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Ever question your presence on the forum?

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I agree with Ned 110%. It's a forum. However, having said that, I can still recognize boring, funny, stupid, etc... and Squirrel, you're boring. Honestly, I don't remember one post of yours. You need a little something in your posts. Perhaps, after having a disagreement with another member, a little "FUCK OFF" would suffice.

btw, I'm loved here. Go Redskins and Go Kerry/Edwards!


Shoot, I've been posting here since the snowboards and nobody knows who the hell I am except those that I played Madden with.


Edit: Oh yeah the Kohan peeps too REPRESENT!


Junior Member
Just by clicking reply and typing something, you have a presence in this forum that will never go unnoticed. Your problem is that you want to be popular. That's your problem. But I guess if that's the case, you're better off posting interesting stuff in the off-topic forum.

And I wouldn't want to see what this board would become if its posters started caring about tags, reputation, etc....


I like Saint Cornelius, he's got a very tight grasp on the historical roots of the industry and I respect that a lot.

And on that note, all I really care about in regards to this forum is the ability to engage in discussion with people I respect. When I post something and one of posters that I respect responds to me, I think that's really cool. Getting some type of affirmation from random poster #2322 talking about how x > y doesn't appeal to me at all.

Sometimes I fear the idiots will just annoy the great posters so much that they'll all leave, which would be a huge blow to my internet reading.


Yeah, I've kind of felt that way before, but like others have said, at least you're not an attention whore (until this thread anyway, jerk!). However, I completely understand how frustrating it can get when you start a topic looking for conversation or help and it just sinks like a stone. When I make posts, I tend to make them about things that have an incredibly small following here (although, the obvious intention is to increase interest overall), so I guess I've gotten used to having shit for replies to my threads.


I guess you missed Matlock's "ask me what I think of you" thread, huh.

Seriously, GAF superstardom doesn't seem as interesting as having people on here with whom you have made enough of a connection that they remember your name and your interests and come to the discussion with some context. I used to envy people who actually posted back and forth with a sense of familiarity and friendship, but now I don't think it's worth the effort to get to that point. Especially on a place like this. I spend enough time here as it is.


carpal said:
I guess you missed Matlock's "ask me what I think of you" thread, huh.

Seriously, GAF superstardom doesn't seem as interesting as having people on here with whom you have made enough of a connection that they remember your name and your interests and come to the discussion with some context. I used to envy people who actually posted back and forth with a sense of familiarity and friendship, but now I don't think it's worth the effort to get to that point. Especially on a place like this. I spend enough time here as it is.
I did miss it...i'll dig it up.



Junior Member
Saint Cornelius said:
Is this sarcasm? It's so hard to tell over the intarweb.

No. I'm not saying I would be oblivious to someone calling me a waste of flesh, but I'm talking mainly about tags. I had "forum racist" before the board change. But they're given as a joke in the first place, so I can't bring myself to care.


I can't believe I still post here. I don't even play videogames anymore, but I love music/news/politics/general bitchfests so I stick around. Oh yeah, and Unreal Tournament :D
yeah ive been around here way too long too, I sorta just come here to kill time these days...plus the OT forum is a godly source of stupid information on stupid.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I'm surprised I'm still here, and I'm surprised I'm still a Junior Member. Also Surprised the one person I remember from years ago on FFO is ALSO still here :p


Lonestar said:
I'm surprised I'm still here, and I'm surprised I'm still a Junior Member. Also Surprised the one person I remember from years ago on FFO is ALSO still here :p

Haha seriously. I kinda miss the days of FFO... but um, not.


Die Squirrel Die said:
And now I'm thinking that maybe it would have been much quicker for me to have made an empty thread called 'justify my existence'.

i think someone needs a hug?



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I'm tellin ya, I've got some fucked up memories if I can remember that shit. One of these days, I'm gonna drown them out with hardcore narcotics...


Squirrelminator, I've liked your posts, well since you were the squirrelminator.;) Thought on message boards like these is a rare commodity, so you should be proud to put it into your posts.

I used to be semi-known on the old board because of my Thom Yorke avatar, but I lost the url in the move. Oh well. I'll still be content in being "the guy who pushed over the cutout of Dubya at the mall". :)


Lonestar said:
I'm tellin ya, I've got some fucked up memories if I can remember that shit. One of these days, I'm gonna drown them out with hardcore narcotics...

Did I ever tell you about the time I went back into the FFO chat for old time's sake? I called both Tidus and one of the ops a jock, and they banned me for it. LMFAO. Motherfuckers banned someone that used to op before they did. Uptight pretentious fools.

Stay away from drugs man :(


No tag for me. I think it's because I'm not being as annoying as before, which is a shame, I should be as annoying as on old GAF. It's just a lot of work to be that annoying :)


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
the drugs thing was a joke :p And so is FFO. "Lets update the main page every other season!"

"What do you guys think about me?


Copulous amounts of Indifference!!!!


Lonestar said:
the drugs thing was a joke :p And so is FFO. "Lets update the main page every other season!"
hahaha yeah. Seriously. They FINALLY updated it with a page about stupid soundtracks such as the TV show Willow. It took them like a YEAR AND A HALF to get through the top Square games of all time. Effing stupid.

They STILL haven't finished the Final Fantasy Tactics section, after what, at least three years now? Jesus, get the icon off of the page already.


force push the doodoo rock
The phrase "its just a forum" kind of angers me a little.

Despite it not being real in the sense that you cant touch or see each other, we are still talking to each other and sharing views with each other. Just because the words we write aren't audible or arent on a physical piece of paper doesnt mean they have no meaning or impact on the emotions of a poster.

Mind you, im not involved with people on the forum enough to be upset when someone says "i dont like you sp0rsk!" that doesnt mean some people dont piss me off or make me laugh or whatever. I'd take this over sitting in my apartment alone in the dark any day. The absense of a physical body doesnt change the way i think about the people i talk to or the weight of the things they say.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
"They STILL haven't finished the Final Fantasy Tactics section, after what, at least three years now? Jesus, get the icon off of the page already."

hehe, yep. World Class Web design, my ass.


sporks: Good point, except the idea of a forum (to me) is to be able to truly say what you want because you ARE avoiding true interaction. I do agree that comments can still be taken to heart. Plus, when are you gonna be able to talk to so many fellow geeks or people that like the same bands as you in real life? Never.

Lonestar said:
"They STILL haven't finished the Final Fantasy Tactics section, after what, at least three years now? Jesus, get the icon off of the page already."

hehe, yep. World Class Web design, my ass.

Yeah. FFO version 5 was actually pretty slick, but their new bandwidth-saving FFOv6 sucks ass.


Lonestar said:
the drugs thing was a joke :p And so is FFO. "Lets update the main page every other season!"

"What do you guys think about me?


Copulous amounts of Indifference!!!!
Sweet! :) I love being indifferent :)

Well I have my friends in AZ, my friends in WA, and my friends on this forum. The people on this forum ive known since I was 14 about, thats 10 fucking years. Sure, people come and go, but with all of my moving, this place is always home no matter where the fuck im living.

That just rocks.


force push the doodoo rock
MrAngryFace said:
Well I have my friends in AZ, my friends in WA, and my friends on this forum. The people on this forum ive known since I was 14 about, thats 10 fucking years. Sure, people come and go, but with all of my moving, this place is always home no matter where the fuck im living.

That just rocks.



MrAngryFace said:
Well I have my friends in AZ, my friends in WA, and my friends on this forum. The people on this forum ive known since I was 14 about, thats 10 fucking years. Sure, people come and go, but with all of my moving, this place is always home no matter where the fuck im living.

That just rocks.
I agree 1000%



I always remember you because everytime I see your name I think, "Die Squirrel Die, that's German for the Squirrel the."

It's an old Simpson's reference.

Sideshow Bob raises shirt and exposes "Die Bart Die" on his chest.
The court gasps.
Bob: "No, it's not what you think! It's German for the Bart the."

Cracks me up every time.

Jim Bowie

Did anyone in the "I'm sick of" series want to post "I'm sick of having my 'I'm sick of...' threads closed by admins?" I know I did.

I never question my prescense on GAF, because I know I can't impress anyone here. Everyone knows more obscure music than I do, play more obscure games, and have more technical know-how than I would ever hope to claim. I just sort of want my old tag back... Mr. Sassy Baskets.


force push the doodoo rock
Jim Bowie said:
Did anyone in the "I'm sick of" series want to post "I'm sick of having my 'I'm sick of...' threads closed by admins?" I know I did.

I never question my prescense on GAF, because I know I can't impress anyone here. Everyone knows more obscure music than I do, play more obscure games, and have more technical know-how than I would ever hope to claim. I just sort of want my old tag back... Mr. Sassy Baskets.



Damn, a lot of melancholy in here. I'm fairly invisible most of the time, yet I still get quoted and get the occasional accolade for timely one-liners. I try not to say anything I wouldn't in real life (which defeats the purpose of message boards to some people) and just be myself.

Just realize that there's always someone smarter/funnier/more well-read/technical. But most of all, there's almost always someone who can get the comment in faster than you can. I've posted things in threads that were fucking hilarious (if I do say so myself) and been beat to the punch by someone else's joke. Shit happens. Tagwise, I probably won't ever do anything to earn one, because I'm of the personality that pushes other people to do dumb shit and get noticed. Anonymity works especially well for me in that case.


mrmyth said:
Damn, a lot of melancholy in here. I'm fairly invisible most of the time, yet I still get quoted and get the occasional accolade for timely one-liners. I try not to say anything I wouldn't in real life (which defeats the purpose of message boards to some people) and just be myself.

Just realize that there's always someone smarter/funnier/more well-read/technical. But most of all, there's almost always someone who can get the comment in faster than you can. I've posted things in threads that were fucking hilarious (if I do say so myself) and been beat to the punch by someone else's joke. Shit happens. Tagwise, I probably won't ever do anything to earn one, because I'm of the personality that pushes other people to do dumb shit and get noticed. Anonymity works especially well for me in that case.
I didn't do anything stupid to earn my tag...i just did.



It's scary cause I've known MAF for what? 3-4 years now? and I met him through this forum. I remember when he would come up from Aberdeen to Drinky Crow's apartment.

To answer the question presented by the original poster, I do sometimes since my niche on the forum is gone (as in obliterated). No one to argue RPGs about in intelligible form anymore now that Drinky and Folken (Brandon F) stopped bothering and a handful of other posters just stopped posting here altogether years ago.


Honestly, the last time I liked the gaming forum was during the pre-PS2 days all the way back to 1999. It sucked after that, all the cool people left, and there are no good games to talk about anyway.
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