Most of the time I'd pretty happy being an anonymous, reputationless, tagless member of the GAF. But there are the occasions, like right now, where it gets a bit frustrating. I've just spent the last half hour or so, on and off, trying to start a topic in the gaming forum. I'm always thinking of topics, whilst playing games, or thinking about games. Something stands out about a particular game or something that makes me think of a thread topic. But I rarely ever post them because when I do I watch as it sinks like a stone, lucky to get a few token replies.
And so, as was the case tonight, I tend to think, why bother, if it's not yet another sales thread or my consoles better than yours or gaming isn't what it used to be then it won't go anywhere. I'm a non-importing PAL gamer so that ususally rules out impression threads, and any late to the parties I've done suffer the same fate as all my other threads. Perhaps I have a knack for wanting to talk about the wrong games and things at the wrong times.
Or maybe I'm just an incredibly boring person to read? I've thought of that, but when I try to be more concise I feel like I'm missing things out, and when I try to be more interesting I think either my humour falls flat or I come across as a pretension twat.
But then again perhaps I should be grateful that I don't seem to have made any impression here. Face it, most people who have a reputation have a bad one. Most of the people who are memorable are memorable for something that they are mocked about, that's used to undermine them, particularly fanboyism, to varying degrees. Very few posters have good reputations. I don't maybe the more well known posters think the flipside to me, that they wish that people didn't always prejudge them.
And now I'm thinking that maybe it would have been much quicker for me to have made an empty thread called 'justify my existence'.
And I'm well aware that this could backfire on me horrendously and always drop like a rock, in which case I will have to end it all, and it'll be on your hands.