Dream is dead. 
I know that, just making a loose comparison that great players have bad looking characters, lol
100% expected once he picked Jim.
I can't believe he got bodied this bad when he was the one who blew Saint up this tournament hella free.
Are the tv networks going to have their own commentators or are they just using the twitch steam?
Dislikes...rust? I mean, I don't like rust either, but it's not my most hated thing. Probably my next main. I'm going to Birdie if he is terrible. Hopefully he is ugly as sin.Yep, Abigail.
Harada just sat right in front of me 0_0
Are the tv networks going to have their own commentators or are they just using the twitch steam?
Harada just sat right in front of me 0_0
Yes, Abigail from Final Fight.
Yep, Abigail.
Are the tv networks going to have their own commentators or are they just using the twitch steam?
Man, are we expecting a character reveal? If not I'd rather go to bed. We've seen these two fight so many times now.
Rick Fox has got to be super happy and making bank at all the Grand Finals attention.
Harada just sat right in front of me 0_0
My bet is ESPN gets Ross/S-Kill and stream gets David/Chen.
"Chocolate river bonus from the rear."
I love this commentary.
130k for Tekken! LETS GO
My bet is ESPN gets Ross/S-Kill and stream gets David/Chen.