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Europe gives Facebook, Twitter final warning on hate speech - CNN



Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies have been given an ultimatum by the European Union: rid your platforms of hate speech or face legal consequences.

European regulators have been pushing social media firms to remove racist and violent posts from their platforms in a timely manner for years. Their patience is running out.

Facebook (FB, Tech30), Twitter (TWTR, Tech30), Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) and Google (GOOGL, Tech30) have all pledged to do more. In May 2016, they promised to review a majority of hate speech flagged by users within 24 hours and to remove any illegal content.

But the European Commission, EU's top regulator, said Thursday they are still failing to act fast enough. It said it would pass laws allowing the EU to impose punishments on companies that fail to act.

Good, hope the EU puts some hard pressure on them to finally clean their shit up. "Muh Free Speech" (meaning "I wanna call minorities racist shit") can fuck off.
I'd be fine with the EU fining them into oblivion. They clearly have no interest in being responsible for managing their platforms, and the stuff we see more and more about Facebook and Twitter being manipulated make me think they are way too far gone.
The thing is twitter KNOWS who the active Nazis are. It’s a requirement for Germany and France. And yet they do nothing.

I hope they get hit with a huge fucking fine. There are no more excuses.


Awesome. Fuck Twitter and Zuck for knowing this is all happening but wanting money instead.

Don't you greedy fucks have enough?


I don't use Facebook but Twitter has been pretty pathetic. Things I report that use blatant hate speech get taken down days later half the time, and are deemed appropriate the other half.

YouTube would have to just scrap the comments section at this point, I think. It's beyond salvaging.


I would probably be a little more wary of it if it wasn't for Russia just trolling and being cunts.
Good, while I don't use FB very much anymore, Twitter is a fucking joke when it comes to dealing with hate speech and fining them seems to be the only way to get them to do anything.


The report function on Facebook is fucking pathetic. Short of calling someone the N-word, nothing will get done. Fuck that.


Unconfirmed Member
It’s not strictly about social good. The EU sense another way of extracting revenue from the US, a la Google/Microsoft, so are just prepping the ground for some ‘fines’.


Twitter is an excellent short if this comes to pass. I suspect they will end up banning so many hate speech / russian bots that it'll show the decline of the platform is far greater than what general consensus is today.
It’s not strictly about social good. The EU sense another way of extracting revenue from the US, a la Google/Microsoft, so are just prepping the ground for some ‘fines’.

But if the companies comply then there are no fines...

And they gave them plenty of time before acting...



Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
It’s not strictly about social good. The EU sense another way of extracting revenue from the US, a la Google/Microsoft, so are just prepping the ground for some ‘fines’.

Like fucking clockwork, this shit pops up.
Goddamn incredible.
About companies which skirt taxation in the EU, nonetheless.
I'd be so damn proud to be part of the EU if I lived in a member country. Keep up the good fight guys, you give the rest of the world hope.

If the EU ever does something about their pharmaceutical companies extorting Americans for profit I will be more loyal to the EU than I am my own country.
Thank you Europe. I've reported a handful of incredibly racist posts only to be informed the posts don't violate their guidelines. Totally worthless.


I don't use Facebook but Twitter has been pretty pathetic. Things I report that use blatant hate speech get taken down days later half the time, and are deemed appropriate the other half.

YouTube would have to just scrap the comments section at this point, I think. It's beyond salvaging.
Comments are fine, if not informing on low view videos or for niche subject matter (with some exceptions)

But yeah, anything with 100k+ views or touches on things that make pissboys mad turns into a garbage fire


It’s not strictly about social good. The EU sense another way of extracting revenue from the US, a la Google/Microsoft, so are just prepping the ground for some ‘fines’.

Right. Google, Apple, and Microsoft have never done anything wrong.

Good. Facebook and Twitter are absolute garbage and have set us back years in terms of innovation in the science and technology fields with their misallocation of talent.
It’s not strictly about social good. The EU sense another way of extracting revenue from the US, a la Google/Microsoft, so are just prepping the ground for some ‘fines’.

You sound like those people who see the police running cameras to enforce the speed limit, and accuse them of doing it for the money. That level of ignorance of the entire role of government must surely be a pretence.

But if the companies comply then there are no fines...

And they gave them plenty of time before acting...



Consequences will be unavoidable if this goes through:

"To define hate speech according to the eye of the beholder is to put a sword in the hands of the power wielder...Subjective notions such as hate speech have in turn aggravated two other negative responses: victim playing and phobiaization. The first of these bad responses occurs when people feel threatened and then play the victim card in order to seize the high ground by posing as "more victimized than thou." This tactic works well, of course, in societies influenced by the Jewish and Christian faiths, for as Nietzsche recognized with scorn, the latter privilege the status of the victim. Under some philosophies and in some cultures they would be treated simply as history's roadkill. Needless to say, hate speech itself is a crime viewed from the perspective of the victim rather than society, so the encouragement to victim playing grows out easily from the category...There is no question that speech is a vital consideration for all who wish to promote freedom, that those who speak with hatred are a deadly menace to society and that censorship always arises at the hands of those who set themselves up as guardians of the community's moral standing—be they conservative as in the past or liberal as so often today. But for all the good intentions behind the policing of offense and the politics of hate speech, the unintended consequences are disastrous...Studies of earlier evils such anti-Semitism demonstrate that hate-speech prosecutions have not achieved what their authors hoped to achieve. Rather, such restrictions leave the universities and countries that adopt them more litigious, uncertain and restless than ever, and vulnerable to even greater tensions and conflict." (Os Guinness, Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center and a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution)
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