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Ever question your presence on the forum?

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MrPing1000 said:
I seem to be funny yet forgetable to most.

I'm ok with that

Never forgettable! I am an anonymous MrPing fan since the last board.

I also suffer from the problem of being an anonymous member. When I feel bad about not posting enough to be a noted personality, I console myself by thinking about how much more sun and action I get outside now than if I devoted myself to posting.

I'll probably look out for and respond to more Die Squirrel Die threads because of this thread.
muncheese said:
It's your lack of avatar. People imagine your post happening through the scene/person in the avatar. :)

I've never found one I like. And I have no idea about converting files into acceptable sizes and hosting them etc. So it just seems like a lot of work. And knowing myself as I do, I'd probably get bored with it rather quickly.


Die Squirrel Die said:
I've never found one I like. And I have no idea about converting files into acceptable sizes and hosting them etc. So it just seems like a lot of work. And knowing myself as I do, I'd probably get bored with it rather quickly.

It's difficult to question your presence on the forum when you're an admin. Ever before I was a mod, I think I had at least some sort of presence to most.

Ah, I miss my n*gger vs jew vs nazi threads :(
I questioned a lot after Evilore called me a waste of humanity, or something along those lines. Like, shit, I guess nobody likes me at GA, why the hell do I keep posting there?

Or like when I ask for a tag in a tag thread, and get the whole "we can't really give you what you want" routine - when the last five or six people who asked got exactly that.

But then I got the shakes after detoxing from this place, and I realized I'm an addict :)

Also, there's a lot of people here whose posts I really enjoy... but I've probably cracked wise to them in the past and now they have me on ignore or what have you.



I'm not the type to go "it's just a forum and the internet is not like real life" or whatever, but it is just a forum... just happens to be a good forum with a lot of good information and some whacked out humor that rarely fails to disappoint. I wouldn't worry about being "important" here, just add your two cents when you feel the need, and do your thing.

Though, I would think that getting a tag is like your unwritten initiation or something.

White Man

You have to understand that I'm extremely neurotic and I hunger for any self-esteem boostage. I'm talking Woody Allen film neurotic here.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Most of the time I'd pretty happy being an anonymous, reputationless, tagless member of the GAF. But there are the occasions, like right now, where it gets a bit frustrating. I've just spent the last half hour or so, on and off, trying to start a topic in the gaming forum. I'm always thinking of topics, whilst playing games, or thinking about games. Something stands out about a particular game or something that makes me think of a thread topic. But I rarely ever post them because when I do I watch as it sinks like a stone, lucky to get a few token replies.

And so, as was the case tonight, I tend to think, why bother, if it's not yet another sales thread or my consoles better than yours or gaming isn't what it used to be then it won't go anywhere. I'm a non-importing PAL gamer so that ususally rules out impression threads, and any late to the parties I've done suffer the same fate as all my other threads. Perhaps I have a knack for wanting to talk about the wrong games and things at the wrong times.

Or maybe I'm just an incredibly boring person to read? I've thought of that, but when I try to be more concise I feel like I'm missing things out, and when I try to be more interesting I think either my humour falls flat or I come across as a pretension twat.

But then again perhaps I should be grateful that I don't seem to have made any impression here. Face it, most people who have a reputation have a bad one. Most of the people who are memorable are memorable for something that they are mocked about, that's used to undermine them, particularly fanboyism, to varying degrees. Very few posters have good reputations. I don't maybe the more well known posters think the flipside to me, that they wish that people didn't always prejudge them.

And now I'm thinking that maybe it would have been much quicker for me to have made an empty thread called 'justify my existence'.

And I'm well aware that this could backfire on me horrendously and always drop like a rock, in which case I will have to end it all, and it'll be on your hands.
Exactly what has happened to me, just about every topic i start dies lol. I've come used to it. It's ok because i start them anyway, i have a tag, I'm getting to be known 'round these parts and i say my peace. I don't care if anyone agrees or not, this is Gaming Age not The Wall Street Journal. I'm not here to please or be please just here to exist the only way i know how.



Wellington said:
Don't worry about it DSD, hardly anyone ever responds to my topics, and no one ever responds to me in a topic.

I just think that I present my arguments so well, that there is no room for even a single response. ;p
That's what i tell myself too ;)



Considering that I pretty much no longer play games(at least not as rabidly as I used to), I've been thining lately that my presence doesn't compute too well here.


Out of roughly 48 people in this thread....
Here's what info I know about these GAFFERS.

White Man - Wanted a tag change ever since GA moved from ezboard. Recently moved or is planning on moving. I think.
Wellington - This Dode runs teh GAF. Also rumored to have a taen inchp enir. Plays a mean Madden.
Desperado - Astros fan, just learned he was 15.
Raoul Duke - Fantasy junkie, likes to drink. I see a link between the two.
Cerebral Palsy - Fan of the 1962 Dallas Texans.
Mike Works - The Mike Orlando School for GAFFERS Who Can't Post Good
Cubsfan - Spawn of Satan fan. *Cubs*
Willco - Megaton. If I didn't know better I'd say his shift key is stuck. Knows never to ask for a nick change. Thinks he's

White Man

Correct. I totally sold out the east coast. And I've had autommatic tag changes since the days of the EZboard, since neither of the boards we've had since support my full name.


I'm at these forums to promote Oprah Winfrey in the absence of a GAF legend.

But in the meantime I like to talk about games and all about them. I'm here to help anyone lost in Resident Evil. I'm here to give my opinion. I'm here to post Japanese sales figures. I don't care if my topics get zero posts, I only care about contributing some kind of discussion.

That said, Mr. Squirrels, your presence is appreciated.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I used to have a tag.
I was told it was too early to get a tag on the new forum while others got them.
I used to be a mod and was demodded for no real reason.
I used to like this forum a lot more. :::CRIES:::

You just need to keep up with the posting, Die Squirrel...either you're posting about games no one cares about, or you just need to keep at it. :)

nomoment said:
As long as nobody usurps my title as "the guy with the best taste in comics," I'll be fine. :)

You can't even joke about it. YOU LIKE ROB LIEFELD. I CALL FOR NOMO TO BE PERMABANNED...who's with me??
"you were banned for making a big thread about how you hide going to what is 'just a message board' from your friends"

Umm, what?

"you complained when you got your thread/posts edited like crazy, etc"

You're damn right I did. I don't take kindly to unprovoked disrespect, no matter what the venue. That was someone with privelege taking shots at my freedom of speech as a member.

I don't think that you're taking the board too seriously if you just want what you DO post not to be fucked with simply because some higher-up is feeling mischievous that evening. Else why even come? But that said, I think if you're investing any significant thought into your place on the social totem pole of the forum or debating your obligations as a member etc, you're marginally deranged.

I think the forum is a fantastic source of information, entertainment, and opinion, but what goes on here or where I "fit in" here has no bearing on the reality of my day to day life. Sweating your "presence on the forum" is a sure sign of misplaced social priorities, the extremes of such behavior being net addicts like Evercrack-heads and e-hermits.

All IMHO of course. Love me GAF!!


Chili Con Carnage!
I think if you're investing any significant thought into your place on the social totem pole of the forum or debating your obligations as a member etc, you're marginally deranged.


Though i might feel differently if i had a place on this fabled totem pole of which you speak.
I think I've only posted 3 topics here ever, one of which was this morning and no one replied. Understandable though, directed at few people. I've gotten into arguments with like what... 2 people or 3 people? SSX, 6.8, and kaching?

It doesn't really bother me though. I just try and contribute to the topic and not come off like a jackass in topics I don't agree with. Mainly I don't post in the "FHUTA", music, or movies threads as they don't interest me and I've got no point. Others though choose to start arguments as much as possible or even try and poke at people or demand they get noticed for a certain reason. The fanboys, trolls, and what not are all the people who get noticed outside the mods. Generally decent posters are in one huge group and there are very very very few distinguisable ones. Better to be part of that crowd eh?

You'll get over it, it's not a big deal at all. I'm sure majority of the people here had the same feelings at one point or another, despite some them saying to "grow up and move on" and things of the sort. Just be yourself that's all that matters, however corny.

To use an analogy, want to make sure you're noticed and have the attention? Join the dark side of things, be like SSX, pana, efralope, and what not. That's the only simple way you're going to get noticed and know it. But have fun arguing in just about every topic you post in and that being the only thing people know about you.

Or you can just enlist with Gayming-Age and take it by the horns. I think Suerte and Adel have sort of dropped that whole idea. :p
Blackie said:
Never forgettable! I am an anonymous MrPing fan since the last board.

I also suffer from the problem of being an anonymous member. When I feel bad about not posting enough to be a noted personality, I console myself by thinking about how much more sun and action I get outside now than if I devoted myself to posting.

I'll probably look out for and respond to more Die Squirrel Die threads because of this thread.

My e-penis just grew exponentially


Suerte said:
I'll still always be *the* gayming age master. You know this!



Are you gay in real life? Because it seemed as if you were anti-gay on Opa, and look at your tag. Just wondering.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Ned Flanders said:
Umm, what?

Okay, fine, I'll play along. :p

You made a thread a long while back saying how embarassed you were of this forum, that you hid that you came here from your friends, etc. I remember because you cited me for whatever reason as someone who is on this forum way too much, and you got banned. If it's only a message board, why hide it from people?

I don't think that you're taking the board too seriously if you just want what you DO post not to be fucked with simply because some higher-up is feeling mischievous that evening. Else why even come? But that said, I think if you're investing any significant thought into your place on the social totem pole of the forum or debating your obligations as a member etc, you're marginally deranged.

Hey, all I did was write "I have no taste in movies" above your thread. You couldn't take a little stupid joke, and went on a tirade demanding change. That's taking it way too seriously; I wasn't disrespecting you or going against your freedom of speech (which, this being a PRIAVTELY OWNED board, you don't actually have here) but whatever. That's the past.



Are you gay in real life? Because it seemed as if you were anti-gay on Opa, and look at your tag. Just wondering.

You've got me mixed up with LoneStar, I didn't post on OA :p


hey, die squirrel die... take this avatar from me will ya?

click on "User CP" on the blue tool bar above,
select "Edit Profile" from the menu on the upper left,
scroll all the way down to "Additional Information",
click on the text box labeled, "External Avatar Location",
Type in or paste this address: http://www.marietta.edu/~marc/images/squirrel.jpg
finally, click on "Save Changes" at the very bottom.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Wellington said:
Don't worry about it DSD, hardly anyone ever responds to my topics, and no one ever responds to me in a topic.

that's cause we all have already played Rachet and Clank


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Saint Cornelius said:
I questioned a lot after Evilore called me a waste of humanity, or something along those lines. Like, shit, I guess nobody likes me at GA, why the hell do I keep posting there?

Or like when I ask for a tag in a tag thread, and get the whole "we can't really give you what you want" routine - when the last five or six people who asked got exactly that.

But then I got the shakes after detoxing from this place, and I realized I'm an addict :)

Also, there's a lot of people here whose posts I really enjoy... but I've probably cracked wise to them in the past and now they have me on ignore or what have you.


I like you

there's also not many I actually don't like, can't think of any really. Even those who I've argued with, or have opinions that I find completely opposite to me, they generally are a worthwhile read anyway.


I don't think i've ever pissed off anyone here, so it's not likely i'll ever be a GAF Superstar ™.

Being part of the mix is still pretty fun though :).
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