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Ever have foresight?

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I dreamed last night that I called 9-1-1 for a woman because she said she felt like she might be set on fire any minute. I called preemptively.

I was awoken this morning by my father who said he had just called 9-1-1 because he thought he might have a heart attack soon. He called preemptively.

Foresight or coincidence?
Please pray for my father and keep him in your thoughts.


Yeah, I dreamed one day that something I happened, and when the event in question happened, I had an immense sense of deja vu. It took me a week or so to figure out why that was. But the premonition was about something very inconsequential and stupid, meaning that I don't even remember what it was in the first place. It was just something random that appeared in dream form then in real form.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I once dreamed that Courtney Cox bit my neck and turned me into a vampire and I totally let her. It was so hot.

I'm still waiting though, she must be busy.


I've had some "vision" nothing prophetic though, simple events that would probably have happened anyway.



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I've known tons of crap that I shouldn't have known. Either in vivid (full sensory) dreams of things that happen like 3 weeks later, knowing something would happen a little before it happens, having someone be missing and I know just where they are, knowing a bunch of personal details as to what someone is going through/feeling when I didnt even know them (I find out by talking to them), estimating the exact number of pieces of candy in a jar, etc.

I just think of it as coincidence so I don't go crazy.


I'm pretty good at predicting things, and that has led me to instances of 'luck' in life. Sometimes I'll be hanging out somewhere and I'll get the feeling that I'm about to see someone I haven't seen in a long time, and boom-someone I haven't seen in months or years will appear. That kind of thing happens quite a bit, actually.


foresight is not really the word here...more like premonition...

btw tell your dad to try drinking heaps of orange juice and take Vitamin E.. might help.



Yesterday morning... I got a weird feeling in my stomach that my wife would have twins the next time we get pregnant... it was the same feeling I had when I knew we made our first baby... I just knew it...

Well, my electrician calls to cancel coming over last night... because he just found out his wife was having twins...

Weird huh? Coincidence or I'm Fucking ESPN or Something!


shitting in the alley outside your window
insight, foresight, moresight... the clock on the wall reads a quarter past midnight

Doth Togo

I had a dream last night that I was in England at a monastery. I was with a few people that I thought that I knew (but have no idea who they were). I remember that some terrible, terrible catastrophe occurred and that you couldn't go outside because the air was poisoned. Somehow, the Pope and several of his entourage were also trapped there. He admitted that the catastrophe was expected and that it was the beginning of the end of the world. He said there were 141 days from Aug 4 2004 until the end and proved it to those that were listening to him, including me.

What a creepy dream.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
BojTrek said:

Yesterday morning... I got a weird feeling in my stomach that my wife would have twins the next time we get pregnant... it was the same feeling I had when I knew we made our first baby... I just knew it...

Well, my electrician calls to cancel coming over last night... because he just found out his wife was having twins...

Weird huh? Coincidence or I'm Fucking ESPN or Something!

Were you over at his while he was working?

And for real Oli... I hope you father recovers and all is well on the homefront


I've had that deja vu shit. It's very small crap with no importance, but I do feel like I had a dream, or thought of that moment earlier. maybe weeks earlier.

But in fact maybe my brain just planted that feeling of me thinking it & viola, I thought I thought that moment in time last week.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

It happened after I bought Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the PSX. There were classic versions of several characters and I had no clue how to use them. That night, I went to bed after playing it for hours thinking about how to unlock those characters. I ended up dreaming about it. In my dream I pressed the select button on the character select screen and there was a small explosion on screen where the character stood and the character select box rotated to reveal the alternate version of said character. I woke up the next morning and figured "what the heck, I'll give it a shot". I nearly fell out of my chair. It worked exactly as I had pictured it in my dream!!!


Thanks blackace and everyone else... I appreciate it more than you'll know.
He's still in the ER getting tests done, but the cardiogram came back negative. He'll be in there for a good 24 hours it seems. I had to call his NASA coworker to ask him to cover all of the Space Shuttle meetings today. That was really interesting.

Oh, and EMS people rock. They are so calm, collected, and nice. EMS rocks.


I only had one dream premonition that happened to me during High School. In the dream, I was in Spanish class when an earthquake hit -- everyone dropped to their knees under the desk and I peered around to look at everyone else and I yelled "haha! Cool"

When I woke up, I thought that was odd because for one, why the hell would I yell "haha! Cool!" in the middle of an earthquake?

Little did I know, that very same morning in spanish class at the exact same moment it occured in my dream we had an earthquake. Everyone dropped to their knees and I immediately got a flashback to my dream and I said out loud "haha! Cool!" I was hoping no one heard me.. lol

That's when i knew why I said what i said in the dream, because I remember having a dream about the earthquake before it happened. *_* It was sort of sad, though -- we had a girl from michigan who just moved to Los Angeles and she gripped the chair leg so tight and trembled in fear for 10 minutes before my teacher could pry her hands off the steel.


Time ta STEP IT UP
I wish your dad the best of luck and I shall pray. My dad has been having heart murmurs as of late, and it it's pretty scary at times. I can only wish for the best.


3pheMeraLmiX said:
I only had one dream premonition that happened to me during High School. In the dream, I was in Spanish class when an earthquake hit -- everyone dropped to their knees under the desk and I peered around to look at everyone else and I yelled "haha! Cool"

When I woke up, I thought that was odd because for one, why the hell would I yell "haha! Cool!" in the middle of an earthquake?

Little did I know, that very same morning in spanish class at the exact same moment it occured in my dream we had an earthquake. Everyone dropped to their knees and I immediately got a flashback to my dream and I said out loud "haha! Cool!" I was hoping no one heard me.. lol

That's when i knew why I said what i said in the dream, because I remember having a dream about the earthquake before it happened. *_* It was sort of sad, though -- we had a girl from michigan who just moved to Los Angeles and she gripped the chair leg so tight and trembled in fear for 10 minutes before my teacher could pry her hands off the steel.

Wow. So you're stuck in a closed time loop, cool.

Anyways, this is _all_ coincidence and/or your imagination. Last night I dreamt of Riddick and why it was a bad idea to poor water on one self while trying to jump out into a scolding sun, and the next day my friend started talking about the Riddick movie and how much he liked it (he has bad taste), that doesn't make me some kinda psychic, it's just coincidence. Truth is I had already forgotten about my dream when I was awake, and that triggered my memory, but what it didn't trigger was the HOARD of other things I dreamt that night, so that explains why someone might have thought of a friend he hasn't seen for a while and 'BAM' the next day he sees him/her. Trust me, it's aaaall in your minds, deja vu, foresight.... religion. :p


Drexon said:
Wow. So you're stuck in a closed time loop, cool.

Anyways, this is _all_ coincidence and/or your imagination. Last night I dreamt of Riddick and why it was a bad idea to poor water on one self while trying to jump out into a scolding sun, and the next day my friend started talking about the Riddick movie and how much he liked it (he has bad taste), that doesn't make me some kinda psychic, it's just coincidence. Truth is I had already forgotten about my dream when I was awake, and that triggered my memory, but what it didn't trigger was the HOARD of other things I dreamt that night, so that explains why someone might have thought of a friend he hasn't seen for a while and 'BAM' the next day he sees him/her. Trust me, it's aaaall in your minds, deja vu, foresight.... religion. :p

I was thinking that myself -- I wanted to see if I could hone that ability but it's never happened since. I know I've had deja vu before, or things that seemed like a dream I had, but like you mentioned, it was such a mundane event that the likelyhood of it happening at any time would be pretty high. Other times it would just be me waking up from a dream while still sleeping and remembering of having a dream just like that -- only to really truly wake up and know for certain that it was just a dream. I still wish I could replicate whatever caused me to dream of the earthquake before it happened.

I had a dream tonight that my mom was waking me up telling me my father just had two attacks of some kind. I couldn't open my eyes (in my dreams), out of frustration I tried to scream but nothing.....Scary as fucking dream, and weird coincidence.....or is it ? DUM DUM DUM!


muncheese said:

I had a dream tonight that my mom was waking me up telling me my father just had two attacks of some kind. I couldn't open my eyes (in my dreams), out of frustration I tried to scream but nothing.....Scary as fucking dream, and weird coincidence.....or is it ? DUM DUM DUM!

Er? Coincidence with what? ~_~"
I hope none of my dreams end up coming true. I've had dreams and visions, that are pretty indepth of major cities being nuked at different times. It's certainly frighting having to wake up in the middle of such a nightmare. I even had one were it was Japan doing so with some sort of involvement, and they had a sort of thing where if the US didn't do something in such and such time, they would nuke a major city once a day or something. I can't really remember. It was quite frightening as I had to be lumped together with a group of people in Oklahoma, and then it came time for Tulsa (where I lived at the time) to be hit and we were sent to a "shelter" but did not survive. I died, but woke up. I've also seen things where BUsh was in Miami for some reason, and missiles had flown in and destroyed the area. *shrugs* I have them every couple of months, but I don't think anything of them anymore.

Now, that all might come off as freaky. But I also had a dream where I died, and was going tobe sent to Hell, but I was given one task to switch my fate and me and a random girl had to join forces and defeat Osama in a pokemon battle! Talk about fun!


DarthWufei said:
I hope none of my dreams end up coming true. I've had dreams and visions, that are pretty indepth of major cities being nuked at different times. It's certainly frighting having to wake up in the middle of such a nightmare. I even had one were it was Japan doing so with some sort of involvement, and they had a sort of thing where if the US didn't do something in such and such time, they would nuke a major city once a day or something. I can't really remember. It was quite frightening as I had to be lumped together with a group of people in Oklahoma, and then it came time for Tulsa (where I lived at the time) to be hit and we were sent to a "shelter" but did not survive. I died, but woke up. I've also seen things where BUsh was in Miami for some reason, and missiles had flown in and destroyed the area. *shrugs* I have them every couple of months, but I don't think anything of them anymore.

Now, that all might come off as freaky. But I also had a dream where I died, and was going tobe sent to Hell, but I was given one task to switch my fate and me and a random girl had to join forces and defeat Osama in a pokemon battle! Talk about fun!

I used to have a ton of dreams where i was one of very few survivors when the [christian] end of the world came. Stones falling from the sky, people wandering marshlands of cities that were revently flooded, me waking up amongst the destruction. It was terrifying and interesting at the same time, and they happened for a good year or so and suddenly stopped. I kind of miss those sor of 'epic' dreams.


I always sense things, the one that happens alot is im driving in traffic and I either slow down or speed up because I don't trust the car next to me, and they just swerve into the lane suddenly and I breath a sigh of relief. Deja vu all the damn time, as well as dreams about similar topics such as death and break ups, which then actually happen. Then there is the re ocurring snake dream before hard times of my life. My mom says she basically is the same way I think most people experience similar feelings and or senses, they are either not paying attention just write it off as something else.

*edit* Do a google search for lucid dreaming (sp) very interesting (or in my case very scarry)


I can sometimes predict what people will say. I usually try to do that too, it's like a fun challenge when I'm bored. Sometimes when chatting with people online, I type what I think they'll type before they actually type it themselves. :p
But it's not some kind of magic or "psychic power", it's just me guessing what they'll say according to habits of people in general and a bit of common sense. Also, some people are just very predictable.
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