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Europa Universalis IV |OT| A Game of Blobs


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Indeed, I was very surprised by that. Completely neuters the way unions currently work, they'll need a lot more time and investment to pay off.

Most of these changes seem to make the game way harder to play. How can you even be in the same dynasty? Have a royal marriage, then produce a child with the current ruler, wait for 18 years, HOPING that your offspring turns out to be king and then hope they will have heir issues to use the claim throne CB? That sounds like a whole shit ton of "if"s.


I'm not very clear on the dynasty mechanics in EU tbh. The only time I've noticed my dynasty changing is when my ruler dies without an heir. Perhaps if your ruler is a Queen then the child can also by of another dynasty?
So, Valve just announced SteamOS.

Now, isn't that an interesting EUIV screenshot there? Now, maybe it's just a co-incidence, but when the Paradox staff are drawing attention to it on Twitter, it makes me wonder...

@ShamsJorjani 38 mins
The Excitement! @TheWesterFront just called me to tell me how excited he's about the announcement and we've known what it is for a while.
@TheWesterFront 25 mins
SteamOS announced, and don't I recognize one of the games there? http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamOS/
@ShamsJorjani 11 mins
You didn't miss that one of the 5 games shown was Europa Universalis 4 did you? http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamOS/
Because SteamOS is really designed to be used on a computer that's hooked up to a TV. Try playing EUIV (or any game really) on your sofa with a mouse and keyboard.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I've done it, the biggest problem is setting up an adhoc "desk" on the sofa but once you figure that out you're golden.

And EUIV would be a lot easier on the wrists than, say, a twitch shooter.
Because SteamOS is really designed to be used on a computer that's hooked up to a TV. Try playing EUIV (or any game really) on your sofa with a mouse and keyboard.

That's a separate issue, it's abundantly clear that EU4 will run on SteamOS.

And SteamOS will not just be used for TV connectivity.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Because SteamOS is really designed to be used on a computer that's hooked up to a TV. Try playing EUIV (or any game really) on your sofa with a mouse and keyboard.
Works great for me...I use a TV tray for my mouse and keep the keyboard on my lap. I've had no problems with twitch games either.


The biggest problem with EU4 as far as I can tell would be the text. Running the game at 1920x1080 the text would be terrible to read at a normal TV distance, so perhaps Paradox will finally get around to implementing some sort of UI scaling.
The biggest problem with EU4 as far as I can tell would be the text. Running the game at 1920x1080 the text would be terrible to read at a normal TV distance, so perhaps Paradox will finally get around to implementing some sort of UI scaling.

I play on a t.v. at the moment so such a thing would make the game immensely more playable. Although I have a desk in the middle of the room so it's closer than normal couch distance.


That's nice to hear. Venice is largely dependent on trade and merchant shenanigans halves my income.

Yea, I noticed this bug a ton. So bloody annoying when it's the difference between you making a hearty profit and being in the red.
Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should do a thing.

I really hope we don't see more Steam integration with Paradox titles; I don't really like having to log in to Steam in order to play ironman.

SteamOS is just a GNU/Linux distro, though. Since there's already a linux version of EU4, it would run on SteamOS as well.

Agree about ironman being forced to use cloud saves, though.
Johan put more 1.2 patch notes up:

Stability & Performance Fixes
  • Fixed all reported reproducible crash problems, including, but not limited to: empty war history, save game transfer, HRE interface, etc.
  • Fixed game freeze when forming country.
  • Fixed game freeze if saving the game when only having 1 available core.
  • Fixed some random crashes some users experienced.
  • Fixed crashes when failing to retrieve resolution
  • Optimized AI acceptance chance calculation.
  • Optimized AI military access calculation.
  • Optimized the trade AI to make use of less distance checks and tick less often.
  • Optimized the financial AI.
  • Optimized AI when checking for alliance possibilities.
  • Threaded monthly update of trade goods prices.
  • Threaded calculation of the most likely rebel being done on monthly update.
  • Threaded calculation of gained and lost CBs.
  • Optimized calculation of defection country for rebels.
  • Optimized mission and revolt risk alerts.
  • Optimized country and province monthly update.
  • Optimized game for when we disable trees/terrain/water/borders.
  • Optimized water shader.
  • Optimized province on map icons.
  • Border optimization
  • Cached land morale, calculated on daily update.
  • Cached naval morale, calculated on daily update.
  • Cached military power, calculated on daily update.
  • Don't do a daily update if you are about to autosave.
  • Reduced late game saves by about 10%.
  • Restart sounds we try to play, that is already playing.
  • Fixed issue with music not resuming after pause.
  • Reduced frequency of cannon sound during siege.
  • Slightly reduced volume of cannon sound during siege.
  • Religion view: Fixed show sound not always playing.
  • Fixed pause/game speed sound not always playing.
  • Only play the papal controller change sound when the controller actually has changed.
  • Fixed minor sound related issues.
  • Fixed cursors having white halo on Linux.
  • Possible to choose resolution below 'min_gui'.
  • Fixed issue with black areas in TI.
Idea Changes
  • Plutocracy: Abolished Serdom is now +10% land morale instead of +0.25 Land Morale
  • Innovativeness: Patron of the Arts now only reduces prestige decay by 1% instead of 2%.
  • Diplomatic: Lost Adaptability and gained War Cabinet, reducing cost of WE reduction by 33%.
  • Defensive: Military Drill now gives +25% Land Morale, instead of +0.5 Land Morale; Improved Foraging nerfed to -25% land attrition.
  • Economic: Finisher changed from enabling inflation reduction to 33% cheaper inflation reduction.
  • Naval: Superior Seamanship now gives +25% Naval Morale instead of +0.5 Naval Morale; Grand Navy nerfed down to +50% force limits.
  • Quantity: Mass Army is now the first idea.
  • Administrative: Bookkeeping is now 4th idea & Organised Mercenaries is 3rd; lost War Cabinet and gained Adaptability as 2nd idea reducing coring cost by 25%; Resilient State is no longer spy defence, but reduces inflation cost by 10%.
AI Improvements
Strategic AI
  • Will now remain passive for 12 months after a player drops or tag-switches to prevent undesirable AI management of a player's country in MP
  • Will devote less of its budget to the army if it's in a safe position
  • Will devote more of its budget to colonization if its income is fairly low
  • Will now make use of harsh treatment, particularly when they are a tiny country whose capital is at risk of revolt
  • Will now consider diplo-vassalization as an alternative to outright expansion, especially if it is the Holy Roman Emperor
  • Prefers taking vassals instead of conquering when majorly behind in admin tech
  • Will now prefer larger, cheaper armies of infantry if their income is poor
  • More consistent about when to use long-term savings to recruit mercs due to war or rebels
  • Much better at planning out military access to reach enemies and bring home stranded units
  • Will now compare their navies to those of rivals when determining its fleet size.
  • Will now disband troops if bankruptcy is looming, even if they are at war or have revolts
  • Better at managing and repaying bank loans
  • Less willing to grab provinces unless they have an actual cultural or strategic interest in them
  • More interested in vassalizing rather than outright conquest under certain circumstances
  • Less willing to let countries get away with holding unlawful territory if they decline a request to return it
  • Will no longer declare any wars while attempting to westernize
  • Better at conquering overseas targets
  • Daimyos now have properly working AI for their mechanics, and will attempt to take over Japan
  • Shogun will now attack a Daimyo that grows too large
  • Better at balancing monarch point spending between tech, ideas and short-term actions
  • Will no longer pick Naval, Exploration or Expansion ideas if they lack ports
  • Much better at setting up a proper budget and maintaining an appropriate standing army and navy
  • More priority on conquering overseas provinces with gold or high trade importance
  • Better at converting and culture-flipping primitives
  • Better at determining which provinces are most important to convert
  • Smarter about when to take loans to raise mercs
  • More priority on attacking countries that hold critical provinces (such as Novgorod for Muscovy)
  • Less aggressive and more rational about expansion, especially in the HRE
  • Aggressiveness and general behaviour is now much more closely tied to AI personality
  • Will no longer seize colonies that it cannot core
  • Tweaked force composition logic to include less cav and more art in the late game
  • Will no longer attempt to westernize unless it has a ADM 4+ ruler, 0 war exhaustion and a strong manpower reserve
  • More prone to switching rivals when it makes sense to do so
  • More willing to join allies in defensive wars
  • More spending on armies for horde nations
  • Less interested in conquering the Papal capital if Catholic
  • Less willing to join allies in offensive wars unless it has the 'Friendly' attitude
  • Will no longer join a coalition if it has no AE towards the target country
  • Much better at determining how to spend papal influence
  • Will no longer fabricate claims on provinces they have other CBs for
  • More restrained about when to fabricate claims in general
  • Smarter about when to enact the vassalisation of the HRE.
  • Much more priority on building regular buildings over unique ones
  • Higher priority on colonizing downstream of its existing colonies
  • AI countries that are in a threatened position will now allocate more of their budget to the military
  • When calculating the AI's conquest priority against a country, their vassals are now counted as being part of that country
  • When calculating border distance for purposes of diplomacy, a country's vassals are now counted as being part of that country
  • Countries with very slow tech speeds now spend more money on armies and advisors rather than simply letting it pile up
  • Rewrote AI government selection logic to create a more logical progression of governments
  • AI Republics will no longer vote in someone that would cause them to drop to a monarchy.
  • Better at tweaking navy and army maintenance according to the situation
  • Added ai_will_do logic to ideagroups, for now AI just avoids ideagroups if they evaluate to 0
  • More willing to make peace if enemy is fully occupied
  • Will no longer force-vassalize countries that it cannot reasonably ever diplo-annex due to negative opinion modifiers
  • Now understands when integration/annexation is impossible due to the size of the target
  • More priority on improving relations with countries they want to ally but can't due to negative relations
  • More priority on maintaining an alliance that is in danger of failing due to low opinion
  • Will no longer insult a country that already has the insulted opinion penalty against them
  • Will no longer agree to buy non-core non-claim provinces if they are a vassal
  • Will no longer leave a coalition unless it has been in said coalition for at least 5 years
  • Will now make use of gifts when attempting to vassalize or diplo-annex a country
  • Will now always accept offers of military access from their allies
  • Far less willing to join wars when low on manpower or heavily in debt
  • No longer willing to give out fleet basing rights if they are a colonial power
  • Will now reject peace offers of gold if it has other things it wants instead
  • When releasing annexed countries, AI will prefer releasing countries of a different culture from the releasing country
  • Better at evaluating when it wants and doesn't want to release countries and vassals from an enemy
  • No longer interested in returning cores to vastly inferior tech group countries
  • Will now always want some allies, even if they have maxed out diplo relations from vassals etc
  • More interested in releasing annexed/vassal HRE countries if they themselves are HRE
  • No longer interested in releasing vassals that the releasing country has cores on
  • No longer willing to buy provinces from a country that is suffering from revolts
  • Now properly takes stability hit into account when considering whether to join an offensive war
  • Simplified peace deals, AI now only has thumbs up and thumbs down to make it easier to negotiate with
  • HRE members are now a bit harder to diplo-vassalize
  • Prefers directing trade along sea routes, if they have a decent-sized merchant fleet
  • Fixed a bug that was making the trade AI over-prioritize steering from certain nodes
  • More priority on steering where they have power
  • More aggressive about using embargoes on powers that are pulling away vast amounts of trade from their home node
  • More priority on embargoing rival trade powers that are embargoing them
  • Better at determining where their trade ships are most needed
  • Will no longer attempt to besiege provinces unless they have at least 500 more troops than the garrison size
  • Very low priority on assigning leaders to attached armies
  • Should now make sure it is detaching stacks with sufficient numbers of troops when carpet sieging enemies
  • Will no longer march vast distances to attach to friendly units
  • Now able to properly tell when a nearby unit will be able to join them against an enemy army or not
  • Will no longer attach to armies that are earmarked for a sea invasion
  • Better at recovering morale before rushing into combat
  • Better at coordinating armies with its allies
  • Less inclined to siege provinces deep in enemy territory
  • More priority on helping friends engaged in combat with the enemy
  • Now understands when it is a good idea to lift a siege in order to engage enemy troops
  • Now able to take into account when troops are unloading from a ship into a province they are traveling to
  • Better at determining when it is safe to split off siege stacks
  • Better at determining when it is a good idea to pursue retreating enemies
  • More careful about sending armies to distant areas if it is low on manpowwer
  • Less priority on chasing after small enemy armies
  • Better at concentrating forces against enemy armies
  • Now understands when to withdraw siege forces because of approaching enemy armies
  • Much more careful about getting trapped in provinces that are only connected via straits when it does not have naval supremacy
  • Now aware of the effects of combined arms when calculating army strength
  • Will no longer send in a weak army ahead of a stronger army when launching an attack from multiple directions
  • Better at calculating odds of victory before starting a battle
  • Now takes into account skill of leaders when determining the relative strength of armies and navies
  • Should now 'wake up' armies from invasion mode if the surrounding area turns into a warzone
  • Now understands how to get military access to and chase down enemy units sheltering in neighbouring neutral countries
  • Now always willing to attach to their overlord in war
  • Improved logic for AI army composition, should no longer be using all inf or all art stacks etc
  • Less willing to send armies far away from its own territory when low on manpower
  • Newly recruited armies will now wait for other armies under construction to finish before heading off to fight the enemy
Navy AI
  • Will now explore with single ships instead of small fleets
  • Better at dealing with pirates
  • Will now abort sea invasions if waiting for ships that aren't going to arrive
  • Will abort invasions that cannot be safely executed due to enemy navies
  • Better at blockading enemy fleets in port
AI-related Bugs
  • Fixed a bug where AI armies would be stuck attached to units they no longer wanted to follow
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would constantly attach and detach from an army that was slightly above average supply limits
  • Fixed a bug in AI trade steering where it would steer in the wrong direction
  • Fixed a bug where the AI Pope could offer to convert religion in a peace deal
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not buy mercs if the precise type they wanted wasn't available
  • Fixed a bug that was making AI fleets take wild detours to distant places when they had no valid target to travel to
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would endlessly send and recall merchants from certain trade nodes
  • Fixed a bug where AI armies would ignore rebels in their own territory because of a bad force strength check
  • Fixed a bug that was making AI armies 'bounce' when trying to siege rebel provinces
  • Fixed a math error that was making the AI severely underestimate the power of large, low-morale armies
  • Fixed a bug that was making the AI treat provinces bordering wasteland and uncolonized territory as outside the fog of war
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the AI to endlessly split and merge its troops when sieging
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from converting to non-preferred faiths
  • Fixed a bug with force march that was making the AI turn it on and off constantly
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not correctly disband mercenaries it no longer wanted
  • Fixed a bug that was allowing the AI to opt out of 'Leader can negotiate for us' in coalition wars
  • Fixed a bug that was causing AI units to get stuck in a loop while unloading from ships
  • Fixed a bug in trade AI that was causing it to steer trade through unnecessarily long routes
  • Fixed several lockups in peace AI that could cause endless wars
  • Fixed a bug that caused the AI's armies to go braindead if you tag switched to and from them
  • Fixed a bug where AI countries who just got declared war on would send out a double call to arms to their allies
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from shipping home troops under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not move to help its own armies when fighting rebels on foreign soil
  • Fixed a bug where AI would wrongly evaluate return core / release vassal / release annexed on war allies as targeting the war leader (IE. France would want to return cores from Portugal to Morocco)
  • Cut ai_hard_strategy from saves as it is no longer used
Interface Improvements
Major Additions
  • Added coalitions page to the ledger.
  • Diplomatic offer now has a check box that will make the dialog pop up instantly.
  • Call to arms will pop up instantly.
  • Added message for when a future cardinal previously loyal to us is now loyal to somebody else.
Main Menu
  • Browse-button in content now opens DLC- or MOD-pages depending on what tab is selected.
  • Country selection: Don't display shortcut shields until game setup is shown.
Diplomatic Interface
  • Rivals can now be set by clicking on the map.
  • Show in tooltip why some shields are grey.
  • Fixed glitch when tag switching and having the window open.
  • Removed focus from search field when window is hidden.
  • Added info when you can insult again in diplomacy tooltip.
  • Fixed alliance AI acceptance tooltip to match with AI logic.
  • Added attitude icon for human player.
  • Replaced blood drop attitude icon with a flame.
  • Declare War: Forcing a vassal or a lesser union partner will now warn you about who you are about to go to war with.
  • Declare War: Added missing line break after "All Provinces" when listing war goal peace options.
Peace window
  • Fixed annexation tooltip to display that you can't annex the emperor.
  • If we disable the "become vassal" option and it is selected, we deselect it.
  • Better readability in peace offer concede list.
  • Added information of how the Diplomatic Power cost was calculated in the tooltip for returning cores.
  • AE info no longer show countries that will receive 0 opinion change
  • Reorganize: Fixed list order changing when moving ships and fixed type sort
  • Detached damaged from a fleet now gives the new fleet a fleet name instead of an army name.
  • No longer possible to detach damaged units if all of them are damaged
  • Disabled buttons for splitting army while it is in shattered state.
  • Scorched Earth now shows correct MIL cost
  • Enemy panel visible over friend panel
  • Maintenance tooltips now show the correct values.
  • Combat view: fixed tooltip for insufficient support to accurately describe effects and to use the correct color for being a malus.
  • Combat view: Added tooltips to the numbers to show how many troops are in each line, reserves or retreating.
  • Siege view: Show breach description if the walls are breached.
  • Siege view: Added new siege, breach and assault pictures.
HRE Interface
  • Fixed the overlapping of emperor's name.
  • The button now glows when a reform can be enacted.
Save Games
  • Show error message when failing to save cloud file.
  • Save game folder entries are now properly aligned and have an icon as well.
  • It's now possible to load from and to observer-savegames from in-game.
  • debug_saves in settings.txt now works with numbers greater than 12, so you can set the game to save every 5 years, 10 years, etc.
  • Improved navy tooltip in outliner.
  • Added additional information to the tooltip of the diplomat Improving Relations.
  • Implemented tooltips for pie charts.
  • Fixed column sizes for trade nodes and province overview.
  • Correct message is now shown if a lesser union partner breaks.
  • Call to arms popups now lists the war name when possible.
  • Add goto-button to ~30 of message-popups.
  • Rebels entered our country now has a go to button.
  • Added icon for choosing between alert or popup when dealing with alliance offers.
  • Added the stats of the heir to the "new heir"-popup.
  • "Cardinal No Longer Loyal to us" Goto button opens Papacy view.
  • Sell province message is no longer received for undiscovered countries.
  • GOTO button in end of combat message now works when the unit was wiped.
  • Diplomatic-alerts now fade in/out when the are about to expire instead of blinking randomly.
  • Show Stability and Expansion tab when clicking Overextension alert.
  • Fixed country at war alert for non-existing country.
  • Added 4 alerts: alert_can_vote_for_cardinal, alert_can_convert_province, alert_over_diplomatic_relations and alert_can_westernize.
  • It is now possible to get hints for already chosen ideas.
  • Updated idea group cost in the hint.
Misc. Interface Fixes
  • Economy tab: Fixed colony maintenance tooltip.
  • Trade: Trade interface and Unit view now send ships on to Protect Trade in the same way as the AI.
  • Shortcuts: The keys 'p' and 'i' are now used to open papacy- & HRE-view.
  • Map mode: Trade Steering percentage in the on-map tooltip is no longer divided by 100.
  • Papacy view: Fixed long country names overlapping.
  • Government tab: Slightly improved tooltip for advisor skill.
  • The gui textbox for mission titles is now much wider
  • Canceling building Confirmation Window now shows the correct percentage of returned investment.
  • Find province: Pressing enter when searching for a country will take you to the capital.
  • Top bar: Fixed so ducats above 9999 are displayed as "10K" etc.
  • fixed enemy core-cost icon.
  • Fixed duplicate + sign in power increase tooltip.
  • Updated missionary strength icon. Replaced the die with a fist.
  • Why missionaries have no progress is now listed in the tooltip for construction/outliner.
  • Discovery chance display for spy actions are now a monthly chance.
  • Clicking leader attribute icons will sort them as well.
  • Can no longer see where an army is doing a shattered retreat unless it's your own unit.
  • Fixed correct update of secondary map mode when forced.
  • All building icons now has a proper frame.
  • Hide HRE button if the HRE is dismantled.
  • Unit types icons are now smaller to avoid tooltip overlapping.
  • Fixed display of religious bonus in missionary tooltip if negative.
  • Better user feedback about halted coring when in war with another core owner.
  • On Monarch Death tooltip will now show the name of an heir's dynasty.
  • tooltips now uses correct way to calculate maintenance costs.
  • The mouse cursor now changes to the normal cursor if hovering a gui-object while Production Interface is open.
  • Fixed bug where land maintenance would be shown instead of naval maintenance.
  • If you can't afford to build a unit the tooltip now says how much cash you need.
  • Buildings: Fixed canceling unique building construction.
  • Rewrote tooltip for CV_BREAK_COUNTRY_CITIES.
  • Cleaned up tooltip for REPUBLICAN_TRADITION_IRO.
  • Colony view: Added a decimal to colonist chance.
  • Economy tab: Maintenance slider tooltips now show final effect on morale (after modifiers and adjusting for minimum value).
  • Stability tab: Fixed on siege effect display in Handle rebels.
  • Religion tab: Provinces that cannot be converted are now placed at the bottom of the list when sorting on conversion time.
  • Economy tab: Added base maintenance string to unit maintenance tooltip make it clearer why it differs from economy calculations.
  • Economy tab: Inflation now update immediately when inflation changes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm glad that improved the trading ai now it can teach me how trading works.


Neo Member
My main problem right now is that you have to babysit the whole thing. So I just ignored it most of the time.

A popup when someone steals your cardinal should do wonders.


The Birthday Skeleton

  • Will now remain passive for 12 months after a player drops or tag-switches to prevent undesirable AI management of a player's country in MP
  • More priority on attacking countries that hold critical provinces (such as Novgorod for Muscovy)
  • Much more careful about getting trapped in provinces that are only connected via straits when it does not have naval supremacy

This will have effects on our multiplayer game.

Far less willing to join wars when low on manpower or heavily in debt

I hope this will cure Austria's war appetite in the single player game. They went in 3 wars one after another without having any troops left.

Now able to properly tell when a nearby unit will be able to join them against an enemy army or not

This is good, I lost a whole 25 stack because the 30 austrian regiments moved away just before a 39 regiments ottoman army stepped in.

Better at concentrating forces against enemy armies

I hope this apply to the rebels too.

Now understands how to get military access to and chase down enemy units sheltering in neighbouring neutral countries

Hmm, will the game against much stronger enemies transform into hell ?


Not sure on the specifics but as far as I can tell it only affects the USA, which seems like a totally pointless thing to add. I could get behind some kind of general "Revolutionary Americas" dlc, at least on sale, but not this.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Anyone bothering with the USA DLC? Do we have any details on what kind of content it adds?

Not sure on the specifics but as far as I can tell it only affects the USA, which seems like a totally pointless thing to add. I could get behind some kind of general "Revolutionary Americas" dlc, at least on sale, but not this.

Am I reading that right that the DLC starts as a random event for the US to declare its independence in 1776? Meaning that you pay 5€ for a DLC that will only fire ~40 years before the game ends?


That's pretty much it, unique events and sprites for the USA, unless the description on Steam is incomplete. It's almost as if they somehow accidentally made a piece of DLC for the wrong game (instead of Vicky). Perhaps there's some massive silent audience that is craving such content, I doubt it though.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I am not sure how I like the new changes overall. EU4 vanilla already was way, way slower in expansion than EU3 was, but they just made it way harder now, since they basically not only cancelled the real bugs but also smaller exploits without I dont even know how to expand somewhat fast now as long as the overextension still stays this ridiculously high from single provinces.


The current overextension system really is poor indeed, it needs to be made similar to the old system, in that it scaled with your empire. Having scaling negative effects is definitely better than a flat modifier if you go past the limit, but it goes up too fast for a large nation, especially with today's changes.


Won't stop picking the right nation
The new patch may not be completely incompatible with old saves, but it has certainly altered my current game to a significant degree. Before the patch, everything I did was predicated on the ability to divide up coalition members without facing the entire coalition in a single war. That made them easier to deal with. If they're going to make coalitions far tougher, then I feel they need to make two changes: it should be restricted only to coalition members, no allies, and there needs to be more of an upside for winning a coalition war.
The new patch may not be completely incompatible with old saves, but it has certainly altered my current game to a significant degree. Before the patch, everything I did was predicated on the ability to divide up coalition members without facing the entire coalition in a single war. That made them easier to deal with. If they're going to make coalitions far tougher, then I feel they need to make two changes: it should be restricted only to coalition members, no allies, and there needs to be more of an upside for winning a coalition war.

"A coalition member can never sign a separate peace"


You think this is a motherfucking game?
The current coalition system can't even replicate the coalitions against Napoleon that very much had nations dropping in and out and frequently signing seperate peaces. The current coalition mechanic is just a strong armed attempt at stopping snowballing, it's not based on history.

The most potentially intriguing thing about coalitions would be the diplomatic element, which is simply nonexistent in EU4.
I thought Paradox had been pretty good with bugs until this patch. What a goddamn mess. Did they do any QA on this? The switching sides in a war when vassalizing bug is game breaking just on its own. There's no way to revert to 1.1 is there?

I think I'm done until 1.3.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I thought Paradox had been pretty good with bugs until this patch. What a goddamn mess. Did they do any QA on this? The switching sides in a war when vassalizing bug is game breaking just on its own. There's no way to revert to 1.1 is there?

I think I'm done until 1.3.

example: "You + France" vs "Burgundy"

What happens? You are allied with France, vassalize Burgundy. and then suddenly are in a war with France?


example: "You + France" vs "Burgundy"

What happens? You are allied with France, vassalize Burgundy. and then suddenly are in a war with France?

Bug was missed where if you vassalize a junior partner in a war (thus not ending the war by vassalizing them), you are suddenly at war with your own vassals/allies.
example: "You + France" vs "Burgundy"

What happens? You are allied with France, vassalize Burgundy. and then suddenly are in a war with France?

I'm not sure if it happens on a 2 vs 1, the war might just end there. But if you vassalize an enemy in a war while you are a war leader, you join your new vassal's side and fight against your old allies (including other vassals).

For example, you are allied with France and Brittany and fighting against Burgundy and Savoy. If you vassalize Burgundy, you switch sides and are now allied with Burgundy and Savoy against France and Brittany.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Bug was missed where if you vassalize a junior partner in a war (thus not ending the war by vassalizing them), you are suddenly at war with your own vassals/allies.

I'm not sure if it happens on a 2 vs 1, the war might just end there. But if you vassalize an enemy in a war while you are a war leader, you join your new vassal's side and fight against your old allies (including other vassals).

For example, you are allied with France and Brittany and fighting against Burgundy and Savoy. If you vassalize Burgundy, you switch sides and are now allied with Burgundy and Savoy against France and Brittany.

You should not automatically join your newly acquired vassal's war anyhow. This should be just an option.

It's a bug. Your new vassal is supposed to join your side in a war. Paradox QA messed up, this is an easy bug to find, like the bug that is preventing war exhaustion from causing revolt risk. I noticed that one during my first war post-patch.


So after playing around with the Byzantines in the new version I'm going to say they're not worth playing from the start anymore. Trezibond is guaranteed by Georgia so you can't exploit your core for a quick gold infusion. War exhaustion/war tax changes mean no rebels in the Ottoman held Greek/Bulgarian territories. The Ottoman AI now sits an army in Edirne rather than moving everything across the Bosphorus. It looks like they now prefer to sit at peace for a very short period after taking Albania before declaring war on you rather than focusing on the Turkish minors first. While it's nice that Athens is a vassal now they're not any real help. I think it might be possible to get Hungry or Poland as an ally if you can improve relations & royal marriage fast enough before the negative modifier for your smaller army puts an alliance out of reach. Dunno. Think I might just have to write off the Byzantines as DOA until the next patch.


So after playing around with the Byzantines in the new version I'm going to say they're not worth playing from the start anymore. Trezibond is guaranteed by Georgia so you can't exploit your core for a quick gold infusion. War exhaustion/war tax changes mean no rebels in the Ottoman held Greek/Bulgarian territories. The Ottoman AI now sits an army in Edirne rather than moving everything across the Bosphorus. It looks like they now prefer to sit at peace for a very short period after taking Albania before declaring war on you rather than focusing on the Turkish minors first. While it's nice that Athens is a vassal now they're not any real help. I think it might be possible to get Hungry or Poland as an ally if you can improve relations & royal marriage fast enough before the negative modifier for your smaller army puts an alliance out of reach. Dunno. Think I might just have to write off the Byzantines as DOA until the next patch.


(and obviously the war exhaustion thing will be fixed)

Also this:


So, we fixed some of the most pressing problems that has been reported.

Unfortunately the gods of internet has not been very kind to us, on tueseday evening (almost exactly when I was scheduled to start doing an EU4 stream) somebody blew up our internet (literally, http://www.idg.se/2.1085/1.525221/ci...Text=hush%E5ll) so Im posting this on a 4g modem. For this reason our communication with you guys have been a bit sketchier than usual and we will not be fixing the steam invite friend bug until monday, by then we should also have found a couple of more mp bugs.

So, here are the fixes you get now, stay tuned for more (next week).

- Can no longer see destination of others shattered retreat using the low morale icon
- Fixed issue with changing side in the war when making someone your vassal
- Fixed chat where player would not show up i chat
- Warexhaustion now gives revoltrisk again
- Border friction is now entierly dependant on how much basetax you border them with
- Unions now end when the subjects dislikes the overlord, as the tooltip says
- Defender of tha faith now gives normal deus vult cb as well
New patch.


At least the chat window fix should help out in our multiplayer game.

Yeah, guess other stuff not until next week. At least we also know from their line about that that hosting wasn't the problem we had, just regular bugs :/.

"- Can no longer see destination of others shattered retreat using the low morale icon"

Have they fixed the shattered retreat otherwise? Because if units are still retreating 15 provinces I'm going to lose my mind now.

Fixed as in...bring back ping-ponging?
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