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EVE Online |OT| of Internet Spaceships


Once you have a system for production set up it takes like an hour a week to maintain. It's not like mining or missioning where you do it all day in and out to make a paltry sum of isk.

I assume by this you are talking about buy orders and then dropping gear in to cook?

tell me your secrets

I somehow managed to delete my bloody Harbinger fit from EveHQ like a prat :(.

But I also spent some time planning two of my characters skill trees. On the Amarr one a remap will take me from 155 days to complete to 133!

My indy needs a few more bits added before I commit and I haven't yet looked at my main.

I was very dumb and used one of my 4 available remaps when I first came back (feature didn't exist when I left) to level out my characters points as they were all over the place from when I made them. Fortunately all three have 3 remaps remaining and I'll use them a little more wisely.


Neo Member
I already told you my secret haha. I set up long term production chains. Most of them run for 2-4 weeks. One of my real life friends is head of a carebear mining corp and does all the hauling for a pack fo cigs a week and sells me my minerals slightly below market price (real slightly, but I like him so I buy them). Then I sell the finished product in Jita. The profit isn't absurd because I don't play much now, but it's incredibly steady. I make ~4.5b a month profit after plexing my 3 accounts. As a bit of side income I research and copy BPOs, which if you have BPOs and a place to research/copy you should be doing since there's zero investment.

The actual products are something you'll have to figure out yourself, but just know that there's plenty of things that can be profitably manufactured if you look hard enough. Oh and don't worry about remaps too much, they're not a big deal unless your looking to sell the character. 22 days sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. You'll hit a point where you stop caring about the skill qeue (for me it was when I got tired of having my +4 clones popped in null and just started romping around with 0 implants). Plus a lot of remaps are good for a long time, my combat character has been on perc/will for like two years.


I already told you my secret haha. I set up long term production chains. Most of them run for 2-4 weeks. One of my real life friends is head of a carebear mining corp and does all the hauling for a pack fo cigs a week and sells me my minerals slightly below market price (real slightly, but I like him so I buy them). Then I sell the finished product in Jita. The profit isn't absurd because I don't play much now, but it's incredibly steady. I make ~4.5b a month profit after plexing my 3 accounts. As a bit of side income I research and copy BPOs, which if you have BPOs and a place to research/copy you should be doing since there's zero investment.

The actual products are something you'll have to figure out yourself, but just know that there's plenty of things that can be profitably manufactured if you look hard enough. Oh and don't worry about remaps too much, they're not a big deal unless your looking to sell the character. 22 days sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. You'll hit a point where you stop caring about the skill qeue (for me it was when I got tired of having my +4 clones popped in null and just started romping around with 0 implants). Plus a lot of remaps are good for a long time, my combat character has been on perc/will for like two years.

Yeah I've never really used buy orders, maybe I'm frightened of getting burned lol. I but put a few more bits in to cook today, but only tiny stuff really but a profit none the less.

I'll put a few buy orders up for some bits and see what occurs :)

Ok, some small orders in, lets see what happens.


Well the bulk of my buy orders got filled last night in quite a fast time. I was paying more than anyone else to get things going but still less than the min sell price so my sums still add up.

One of them was only 10% filled so hopefully it gets finished today and I can cook tonight.

The other bits I cooked yesterday are already on the market and selling.

It's at times like this I wish I still had my mobile Lab from my old corp so I can get some research done!


If my buy orders aren't filled by the time I want to start build jobs I just buy the rest off sell orders. That buy order can stay there since you'll want more stuff for the next run anyway. Waiting to build until it fills will cost you more in opportunity cost than the extra margin from the price savings.


If I buy at the sell price then it's an extra 65,000 ISK. I reckon I can probably stretch to that lol.

Like a numpty I bought 510 of something I actually only needed like 300 of, and they were the more expensive part at 125k a pop. NM, still useful for later.

I've got my rough skill queue set for my Amarr character who does nothing buy blow things up. 185 days :D.

Working through my indy character is a little more difficult. I'd like to be able to fly an Orca and a Viator but with the skills needed to kit each and fly them properly I'm looking at 67 and 30 days respectively.

First and foremost though is the rest of his manufacturing and trade skills as those are key. The only thing he gets used for currently ship wise is Salvage, potentially he might mine with the corp once in a while but I have enough skills for that.


Neo Member
Why is it you want to fly an Orca? If you're just looking to haul then you'll be more than fine with a frieghter and a blockade runner. Orca's aren't really good unless you live in a WH or you're supporting miners.
Man, all the ships/stuff i want to do takes a minimun of 80+ days training...

for those with experience, how worth it is black ops?


Why is it you want to fly an Orca? If you're just looking to haul then you'll be more than fine with a frieghter and a blockade runner. Orca's aren't really good unless you live in a WH or you're supporting miners.

It was more because the character is entirely industrial in his makeup so adding a Orca to that would have been cool, but the amount of time it would take is prohibitive at a time when I have other things I want to learn more urgently like a selection of the trade skills.

I put another buy order up last night for some more salvage. One got filled really fast, the others are trickling in, but now everyone else is beating my prices. I must have driven prices up on about 5 items in the last 2 days buy offering more than anyone else and forcing them to match it lol.

I put in a new batch of bits to do overnight so they can go on the market when I get home tonight and the next batch I'm buying for should be going in the oven in 2 days.

I found some PE slots available so popped some BPs in, no ME available surprise surprise but my corp are talking about getting the POS back up so if that happens I can get a lab up and running again to get some ME done. If that does happen I can splurge on some other BPs to widen my options a little.

I had some bits up to sell for 8.7m each (cost me 3.5m to make) and sold 4 overnight (hurrah!) but two were bought for 9.455m each. Now I'm not complaining but what?

i can't wait til I can run incursion though. Another week to get my core skills up and I should be solid!

One of the leaders of my corp asked if I can do them yet but when I told him I only fly Caldari on my main he let out a scream, but he was happy when I showed him the API for my Amaar character and pointed me in the direction of a few skills I needed to sort out. He said it would take 11 days but I had 500,000 SP left over that I had not allocated so now I'm only 24 hours away from taking part in my Abaddon. We shall see how that goes!

Today's Drake loss has taught me im not ready for pvp or to roll out on my own

Ouch. My brother is enjoying ratting in 0.0 with his corp but he has lost a couple of ships too.


Man, all the ships/stuff i want to do takes a minimun of 80+ days training...

for those with experience, how worth it is black ops?

Black Ops are among the most niche and least used ships in the game. They're ~700m Battleships that are actually worse than T1 Battleships in almost every way, except for the fact that they have a jump drive and can fit covert jump portals. Unless you're already in a corp that uses them there's not much point in training for them, plus the jump skills are a huge investment (you want Jump Drive Op. V, Jump Fuel Cons. IV and Jump Drive Cal IV minimum, Cal V is a huge bonus). Those skills aren't worth training just for Black Ops, I'd recommend holding off on them until you decide to get into capitals.


Neo Member
I put another buy order up last night for some more salvage. One got filled really fast, the others are trickling in, but now everyone else is beating my prices. I must have driven prices up on about 5 items in the last 2 days buy offering more than anyone else and forcing them to match it lol.

I put in a new batch of bits to do overnight so they can go on the market when I get home tonight and the next batch I'm buying for should be going in the oven in 2 days.

I found some PE slots available so popped some BPs in, no ME available surprise surprise but my corp are talking about getting the POS back up so if that happens I can get a lab up and running again to get some ME done. If that does happen I can splurge on some other BPs to widen my options a little.

I had some bits up to sell for 8.7m each (cost me 3.5m to make) and sold 4 overnight (hurrah!) but two were bought for 9.455m each. Now I'm not complaining but what?

Well if someone puts a buy order up for a price higher than your sell order it will sell at their buy order (if yours is the lowest price). PE isn't bad to research but ME is way better. After about PE 5 there's very little return, however, it will still increase the price of your BPO.

It sounds like you're off to a good start with the market. It always starts slow and then as you gain more money and understanding you can expand.

Unless you have a good reason to train BlOps don't. They fill a very specific role and you won't find yourself using them often.


Just stumbled into this (another new?) Eve thread after catching people finally in the Neogaf pub channel...

I've been all around the block in Eve, and am happy to help peeps if I can.

Just catch me in chan.
Just stumbled into this (another new?) Eve thread after catching people finally in the Neogaf pub channel...

I've been all around the block in Eve, and am happy to help peeps if I can.

Just catch me in chan.

Well this thread is actually decently old, it's just been more active in the past few months. But yeah, I hang out in the channel when I actually play (besides skill queue online) which hasn't been too often lately, even though my sub runs for about another month I think before I have to PLEX/renew.
I just realized something. the reason i get targeted so much by war targets is that my name is usually at the top of the local channel list. got daMN!


Nice to see a few on last night.

I need to stop putting buy orders on the market, I'm getting a bit carried away.

Must remain calm. Must not buy things.

On the up side, I got my main to lvl 4s with the corp I'm running for so I can now start hunting those.


Catastrophe has stuck.

I sorted out my skill plans for all three characters last night and one had to go do some shopping. He went and got the books and injected them and then I added some to the queue.

For some reason I only added 12 hours worth, I don't know why maybe I got distracted. But I was off today so it wouldn't be a problem.

Except I got called at 7:30 with "where are you?" lol.

I've gotten to work, opened evemon and now it keeps blinking at me "NO SKILL IN TRAINING!!!!!!!!! Death to you!!!!"


My brother should be going home at lunch to feed his dogs hopefully he can log in from his house and set one going.

I know it's only a few hours but damn that's annoying, I've lost like 9 years of training as it is!


Neo Member
Catastrophe has stuck.

I sorted out my skill plans for all three characters last night and one had to go do some shopping. He went and got the books and injected them and then I added some to the queue.

For some reason I only added 12 hours worth, I don't know why maybe I got distracted. But I was off today so it wouldn't be a problem.

Except I got called at 7:30 with "where are you?" lol.

I've gotten to work, opened evemon and now it keeps blinking at me "NO SKILL IN TRAINING!!!!!!!!! Death to you!!!!"


My brother should be going home at lunch to feed his dogs hopefully he can log in from his house and set one going.

I know it's only a few hours but damn that's annoying, I've lost like 9 years of training as it is!

I did that just the other day. I was debating whether I should finish Gallente Cruiser 5 or Gallente BS 5 (I'm Minmatar mainly so they're both useful but not essential). Apparently I never decided because when I came back from work I had nothing training and my skill qeue had ended a few hours earlier. It's a strangely frustrating feeling considering how little time was actually lost.


I am saved, my brother set some going for me when he popped home.

Also decided to sell my Occator and replace it with an Iteron V. I don't go outside high sec at the moment, the Iteron will hold more, warp faster, align faster and will die faster, but with enough EHP to avoid the majority of high sec gank attempts.

Silly to run around in a 150m ship when a 2m one will do.
Protip by way of Reddit;

You can warp in to the escalation site and stop warp. The timer for the escalation will reset to 24 hours

You can cargo scan and ship scan the boss. Ship scan multiple times as accuracy is not big. Cargo scanning is needed once.

The escalation will reset at downtime if you do not kill the last boss.

That is all, thank you for your attention. For all people who already knew this, I'll pretend you didn't. I dub this escalation farming.

P.S. Loot scanned on NPCs drops 100%.
So here i am, doing the exploring thing. thinking i finally found my niche. i ditched my corp home for 20+ jumps into a random system with a station that has a buttload of lv 3s and lv 4s together and some low sec missions together. I'm hopping to the low secs and scanning and getting radar sites n crap and making some decent spending cash. whole day scannign and get a cool ~40m out of it. nothing fancy, but it pays for my ammo at least. baby steps, the point is to have more isk at the end of the day than when i began. i'm thinking i'm finally getting into the flow of things.

and then this happens.


fucking smartbomb warp line exploits. *sigh*. went from +40m to -30m in 5 seconds.

PROTIP: Don't jump gate to gate in low sec.

i'm gonna be traveling for the next 6 weeks. good time to trai nall those long skills!

do you have access to the game for when those long skills start running out?
Just saw this via the launcher:

EVE Online: Odyssey!

New expansion arrives June 4. So now you know the exact time-frame to prep for tiericide if you haven't already.

Exploration revamp/focus sounds really awesome to me, as I enjoy exploration quite a bit if I don't have to worry about ISK too much at a given moment.


70 odd days to train 8 days worth of skills that I've never been interested in training before. I still don't know if I'll bother.
So here i am, doing the exploring thing. thinking i finally found my niche. i ditched my corp home for 20+ jumps into a random system with a station that has a buttload of lv 3s and lv 4s together and some low sec missions together. I'm hopping to the low secs and scanning and getting radar sites n crap and making some decent spending cash. whole day scannign and get a cool ~40m out of it. nothing fancy, but it pays for my ammo at least. baby steps, the point is to have more isk at the end of the day than when i began. i'm thinking i'm finally getting into the flow of things.

and then this happens.


fucking smartbomb warp line exploits. *sigh*. went from +40m to -30m in 5 seconds.

PROTIP: Don't jump gate to gate in low sec.

do you have access to the game for when those long skills start running out?

yeah I will, but it's okay, Ill have my laptop with me, so I'll just jump on to add my skill que when needed.

and ouch, yo ugot podded as well?
70 days is plenty of time. I'm thinking about taking that 2nd account 3 month deal for $24 and leveling another character. I figure that I can level it enough and worst case scenario Sell it to Someone in the future.


If you have the isk you could buy the crazy stat implants as well and get a bigger boost for the first 2 weeks or something.

EDIT: this might be another option


Basically, instead of paying for your own account for a month, create an alt account with the buddy programme, pay for that for one month and your main will get a plex reward. So you still get your main account extended for 30 days, and your alt account is now active for 51 days as well. All at the same cost as just extending your main. Could be handy if you wanted to try out PvP on a new character or some other career path. Hell, with a new character with max Perc and Will with no implants you can get BattleCruisers to 5, all frigs to 4 and all cruisers to 3 in 38 days 17 hours.

If I didn't already have 3 accounts I might be tempted lol.

Creating 51-day-freebie accounts for utility alts
When you're about to add 30 days of play time to your main account or to a paid alt account, pause and consider. You can parlay the same amount of cash, PLEX, or ISK into 30 days of play time PLUS a 51-day-freebie alt account by using the Buddy Program. (Note: a rule change in December 2012, disallowing PLEX-for-PLEX rewards, prevents us from getting more than one 51-day-freebie per paid month. Oh well.)

To make your 51-day-freebie alt, first send yourself a 21-day buddy offer as above. Set up a character on the new account by following the email link. Then, trade a PLEX to the new trial account (the easiest way is to use two EVE-capable computers, since you can't run a subscribed and a trial account on the same computer at the same time), or give ISK to the new account and buy a PLEX with it (if you have only one computer available), or simply pay cash. Add 30 days to the trial account, making it a fully active unrestricted account with 51 days left on it. If you've used a valid payment method (cash or PLEX, but no CD keys like from Steam), your main account will receive a choice of reward including 30 days of play time (or a PLEX if you've paid cash).

Congratulations! By applying your 30 days of credit to the new buddy alt instead of to your main, you've gained a 51-day-freebie alt to use for hauling (including industrials), salvaging, scouting (including cloaking), or even combat assistance, and you have still received the same 30 days on your main. When the 51 days are up, LET THE ALT LAPSE if you want to keep the net cost at zero, and simply create a new freebie once per paid (or PLEXed) month. It's a force multiplier!

I've made a BC plan in EVEmon for my two combat characters. Knowing that I have 70 days means I might bother with it, or I might not, but at least I know what I need and exactly how long each bit will take and both will be at Max Perc/Will in time to do it.

The problem I have is that I want them to learn Cruise Specialization (17 days to lvl 1) and Large Pulse Specialization (39 days to lvl 1) respectively as well as a bunch of other stuff I actually WANT.

What baffles me a little is that to get Large Pulse Spec I first have to learn Small and Medium Spec, but to learn Cruise Spec I don't need anything else like Heavy or Light missiles.

I finally went through my "assorted modules" loot container and shipped anything worth selling to Amarr to sell, everything else got reprocessed. Also splurged on some Navy crystals for my Amarr character to give his Abaddon a boost.
I can't remember if I had 2 accounts or not, as I can't find my 'other' character. Receive emails from CCP for both characters, but can't see the other character on the account.

Might be tempted by a buddy key if there are still some going in a few weeks time (once I've finished Uni).
I can't remember if I had 2 accounts or not, as I can't find my 'other' character. Receive emails from CCP for both characters, but can't see the other character on the account.

Might be tempted by a buddy key if there are still some going in a few weeks time (once I've finished Uni).

i can give u a buddy key if u want


So I looked at the EVE forums and people are offering crazy stuff for people ACCEPTING buddy invites. :|

A valid reason.

If I send you an invite and you accept it and then pay your months sub, I get a Plex which I can use to pay for 30 days on my account or I could sell for circa 500m ISK.

Basically they are making a business out of signing up new members, some of them giving the player 300-350m ISK once the account is paid for. The new player gets 350m ISK to get going which will make life a bit easier, and the old player gets 150m isk for doing sweet fuck all.


I have been curious about this game for quite some time, I've been getting bored with the usuals WoW, GW2, SWTOR, Rift and I just need a change of pace how is the community on here still active I would assume?


Yeah, makes sense. Tempted to create a new account now. Some guy is offering money, ship + implants :\

I doubt the collection of goods is any higher than 450m as they want to make a profit on the PLEX. You might as well get one of us to do it and get the entire plex to do what you want with. Obviously those people have a reputation of doing it and always paying up.

I have been curious about this game for quite some time, I've been getting bored with the usuals WoW, GW2, SWTOR, Rift and I just need a change of pace how is the community on here still active I would assume?

The EVE community on GAF? Very quiet. The EVE community in game? Very active. It's one large server so everyone can interact with everyone. Right now we are about 45 minutes after downtime and there are 18,000 people online, that'll probably peak at 50,000 tonight when the US gets up/home from school/work.

The issue with the game is that it's fairly large in what you can choose to do, it's easy to kind of not know what direction to go in. The plus side is that the game is like 98% PvP in some respect. You don;t even have to fight anyone, just buying and selling on the market is PvP as others are doing the same thing.

Of course if you want to go shoot others you can do that too and there are plenty of ways of going about it.

Most people have a couple of accounts though, only one character can train skills on an account at any time, and there are lots of skills to get if you wanted to do everything with any degree of proficiency.
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