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Evolution 2015 IOT2I - The GODS have fallen - Final day July 19th

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Gamerbee took out Nemo's Rolento? Aww yeah.



I guess this is the year for the non-character specialists

Infiltration: Eryu, Decapre, Abel, Chun
Momochi: Ken/Elena
Gamerbee: Elena/Adon


tagged by Blackace
Gamerbee and KBR winning the Capcom games would be just magical, the people's champs and some of the hardest earned wins over years of grinding.

why is the stream chat a dick measuring contest between Melee and SF stream views? really?
It's like that every year. Just seems like it was kicked up an extra notch this year by some Street Fighter die hards that have been extra insecure about SF potentially not getting the highest stream numbers and have been vocal as such all week and projecting it everywhere.

It's not all dick measuring though, a lot of us just want EVO in general to continue getting bigger and bigger, and that's exactly what it's doing (and Smash joining EVO again is a big part of that).
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