Evolution 2016 IOT2I Final day Final game - SFV Top 8 live on ESPN2


Mrs. Harvey
Original OT






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♦ Capcom Fighters SFV Top 8 Stream Link

Top 8 of Street Fighter V will be broadcasted on

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and is afraid of joining them you can PM Line_HTX for a link to the GAF chat which is universally used for events such as SDQ, GDQ, E3, EVO, etc.
Benefits for subscribing also includes being Ads free, proceeds going to the EVO scholarship and of course emotes.

This year's emotes are below.


Emotes are universal meaning once you get them it's yours forever to use in any channel.


♦ For a complete list of Tournament Brackets, CLICK HERE.


♦ Top 8

Winners bracket
RZR|Fuudo (R. Mika) vs. MOV (Chun-Li)
Yukadon (Nash) vs. RZR|Infiltration (Nash)

Losers bracket

HM|Eita (Ken) vs. LI Joe (Nash)
HM|Go1 (Chun-Li) vs. AW|Nemo (Vega)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. Ally (Mario)
2. kamemushi (Yoshi, Mega Man)
3. TSM|ZeRo (Diddy Kong, Sheik)
4. CLG|VoiD (Sheik)
5. Abadango (Mewtwo, Rosalina & Luma)
5. Ranai (Villager)
7. ELV.FAD|Larry Lurr (Fox, Donkey Kong)
7. dT|Dabuz (Rosalina & Luma)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. Liquid|Hungrybox (Jigglypuff)
2. [A]|Armada (Peach, Fox)
3. PG|Plup (Sheik, Fox)
4. C9|Mang0 (Fox)
5. Tempo|S2J (Captain Falcon)
5. FOX.MVG|Mew2King (Sheik, Marth)
7. G2|Westballz (Falco)
7. CLG|PewPewU (Marth)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. Tonosama (Braixen)
2. buntan (Suicune)
3. Swillo (Mewtwo)
4. Potetin (Mewtwo, Weavile, Pikachu Libre, Chandelure)
5. Circa|Suicune Master (Suicune)
5. RvL|Bosshog (Garchomp)
7. KOG (Charizard)
7. Thulius (Mewtwo)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. Machabo- (Sin Kiske)
2. Omito (Johnny)
3. Rion (Ky Kiske)
4. Nakamura (Millia Rage)
5. Ogawa (Zato-1)
5. GGP|Kazunoko (Raven)
7. PG|MarlinPie (Zato-1)
7. TopGaren (Zato-1)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. NYChrisG (Morrigan/Doctor Doom/Vergil)
2. Kane Blueriver (Hulk/Sentinel/Haggar)
3. BT|Angelic (Wolverine/Dormammu/Shuma-Gorath, Dormammu/Vergil/Shuma-Gorath)
4. NB|Dual Kevin (Deadpool/Dante/Hawkeye)
5. ApologyMan (Firebrand/Doctor Doom/Super-Skrull)
5. Priest (M.O.D.O.K./Magneto/Doctor Doom, M.O.D.O.K./Dormammu/Doctor Doom)
7. Paradigm (Haggar/Dormammu/Doctor Doom, Haggar/Rocket Raccoon/Doctor Doom, Haggar/Rocket Raccoon/Arthur)
7. EG|JWong (Wolverine/Storm/Akuma, Vergil/Storm/Akuma)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. cR|SonicFox (Acidic Alien, Gunslinger Erron Black, Hollywood Cassie Cage)
2. PLG|Tekken_Master (War God Kotal Kahn, Swarm Queen D’Vorah, Blood God Kotal Kahn)
3. PG|Scar (Demolition Sonya Blade)
4. EVB|Big D (Mystic Ermac, Spectral Ermac)
5. cR|WoundCowboy (Bone Shaper Shinnok)
5. Orbit.MTL|Hayatei (Ronin Takeda, Lasher Takeda
7. EVB|Dragon (Tarkatan Alien)
7. YOMI|Michaelangelo (Summoner Quan Chi)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. SAINT (Jack-7)
2. Knee (Bryan, Akuma)
3. Secret|PoongKo (Akuma)
4. Geesemaster (Feng)
5. Yamasa|Nobi (Dragunov)
5. narakhof (Claudio)
7. Take (Bryan)
7. Circa|Speedkicks (Hwoarang, Lars)


♦ Concluded
- Results -
1. F3|Hollywood Sleep (Arbiter, Gargos)
2. UA|Bass (Spinal, Cinder, Jago)
3. BH|SeaDragon (Aria, Hisako)
4. Circa|Nicky (Fulgore)
5. RL|Runex (Omen, Rash)
5. PaulB (Sabrewulf, Hisako)
7. BH|Grief (Aria, Sadira)
7. GnarlyFeats (Rash, Orchid)


Dang, didn't realize top 8 started already. Remember (possibly incorrectly) it being later in the day in past years.

Watching cable for the first time in forever. It being mandated by my condo assoc actually benefits me for once.
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