise it doesn't make much sense that so many people know so much and how talkative they are. I wonder about the repercussions.

But to Nintendo I'd say they wanted to control the message at all cost with the event in January. That's fine, if you can prevent the leaks. They obviously couldn't. It's a terrible situation for them but they'll learn from it.
A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit

they should have been ahead of this

if they told people a 3rd Pokemon Stars is a whole Year away months ago I feel there would be less impulsive 'I'll skip Sun and Moon'

GameFreak said they would support NX but everyone expected stadium like games not the first home console Pokemon ever
The longer Nintendo waits on revealing the Switch and its games, the more that will get leaked.

I'm starting to think there won't be any games to actual reveal come their event. (Obviously gameplay and hardware to show off still, but maybe not many surprises.)

Well with this game for example, there weren't going to reveal it before Sun and Moon released.

True, but there's still a lot of time between now and their stated NX event. That's a lot of time for things to keep leaking. Pokémon probably wasn't in the cards as something they were planning on talking about in the short term, but it's one of many leaks.

I wonder if they're starting to wonder if announcing the NX in March 2015 and then going for a year and a half of "we're not talking about the NX today, please buy Mario Tennis Ultra Smash and Amiibo Festival" and then finally revealing NX at the absolute latest possible moment only to then go silent again for three more months was a good idea.

EDIT: To be clear I don't really care either way, but when you're a major console developer going this silent for this long in the internet age, something was going to give sooner or later.

Yeah, this is hardly the first bad decision they've made in marketing this console. I just fear that whatever their grand plan for waiting all this time is going to be deflated by all the leaks. To which I say, whatever I guess from a personal perspective, but it's going to make that eventual event a lot less impactful for those who have been following this stuff.
Yeah, this is hardly the first bad decision they've made in marketing this console. I just fear that whatever their grand plan for waiting all this time is going to be deflated by all the leaks. To which I say, whatever I guess from a personal perspective, but it's going to make that eventual event a lot less impactful for those who have been following this stuff.

This is definitely an interesting idea to me and I certainly see your point. For those of us who are following Switch news like hungry wolves, every bit of information we get lessons the "wow" factor of the January 12th event.

However, that event will still be the first time that "normal" people will see/hear about any and/or all of this news. Is it really a "bad decision" on Nintendo's part if their most hardcore fanbase inspire journalists to give them information early? We aren't normal for being this obsessed with something we'll spend money on. Places like Eurogamer wouldn't feel the need to post news like this if we weren't so damn obsessed.

We're the kids who know where our Christmas presents are hidden and choose to take a peek. It isn't our parent's fault for not hiring a security guard to watch the door 24/7.


This is definitely an interesting idea to me and I certainly see your point. For those of us who are following Switch news like hungry wolves, every bit of information we get lessons the "wow" factor of the January 12th event.

However, that event will still be the first time that "normal" people will see/hear about any and/or all of this news. Is it really a "bad decision" on Nintendo's part if their most hardcore fanbase inspire journalists to give them information early? We aren't normal for being this obsessed with something we'll spend money on. Places like Eurogamer wouldn't feel the need to post news like this if we weren't so damn obsessed.

We're the kids who know where our Christmas presents are hidden and choose to take a peek. It isn't our parent's fault for not hiring a security guard to watch the door 24/7.

Hmm, although I don't mind the leaks at all (I love them), I think you are underestimating the publicity some of these leaks have. The new Mario 3d game and the pokemon Stars leak have all been picked up by mainstream media outlets (at least here in the Netherlands), so it would stand to reason that people will know about those big guns, and that could diminish the impact of the presentation for them as well, since they know some of the biggest surprises already.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
A little birdie (one of my old contacts back from when I ran notenoughshaders) just told me Nintendo is fucking pissed about this leak. Like, apparently the marketing team is losing their shit

I hear NCL is incredibly pissed at NoE.
It's weird that a "third version" of Pokemon won't be compatible for local multiplayer with the two base versions.

Still, good decision Nintendo, even if I'd prefer that Generation VII started with the Switch.
Hmm, although I don't mind the leaks at all (I love them), I think you are underestimating the publicity some of these leaks have. The new Mario 3d game and the pokemon Stars leak have all been picked up by mainstream media outlets (at least here in the Netherlands), so it would stand to reason that people will know about those big guns, and that could diminish the impact of the presentation for them as well, since they know some of the biggest surprises already.

Oh I know that this stuff has shown up on sites like IGN in the U.S., but I don't consider people who frequent gaming sites to be "normal". Here on Gaf we're about as hardcore as you can get just by nature of spending our day talking to each other on a forum. Below that, there are people who just love gaming and Nintendo products. I don't think Nintendo's marketing is ruined by nature of either of those groups knowing about things ahead of time. I definitely understand the idea of lessoning the impact of the "presentation", but normal people won't be watching that live.

I'm thinking of the people who don't interact with gaming sites and social media on a daily or weekly basis. There will be an incredibly large audience that hears about this stuff for the first time on mainstream news after the January event. These leaks don't affect them at all, but they're the people who will make the Switch successful.
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