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Ever question your presence on the forum?

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Most of the time I'd pretty happy being an anonymous, reputationless, tagless member of the GAF. But there are the occasions, like right now, where it gets a bit frustrating. I've just spent the last half hour or so, on and off, trying to start a topic in the gaming forum. I'm always thinking of topics, whilst playing games, or thinking about games. Something stands out about a particular game or something that makes me think of a thread topic. But I rarely ever post them because when I do I watch as it sinks like a stone, lucky to get a few token replies.

And so, as was the case tonight, I tend to think, why bother, if it's not yet another sales thread or my consoles better than yours or gaming isn't what it used to be then it won't go anywhere. I'm a non-importing PAL gamer so that ususally rules out impression threads, and any late to the parties I've done suffer the same fate as all my other threads. Perhaps I have a knack for wanting to talk about the wrong games and things at the wrong times.

Or maybe I'm just an incredibly boring person to read? I've thought of that, but when I try to be more concise I feel like I'm missing things out, and when I try to be more interesting I think either my humour falls flat or I come across as a pretension twat.

But then again perhaps I should be grateful that I don't seem to have made any impression here. Face it, most people who have a reputation have a bad one. Most of the people who are memorable are memorable for something that they are mocked about, that's used to undermine them, particularly fanboyism, to varying degrees. Very few posters have good reputations. I don't maybe the more well known posters think the flipside to me, that they wish that people didn't always prejudge them.

And now I'm thinking that maybe it would have been much quicker for me to have made an empty thread called 'justify my existence'.

And I'm well aware that this could backfire on me horrendously and always drop like a rock, in which case I will have to end it all, and it'll be on your hands.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I feel your PAL gaming pain, but, I don't question my presence on the forum.

If I start a topic I usually pose it in the form of a question. people always want to answer questions.

Like this one.

"When I travel out of town for 2-3 days, why is it that I don't take a shit for the entire time?"

I'm the most regular person in the world, but out of town is no shitsville for me. I don't even NEED to go, despite usually eating more when I am out of town. Whats that about?


To be perfectly honest, if I see a post of yours, I will pay particular attention. You're not entertaining, but still well-spoken, and often have something to say. At a board like this, if people aren't replying to you, maybe it's better to be flattered than insulted.

Don't sweat it. Post for yourself and no one else. If you want to discuss a particular game, make a thread. If no one replies, it's nothing against you, but maybe that no one shares that interest.


Tag of Excellence
I used to have a tag, it was a very nice one too. I loved it and played with it every day until it was run over by a server reset. Now I just sit home along crying about the loss of my tag.
catfish said:
"When I travel out of town for 2-3 days, why is it that I don't take a shit for the entire time?"

I'm the most regular person in the world, but out of town is no shitsville for me. I don't even NEED to go, despite usually eating more when I am out of town. Whats that about?

I'll answer that one. You have a subconscious fear of toilets that are not familiar to you. You body knows this and just stacks up the waste inside until you feel more comfortable. Happens to everyone.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
One time I posted a really stupid thread on the old GAF that people still talk about, but now no one remembers I did it.

So I guess that worked out for me in the end :D
Socreges said:
To be perfectly honest, if I see a post of yours, I will pay particular attention. You're not entertaining, but still well-spoken, and often have something to say. At a board like this, if people aren't replying to you, maybe it's better to be flattered than insulted.

Don't sweat it. Post for yourself and no one else. If you want to discuss a particular game, make a thread. If no one replies, it's nothing against you, but maybe that no one shares that interest.

95% of the time I think like. I think I'm just a bit frustrated tonight because of my inability to articulate anything that I wanted to. That and I think the summer drought is starting to get to me. Hell I'm now desparately anticipating running out and getting Sudeki just for some fresh games. Feels like the stuff I've have in my collections been there for ages, even though it's been less than a month since my last new game purchase. I think the futility of posting on a games board when I'm not that interested in games at the moment is doing things to me.

I'll answer that one. You have a subconscious fear of toilets that are not familiar to you. You body knows this and just stacks up the waste inside until you feel more comfortable. Happens to everyone.

See I've developed this thing for cubicles, I like a good cubicle. The more cut off it feels the better. I went in one recently and it was like a tiny room more than a cubicle. I felt like I'd gone to heaven, I didn't want to come out of it.


You shouldn't worry about it too much. :) I'm sure it's nice to have a little recognition here or there, but sometimes having a reputation can be a bad thing, you know ^_^ It's often times the posters that make the most sense are the least debatable, so in all likely hood, you're probably on the right track. Personally, I think it's too much work to be both recognized and liked equally. Perhaps you just haven't got the right feel for the way the board works yet?

Like Socreges said, post for yourself. If you're contributing to be sensationalistic or just to get replies, that's probably not the best way to go about business on these forums =P I'd rather be anonymous than to be anything else -- even people on the highest pedestal eventually get knocked down.
Well, just post the following:

Questioning how good the new Zelda will be. Not sales wise, thats a whole new topic altogether.

Say Mario Sunshine wasnt good, or is good.

Constantly search the net and be the first to post breaking news on the hottest games of the year.


The tag has helped me realize that a lot of people here have a problem with others giving opinion unless it's what the majority thinks and accepts, but it's not like it keeps me from posting or anything

White Man

I really need to get drunk and post something horribly embarassing. I've been here for over 5 years and my GAQ is on the threshold of negligible. What have I been doing with my online existence?

PS I masturbated during the parts of The History of Sexuality where various culture "perversions" are described.


Don't worry about it DSD, hardly anyone ever responds to my topics, and no one ever responds to me in a topic.

I just think that I present my arguments so well, that there is no room for even a single response. ;p


belgurdo said:
The tag has helped me realize that a lot of people here have a problem with others giving opinion unless it's what the majority thinks and accepts, but it's not like it keeps me from posting or anything
Right, you continue to post stupid shit. :p


belgurdo said:
The tag has helped me realize that a lot of people here have a problem with others giving opinion unless it's what the majority thinks and accepts, but it's not like it keeps me from posting or anything

I wasn't sure if tags were actually forced on people. That's a little unnecessary.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
belgurdo said:
The tag has helped me realize that a lot of people here have a problem with others giving opinion unless it's what the majority thinks and accepts, but it's not like it keeps me from posting or anything

Woe is you the persecuted...


Warm Machine said:
I'll answer that one. You have a subconscious fear of toilets that are not familiar to you. You body knows this and just stacks up the waste inside until you feel more comfortable. Happens to everyone.

Come on now, who doesn't like home court advantage? You can take as long as you want, use as much toilet paper as you want, and if you still don't feel........"clean", you can just hop in the shower.
lordmrw said:
Come on now, who doesn't like home court advantage? You can take as long as you want, use as much toilet paper as you want, and if you still don't feel........"clean", you can just hop in the shower.

Like I said, happens to everyone. Home is the best...2-ply. Need I say more?


Tag of Excellence
lordmrw said:
...and if you still don't feel........"clean", you can just hop in the shower.
Ha ha, that's bordering on obsesive compulsive. That or you've had an explosive problem on the toilet.


I don't need this place or anywhere to validate myself, so I don't really care how I am percieved or known. I've been "(in)famous" on internet forums before, I don't miss it.
Honestly, I don't know if people notice me in the forum. I mean I have a decent amount of posts, but I never spout out anything controversial enough to get a tag or anything.


Newbie said:
Honestly, I don't know if people notice me in the forum. I mean I have a decent amount of posts, but I never spout out anything controversial enough to get a tag or anything.

You have a sort of unique user name, so maybe people will remember you for that. As for me, I get the feeling that I might get a custom tag because of my prior post.


I think it's best to keep to yourself, you're neither loved or hated that way. Just another poster...


Yeah, that's my excuse for not being witty or intellectual enough to contribute much to the forums. :(

White Man

Gaming Age Quotient, which would be a number (saaaaaaay, some numberical measure of a user's ubiquity or general forum social saturation) divided by another number (length of time a user has been posting on the GAF), which would give you a percentage detailing your level of success in the world of GA.

To get the above mentioned "measure of a user's ubiquity," I'd theorize that I'd have to somhow figure out the average number of GAF members online. The TOTAL number of forum members means little, because I have no way of knowing how many of those accounts are active, so I'd have to judge by the average number of accounts online. An average would also have to be taken (both of these averages would be figured on measurements taken for roughly 1 year) of the number of serious replies to a thread titled "Do you recognize me via my postings on this forum?" The average of active users online would be divided by the average number of active users that DID NOT respond to the test thread. Thus would be the measure of ubiquity.

5 * 12 = 60 (number of months posting)
300/280 = 1.07 (fake average/fake number of non-replies to test post)
1.07/60 = 0.018 (GAQ, aka I am socially retarded)

I am teh mathematical genius. Give me my mf'in doctorate now. And world peace and third world hunger? Yeah, I see them eyeing me up. I'll unleash my orgiastic mathematical prowess on their asses if they wish to be belligerent. Problems like that are just punk things to someone that could place a numerical value on GAF popularity. I win, kids.

HOMEWORK - Proof this, and spend a good half dozen hours diagraming this equation. It will be on the upcoming pseudo-gafematics test.


I think i'm pretty unknown 'round these parts, despite being a member for over 5 years. I won a photoshop contest once...i've had 2 tags(not including one temporary variation of the first one)that's...that's about it.
Hey, I have been coming here a couple years too, but I dont post too often, I used to on another board, I used to have an ezboard account with like 9000+ posts, but it didnt get me anywhere really.

But I know what you mean man, some times I see these threads where every second post is from one person quoting the last and than I make a post and am almost never quoted, cant remember the last time I was, but like Wellington said, maybe I alos make air tight responces.

And if not, Bah, screw you guys.


~Black Deatha


I have 616 posts...Most of those are about one line. And probably 200 or so are in the MLB threads. Meh. Who cares.


You're a cool poster. I think I remember you from the old GAF. Were you "Ihatesquirrels" or something similar?


you can only be memorable/significant to me if you have a memorable avatar. I don't even read posts anymore, I simply nod in approval or shake my head in defiance entirely upon the basis of one's avatar. If you don't have an avatar at all I'll simply keep strolling down until I find one.

Example, I can't tell you what MrPing posted but I can tell you that his dancing hitler avatar with Meg White's (?) head superimposed on his body was quite agreeable.

Also, Rushmore rocks.


As much as GAF rocks, I think that to lend too much thought to one's profile among the GAF population is hardly healthy.

White Man

Does the Arthur Rimbaud avatar get your approval? He's kind of my idol. What with the whole youthful idealism, and the whole doing everything he's famous for before the age of 20. Can't say I'm a big fan of the idea of selling all my worldly possessions and becoming a slave trader in Africa, though. That could be a bad idea. Also, amputations and dying of syphilis are interesting. I want to die legless and noseless.


insert blank space here
My "accomplishments" online... well... suck...

I was in a Gamerfeed headline once.

That is all.


I also happen to be the online equivalent of a doorstop, a bump in the road, the cancer that seems to pop up halfway through your life only to add something semi-interesting to it unfortunately resulting in your death… I… am a thread killer…no… mass murderer.


No, I never question my presence on this forum. I'm well aware of just how imporant I am within the GAF community and my contributions towards providing an adequate balance between entertainingand informative posts do not go without notice.

Some may chalk it up as arrogance, but I see no wrong in being a confident individual who believes he has what it takes to be respected in an online community.


Die Squirrel Die... I think you underestimate your value. I'm in the same boat as Socreges on this one.

Also, Your assertions about GA rockstars are almost entirely accurate. Most of them are negative. The ones that aren't negative require a certain extent of networking and off-forum schmoozing. Judging by your post count, you probably aren't interested in putting in the time, and with good reason.

Now lets cut to the heart of the issue; forum popularity is the most utterly inane, unsatisfying, and ungratifying things your ego has ever clamored for. Real world popularity has some visible perks to it (Sex, Freinds, Sexy Freinds) so the human mind understandably desires some. But once it's asking for presence in a cyber-social-structure, it's lost any sane motive I can possibly think of. Just post your obscure threads, let them sink like stones, and be happy about it. At least I'd read them.


There is no MiG.

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