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Ever wanted to see the Babylon 5 ships take on the Star Trek ones?

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Ok, stumbled across this earlier today via a posting on another board, and it just struck me as downright odd...

Star Wreck
Download page for the trailer

As far as I can tell, these people are working on a full length movie which will be a parody of Star Trek and Babylon 5. While at this point, I'm mostly confused by the story aspect of the trailer, I found the effects to be surprisingly good for what appears to be a small group of people doing this on their own.


LakeEarth said:
Yeah like that'd do any good.

"Enterprise Shoots... oops, B5 has no shields"


Well, the bigger ships and stations in the B5 universe are equipped with interceptors which can intercept or lessen the impact of weapons.


Still, if it was B5 vs DS9, there would be no competition.

I mean, I loved Babylon 5, but a station without weapons or sheilds just doens't have a chance.


LakeEarth said:
Still, if it was B5 vs DS9, there would be no competition.

I mean, I loved Babylon 5, but a station without weapons or sheilds just doens't have a chance.

Uhh, B5 had weapons. It had some pretty dinky ones in the beginning, but then they got upgraded around halfway into the second season. Not only that, but it also had several fighter squadrons that were also used for defense.

MC Safety

I remember Portalofevil.com listed this great InterWeb site created by a guy who wrote page after page comparing Star Wars ships to Star Trek ships. The author of the site went to great lengths to explain why, even though Star Trek ships couldn't be damaged by lasers (it's an actual quote from a Next Generation episode), the Empire's lasers could, in fact, destroy a starship -- maybe because they were TURBOlasers or something. It's a very neat look into the mind of someone who is, I think, approximately eight sandwiches short of a picinic.

But that's neither here nor there. And come on! everyone knows Battlestar Galactica's ships could blow up both Star Wars' and Star Trek's!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Of all of the threads I saw over the years spent on Usenet... the dumbest ones HAD to be those damn Death Star vs this.. and Star Trek vs. that threads....


DarienA said:
Of all of the threads I saw over the years spent on Usenet... the dumbest ones HAD to be those damn Death Star vs this.. and Star Trek vs. that threads....

Dude, despite the fact these are fictional creations, there were actual physics behind them. You didn't know that, did you?

Geez, the ignorant mainstream is so ignorant!


I believe the firepower from B5 starships are much much much more powerful than the ones in Star Trek. I believe they are officially roughly 10 times more powerful or so. But yah most races in B5 do not posses any kind of energy shields. Shields used are most of the time thick layer of metal. But the minbari do possess the technology to construct energy shields as has been demonstrated with the White Star. The energy shield on White Star however isn't the same as the ones in Star Trek.


Boogie said:
I see we're gearing up for the alpha and omega topic of geek debates ;P

Heh, personally I can't stand those types of threads/conversations myself. I'm trying to keep myself far away from that whole thing, and just sticking to correcting facts based on what's been explicitly shown in the series :).


Shompola said:
I believe the firepower from B5 starships are much much much more powerful than the ones in Star Trek. I believe they are officially roughly 10 times more powerful or so. But yah most races in B5 do not posses any kind of energy shields. Shields used are most of the time thick layer of metal. But the minbari do possess the technology to construct energy shields as has been demonstrated with the White Star. The energy shield on White Star however isn't the same as the ones in Star Trek.

Heh, time to nitpick again...

I'm pretty sure that the WhiteStar class ships were never stated to have any sorts of shields. They're partly based on organic technology, which allowed them to sort of adapt to certain types of weapons after a few hits. They could also repair themselves. There was never any mention of them having any types of shields, though.


Shompola said:
I believe the firepower from B5 starships are much much much more powerful than the ones in Star Trek. I believe they are officially roughly 10 times more powerful or so. But yah most races in B5 do not posses any kind of energy shields. Shields used are most of the time thick layer of metal. But the minbari do possess the technology to construct energy shields as has been demonstrated with the White Star. The energy shield on White Star however isn't the same as the ones in Star Trek.


Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
The Emperors Star Destroyer wins


yep if we go by "specs", a star destroyer that yeilds a power of more than 100 Megatons per laser cannon whould vaporize more or less anything from earth federation in B5 and the Starfleet in Star Trek series.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I can only assume they came from the Dark Horse comics or expanded universe novels, I know the Eclipse was in Dark Empire II, but I stopped reading the comics just after that. I'll look around and see what I can dig up.


Jill Sandwich said:
I can only assume they came from the Dark Horse comics or expanded universe novels, I know the Eclipse was in Dark Empire II, but I stopped reading the comics just after that. I'll look around and see what I can dig up.

K, 'cause I was fairly knowledgeable on the EU books, and was aware of the Eclipse being from the comics, but that site has dozens of "other" Super Star Destroyers, some ridiculous in size, that I've never heard of at all. I think it's just some fanboy with the urge to design his own extravagent ships.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
IAmtheFMan said:
Wow, you throw in some X-wings and a Tie Fighter and we got ourselves a geek battle to end all geek battles.




There we go

XWing Vs Tie Fighter was an awesome game AND should have been updated to a 64-player XBox Live title - it'd be a licence to print money.

I feel like writing a homoerotic Star Wars/Babylon 5/Star Trek fan fic based in an alternate dimension where they are all furries.


I can't believe people think XvT game was good..... it SUCKED compared to the Tie Fighter... I was the huge fan of Tie Fighter and hated XvT with a passion. No one who had play Tie Fighter would think otherwise.


Mashing said:
I can't believe people think XvT game was good..... it SUCKED compared to the Tie Fighter... I was the huge fan of Tie Fighter and hated XvT with a passion. No one who had play Tie Fighter would think otherwise.

While I agree, the comparison is rather flawed. XvT is multiplayer, TIE Fighter was a plot heavy single player game. They share mechanics, but comparing them is unfair.

This thread sucks by the way.
X-Wing Alliance sucked. I got stuck on this one mission where I was supposed to run away, but no matter how fast I pushed my ship, and how hard I tried, I couldnt run away in time.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Exactly Marharg, I enjoyed both TIE and XWvTF for thier different strengths. I remember everyone was buzzing for Alliance before it's release, but SOMETHING WENT WRONG. I really wanted to enjoy the Rogue Squadron games, but they can't deliver the depth of TIE and XWvTF, despite their variety. I'd love to see what they could do with those engines with todays PC hardware and broadband connections. Hang on, this has transmorgified into a games discussion...

Look! A girls butt!
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