^^This thread made possible by Salad Shooter.
2 years ago my dog developed fibrosarcoma tumors in her face. Chemotherapy was discouraged due to the location. 50% chance for blindness and or death. Plus,
if the treatment went great then
only 4-6 months life expectancy due to type/location/age. all for the low price of thousands of dollars!
What does this have to do with Lebanese food and assorted ass-talk? Well, on a whim I added fresh parsley, garlic, and olive oil to her diet. The tumors shrank after a week causing veterinary flabbergastry. Kept feeding her the parsley and she was cool for a year or so but then good old metastasis kicked in. Last few months have seen aggressive growth and I'm all out of luck and snake oil.
um. yeah. Super Thread Derailment but I'm kinda bummed. parsl3y iz good 4 U.