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Evolution 2017 The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year (Read OP, No Game Whining)


The BlazBlue semis have been pretty damn enjoyable so far. Having Jiyuna and MajinObama on commentary is great too.


I wonder if they just have too many setups on the same circuit. Meaning, there is enough power in the room, they just didn't spread the equipment out enough across multiple different panel circuits. Of course, I doubt the receptacles in the floor are actually labeled so you know what is fed from what circuit anyway.

That sounds like the problem.


Large sections of the floor are barren, or reserved for merch and art booths. The stages and pool setups are clustered in chunks a few places around the floor space.

Hrmm, that's still strange then. Even if the setups are drawing "too much power", the circuit breakers would trip if the equipment was drawing too many amps. They've said it's a grounding issue, but there's no way the floor receptacles have improper grounding if this is event space that has been used in the past. Are all the setups with problems in the same area / group? It could be one bad circuit, or it also could be a connection problem (the ground isn't properly being passed to the equipment because of a bad wire in the equipment).
Time for some
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