IAWTPDo The Mario said:I mean if you have to wait one more day to find out who is the new president with no controversy and greater accuracy then It would save a lot of trouble.
NohWun said:Yes, and it would probably save a lot of trouble if people stop hurting each other and doing bad things.
Would be nice if it were so. But what part about "most US electronic voting machines have no paper trail" did you not understand? Oh, you didn't read that part yet? Move along.
It's not obvious that results are changed if the local machines only keep the count in computerized format, and there is no paper trail, which is the case today in lots of counties.
That's the whole point of what I'm saying: voting needs to be auditible, and auditing should be mandatory. A paper trail is a basic requirement for auditing.
However, there needs to be more than just that. A secure, non-alterable voting system is really quite a complex thing to create, and unfortunately, given that voting requirements are left to each state (and perhaps to each county), it's going to be hard to make it so.
I think that having multiple ways to count votes would help. Each optical scan form can be fed through multiple counting machines, each one belonging to a different political party (plus a non-partisan unit). Having competing interests trying to keep each other honest might be part of the solution. One obvious problem: it won't be cheap. Perhaps redirecting some of the billions of dollars that go to PACs might help solve this problem.
Anyway, like I said, it's a truly complex problem, and we're not going to come up with all the answers in this thread. But you should all write your senators and congressmen that you do want this problem solved. Otherwise, we're just blowing smoke in the wind.
Do The Mario said:You simpleton I am saying the same thing you are and you are arguing with me, go back to the gamefaqs message board junior.
And no its not a complex problem many other countries mange to hold there electrons without a hitch.
Most countries ballots are hand counted then PUT into a computer system you took most of what I said way out of context.
And not just this year, he said, but that these same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2002 so that Jeb Bush would not have to run against Janet Reno, who presented a real threat to Jeb, but instead against Bill McBride, who Jeb beat.
And, although elections officials didn't notice these anomalies, in aggregate they were enough to swing Florida from Kerry to Bush.
Each precinct in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Highlighted areas represent 90% (very VERY unlikely) and higher (up to 1160.78%) voter TURN-OUT! 30 are above 100%
Calculated from data on county page - http://boe.cuyahogacounty.us/BOE/results/currentresults1.htm
RiZ III said:omg, this is scary. I mean.. wtf damn it?!!
edit: Why don't the Dems bring this stuff up? I don't get it.
KingV said:Because it's ungrounded. There may have been mistakes, but the idea that Bush stole the election through electronic means is secured. Look at the websites making these allegations, none of them can even pretend to be non-partisan. The only non-partisan link I saw was to CNN, which merely alleged that machines in one place made errors in regards to one referendum.
ShadowRed said:Or course there is going to only be partisan sites making these claims. I doubt may Republican sites are going to be looking through the data for to varify that their candidate was elected due to faulty or out right manipulated machines. Unless these claims are being made up out of thin air I see no reason that these claims shouldn't be checked out and varified.
Azih said:Really *where* the accusations are being made doesn't matter as long as the accusations themselves have merit. Do they?
This is mentioned because there is a small but blood-curdling set of news stories that right now exists somewhere between the world of investigative journalism, and the world of the Reynolds Wrap Hat. And while the groups ultimate home remains unclear - so might our election of just a week ago.
Stories like these have filled the web since the tide turned against John Kerry late Tuesday night. But not until Friday did they begin to spill into the more conventional news media. Thats when the Cincinnati Enquirer reported that officials in Warren County, Ohio, had locked down its administration building to prevent anybody from observing the vote count there.
Suspicious enough on the face of it, the decision got more dubious still when County Commissioners confirmed that they were acting on the advice of their Emergency Services Director, Frank Young. Mr. Young had explained that he had been advised by the federal government to implement the measures for the sake of Homeland Security.
Anecdotes about the reactions of certain forum members to an unrelated issue proves nothing about the merit of these claims. There are discrepancies that have not been accounted for. Deal with it.KingV said:I could have said the same thing about the Swift Boat Vets and many people here would disagree with me. In other words, the source of the accusation matters a lot.
impirius said:On the MSNBC website now: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240/
Dan said:Anecdotes about the reactions of certain forum members to an unrelated issue proves nothing about the merit of these claims. There are discrepancies that have not been accounted for. Deal with it.
And if you could read you'd see that the people saying that Bush was involved in this are the vast minority of those posting in this thread. Even the person you quoted to start this discussion said nothing to that effect. You're putting words into the mouths of those of us who feel this issue needs to be looked. Most of us aren't idiots who immediately think that Bush did anything to intentionally steal the election. You're simply insinuating that we are.KingV said:I never said there aren't discrepancies, but you need a jump to conclusions mat to get to "Bush hacked the elections computers" from "There are some vote discrepancies".
Why? Most seem pretty factual to me, unless the numbers they're reporting are all fabricated.Regardless, I was pointing out that the source makes a huge difference in how much you trust allegations.
Dan said:And if you could read you'd see that the people saying that Bush was involved in this are the vast minority of those posting in this thread. Even the person you quoted to start this discussion said nothing to that effect. You're putting words into the mouths of those of us who feel this issue needs to be looked. Most of us aren't idiots who immediately think that Bush did anything to intentionally steal the election. You're simply insinuating that we are.
Why? Most seem pretty factual to me, unless the numbers they're reporting are all fabricated.
Which, again, the majority of the posters here are not implying. Most simply want answers to these discrepancies. Most are not even saying there was human intent involved. You just have this crazy goal to paint anyone that questions the methods of voting used as being deranged left wing psychos.KingV said:Ok, I was not specific enough when saying Bush specifically, rather I meant the idea that somehow the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, in all its unnamed players somehow rigged both Jeb and G.W. Bush's election through computer hacking.
Well no, I took a look at the swift boat vet accusations despite knowing their close republican ties, the fact that only one of the accusers was on the same river, but was on a different boat, and the doctor who said Kerry's wounds were minor didn't sign the medical certificate, combined with the fact that people on Kerry's boat swear up and down that he wasn't lying is what led me to dismiss the SBV for Truth.KingV said:I could have said the same thing about the Swift Boat Vets and many people here would disagree with me. In other words, the source of the accusation matters a lot.
Dan said:Which, again, the majority of the posters here are not implying. Most simply want answers to these discrepancies. Most are not even saying there was human intent involved. You just have this crazy goal to paint anyone that questions the methods of voting used as being deranged left wing psychos.
I'm not touching your other 'point'. You're simply dismissing the entire thing without any evidence to the contrary, and you've made no effort. Talk about jumping to conclusions...
I know one thing some Republicans encourage down there is registering as a Democrat so they can vote in Democratic primaries for the bad candidates in hope of giving Republicans bad opponents. Last time in '02, Reno would have made easy pickings for Jeb Bush...Kettch said:The numbers do appear to be accurate.
Party registration numbers by county are here:
Presidential voting by country is here:
And the numbers matched up for two of the more extreme examples, Lafayette and Calhoun counties. I haven't checked the rest. Either there was a big defection from democratic voters in these places to Bush, or there was a mistake in vote counting. It should be fairly easy to determine which by actually counting the ballots, so hopefully there will eventually be hard numbers rather than just party registrations to dispute things with (or end this discussion).
One problem for conspiracy theorists (or maybe not), is that these counties voted the same way in the 2000 election.
And the registrations were just as tilted toward the democrats in 2000.
It would be helpful to know what type of voting was used then. If it were optical scan as well, the conspiracy lives on, if different that would put a big dent into it.
One thing I definitely have to disagree with though, is the mention in the first article posted that the exit polls showed "Kerry won, and won big". Yes, he was certainly ahead in the early exit polls during the day, but those exit polls only count those voters who voted early in the day. The final exit polls can be found here:
where Bush is clearing ahead. Obviously there as a demographic swing later in the day.
DavidDayton said:As a side note, I find it funny that the same groups who complained about the punch card ballots and wanted a computer system are now the ones complaining about the computer system and seemingly wanting punch cards.
As a side note, I find it funny that the same groups who complained about the punch card ballots and wanted a computer system are now the ones complaining about the computer system and seemingly wanting punch cards.
Cherubae said:![]()
So this is a map of the 2004 election by county? From the looks of it I don't see how Kerry could of won Oregon, Washington, and California; the majority of their counties voted for Bush even though the state gave it's electorial votes to Kerry. Something is not quite right with the map.
xsarien said:When you realize that the majority of the states' populations live in those blue areas, it really comes into focus.
1586.73835% voted
xsarien said:When you realize that the majority of the states' populations live in those blue areas, it really comes into focus.
fart said:i think the fact there are irregularities is evidence enough for an investigation.
Kettch said:And second of all, I'm not aware of anyone inside these counties complaining about anything, which is probably the main reason why this has gotten no coverage and is still a conspiracy, as you would expect some of these 90% registered democrats to notice how their county voted in the last 3+ elections (many of these counties also voted for Bob Dole), if they were actually voting for the democratic candidate.
CaptainABAB said:IAWTP!!!
Also, while there are irregularities and I'm not disputing that, this particular example (the smaller Florida counties) really irked me b/c a little Google research and some basic knowledge of the well-known term "dixiecrats", should have been done at the onset by the original author.
Mercury Fred said:Did anyone see this clip on MSNBC last night? http://home.comcast.net/~hugh.moore/countdown_on_voting_irregs.wmv
Pretty compelling stuff...